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65 Cards in this Set

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Boils and pimples
walled off from body with fibrin so that they dont spread
produced by Staphylococcus aureus
skin infection that mostly occurs in children. Can be caused by Staphy aureus or Strepto pyogenes
Scalded skin syndrome
produced by Staphy aureus. Caused by exfoliative toxin
What toxins and virulence factors does Staphy aureus produce?
hemolysins, superantigen enterotoxin A (food poisoning), coagulase, leukocidin, superantigen TSST (toxic shock syndrome)
What organism causes pneumonia and meningitis?
Staphy aureus
What can be used to treat staphy aureus?
methicillin- resistant staphy a. In environments with high levels of antibiotics like hospitals. Caused by horizontal gene transfer
Strep throat
aka pharyngitis. Caused by Strepto pyogenes. Diagnosed using blood agar
Scarlet fever
produced by Strepto pyogenes. Caused by exotoxin superantigen. Often follows pharyngitis. Causes pink rash and "strawberry tongue"
Rheumatic fever
produced by Strepto pyogenes. Autoimmune disease. React with host tissue- damages heart valves
What causes necrotizing fascilitis?
strepto pyogenes
Chicken pox
caused by a herpesvirus called Varicella-zoster virus (VZV)
VZV can lay dormant in nerve cells for long periods of time
What causes shingles
migration of VSV to the skin causes painful blisters
caused by paramyxovirus
symptoms: fever, cough, rash
inflammation of salivary glands. Produces rash
Rubella/German measles
caused by togavirus
symptoms similar to regular measles but milder
Streptococcus pneumoniae
causes pneumonococcal pneumonia. Inflammatory reaction in the alveoli. Alveoli become filled with blood, bacteria, and phagocytic cells. Symptoms: chills, labored breathing, pleural chest pain
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
childhood upper respiratory infection. produce exotoxin that inhibits protein synthesis. Formation of pseudomembrane. Causes constriction of throat, suffocation.
Bordetella pertussis
childhood upper respiratory infection. Exotoxin causes tissue damage. Endotoxin causes cough. Violent cough. Pathogen binds to ciliated epithelial cells of bronchi and trachea.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis test and treatment
Tuberculin test for hypersensitivity; acid-fast stain for active infection. Treatment with isoniazid and rifampin. Immunization with attenuated strain of M. bovis (BCG)
What are the most common cold viruses?
rhinovirus, coronavirus, and adenovirus
what type of a immune response occurs when infected with a cold virus?
specific, local, neutralizing IgA immune response
What virus causes influenza?
Why do you need a new flu shot each year?
antigenic shift. Genome divided into 8 pieces which can recombine when multiple strains infect same cell (changes in capsid protein)
antigenic drift
high mutation rates cause a gradual change in flu strains
Helicobacter pylori
secretes urease (converts urea--> to NH4+)
neutralizes stomach acid
causes gastric ulcers and cancers
What causes foodborne infections?
caused by organisms that are transmitted in food and grow/ reproduce in intestinal tract
what is the most frequent bacterial cause of diarrhea?
Campylobacter jejuni
What is the most common cause of food poisioning?
staphy aureus
dsRNA reovirus. highly infectious. Can cause lethal dehydration. Causes gastroenteritis
Urinary tract infections
gram neg. bacteria grow in urine. Cells adhere against urine system using pili
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
enters body through mucous membrane. In females- inflammation of vaginal mucous, can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease. Easily missed. Males- painful urethra infection, discharge
Treponema pallidum
Primary stage of syphilis
initial site of infection = genitals
lesion called chancre forms
chancre usually heals but bacteria spread
secondary stage of syphilis
generalized rash
tertiary stage of syphilis
infections of skin, bone, CNS
cardiovascular effects, dementia, death
most of last symptoms due to delayed hypersensitivities reactions
Chlamydia trachomatis
most common STD
most dont have symptoms
symptoms similar to gonorrhea
can cause PID and fallopian tube damage
Trichomonas vaginalis
caused by protozoan
can survive up to 24 hours in urine or semen
no symptoms in males
women- vaginal discharge, inflammation of vaginal mucous, painful urination
Human papillomavirus
causes genital warts, cervical cancer
Herpes simplex virus type 1
cold sores/ fever blisters
latent infection; virus persists in nerve tissue
Herpes simplex virus type 2
painful blisters in genital region
spread by contact with blisters
correlation between gential herpes and cervical cancer
no cure
retrovirus that causes AIDS
destroys immune system by infecting macrophages and CD4+ T cells
First stage of HIV
AIDS related complex
fever, headache, rash
Second stage of HIV
depletion of T cells
opportunistic infections
Third stage of HIV
AIDS-related dementia
Fourth stage of HIV
rare cancers
Kaposi's sarcoma via herpes virus type 8 infection
West nile virus
transmitted by mosquito from birds to humans
rare cases can cause encephalitis or meningitis
no treatment
Neisseria meningitidis
bacterial meningococcal meningitis- inflammation of meninges (membranes that line CNS)
occur in epidemics in closed populations
vaccination made of polysaccharides from most prevalent strains
C. botulinum
anaerobe grows in canned foods
toxin blocks release of acetylcholine- prevents muscle movement
C. tetani
anaerobe, grows in canned foods
blood flow interrupted tissue becomes anaerobic
toxin blocks release of inhibitory transmitter glycine- muscles contract uncontrollably
caused by Rhabdovirus
transmitted by infected saliva
infects cells of CNS
treatment with immunoglobulin
caused by protozoan Plasmodium which is spread by mosquitos
infects liver and RBCs
treatment with chloroquine; organisms are developing resistance
vaccine expensive and short lived
Black plague
caused by Yersinia pestis
transmitted by fleas from rats to humans
death occurs within 5 days if untreated
bubonic plague
lymph node swelling
pneumonic plague
inhaled, shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, death within 2 days
septicemic plague
rapid spread through bloodstream, death before diagnosis
Borrelia burgdorferi
lyme disease, transmitted deer tick bites
no vaccine for humans
Salmonella typhi
typhoid fever- contaminated food or water
Francisella tularensis
rabbit fever
transmitted from rodents or rabbits by ticks and flies to humans
Rickettsia prowazekii
epidemic typhus
transmitted by head louse fecal matter
Rocky mountain spotted fever
transmitted by dog and wood ticks fecal matter
HAV- hepatitis A
blood borne virus
food and water
disease resolves
HBV- hepatitis B
blood borne virus
body fluids
HCV- hepatitis C
blood borne virus
Hepatitis symptoms
fever and jaundice due to destruction of liver cells by bilirubin, liver inflammation, destruction of cells in acute infections (cirrhosis), liver cancer