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29 Cards in this Set

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Structures commonly involved in infections of the upper respiratory system
conjunctiva, nasolacrimal, middle ear, sinuses and mastoidm,throat, epiglottis
the conjunctiva-moist surfaces of eyes:이곳에서 발생하는 infection 을 부르는 명칭
the nasolacrimal, or tear ducts 에서 발생하는 infection 을 부르는 명칭
Otitis Media
the middle ear 에서 발생하는 infection
sinusitis and mastoiditis
the air-filled chambers of the skull, the sinuses and mastoid air cells 에서 발생하는 infection을 부르는 명칭
Infection of the nose
infecgtions of the throat, or pharynx
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여기서 22.1 은 나중에 더 하겠음
여기서 22.1 은 나중에 더 하겠음
여기서 22.1 은 나중에 더 하겠음
여기서 22.1 은 나중에 더 하겠음
여기서 22.1 은 나중에 더 하겠음
Obligate Aerobes
they need an absolute requirement for oxygen- including Micrococcus species
facultative anaerobes
they grow better if gaseous oxygen is present, but can also grow w/o it - including E.coli in the large intestine
aerotolerant organisms
they are indifferent to O2. they are also called obligate fermenters
ex) Streptococcus pyogenes which causes strep troat
they cannot multiply if any O2 is present, in fact they are killed in this environment, becasue of its toxic derivatives
ex) Bacterioides, Clostridium botulinum
effects of a disease experienced by the patient
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A sign is a physical manifestation of illness, injury or disease. A rapid pulse, a high temperature, a low blood pressure, an open wound, bruising, etc. are all signs. A symptom is subjective. A symptom is what the patient experiences about the illness, injury or disease. Symptoms include chills, shaking, shivering, nausea, and vertigo. Symptoms can be characterized by the patient to help the physician diagnose the problem.
process by which disease develops
the study of factors influencing the frequency and distribution of diseases.
Bacterial Infections of the upper respiratory system
Strep Throat and diphtheria
C5a peptidase
enzyme released by S. pyogenes; inhibit attraction of phagocytes by destroying C5a, which is responsible for attracting phagocytes to the site of a bacterial infection
Virulence Factors of Streptococcus pyogenes
C5a peptidase, Hyaluronic acid capsule, M protein, Protein F, Protein G, Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins (SPEs), Streptolysins O and S, Tissue degrading enzyemes, and Streptokinase