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41 Cards in this Set

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humans have _____________ _____________ to certain pathogens as well as three overlapping lines of defense.

species resistance

the first two lines of defense compose __________ _____________, which is generally nospecific and protects the body against a wide variety of potential pathogens. A third line of defese is ___________ ______________, which is a specific response to a particular pathogen.

innate immunity

adaptive immunity

The first line of defense includes the skin, composed of an outer _______________ and a deeper _________. ___________ _________ of the epidermis devour pathogens. Sweat glands of the skin produce salty sweat containing the enxyme called ___________ and _____________ ____________ (defensis), which are small peptide chains that act against a broad range of pathogens. _________ is an oily substance of the skin that lower pH, deterring the growth of many pathogens.



dendritic cells


antimicrobial peptides


the mucous membranes, another part of the body's first line of defense, are composed of tightly packed cells that are replaced frequently by _________ ________ division and often coated with sticky mucus secreted by goblet cells.

stem cell

_____________ ________________, the competition between ________ ______________ and potential pathogens, also contributes to the body's first line of defense.

microbial antagonism

normal microbiota

tears contain antibacterial lysozyme and also flush invaders from the eyes. Saliva similarly protects the teeth. The low pH of the stomach inhibits most microbes that are swallowed.

the second line of defense includes cells (especially ____________), antimicrobial chemicals (toll-like receptors, NOD proteins, interferons, complement, lysozyme, and antimicrobial peptides), and processes (phagocytosis, inflammation, and FV).

The epidermis also contains phagocytic cells called __________ _______/ The Slender, fingerlike processes of _________ _________ extend among the surrounding cells, forming an almost continuous network to intercept invaders.

dendritic cells

dendritic cells

A pathogen can cause diease only if it can do what three things?

. Gain access by portal of entry

. attach itself to the host cells

. evade the body's defense mechanisms

______ line of defense: external physical barriers to pathogens eg. Skin, mucous membranes.


________ line of defense: Internal- protective cells, bloodborne chemicals, processes that inactivate or kill invaders.


First and Second- ________ _______- present at birth and work on wide variety of pathogens- Protozoa, parasitic worms, fungi, bacteria, viruses

Innate immunity

Third line of defense: ______ ________- responds against unique species and strains of pathogens and alters the body defenses.

adaptive immunity

responds against unique species and strains of pathogens and alters the body defenses.

third line of defense

adaptive immunity

present at birth and work on wide variety of pathogens- Protozoa, parasitic worms, fungi, bacteria, viruses

2nd and 3rd line of defense

innate immunity

external physical barriers to pathogens eg. Skin, mucous membranes.

1st line of defense

innate immunity

Internal- protective cells, bloodborne chemicals, processes that inactivate or kill invaders non specifically

2nd line of defense

innate immunity

epidermal __________ _______ phagocytize pathogens

Dendritic cells

Chemicals secreted in perspiration that defend against pathogens?

-______- inhibits growth of pathogens

-______________ ___________ (defensins)- Dermicidins - broad spectrum

-__________- destroys cell wall of bacteria

-Salt- inhibits growth of pathogens.

-Antimicrobial peptides (defensins)- Dermicidins - broad spectrum

-lysozyme- destroys cell wall of bacteria

_________ secreted by oi glands,

lower skin pH to a level (pH___) inhibitory to many bacteria.



_________ ___________ line all body cavities open to environment.

mucous membranes

Mucus secreting ______ _______, secrete antimicrobial peptides (________), nasal mucus contains ________.

goblet cells



The lacrimal apparatus; a group of structures that produce and drain tears, blinkin spreads tears and _________ surface of the eye, _________ in tears destroys bacteria.



Vitamin B5, folic acid, precursor of vitamin K are provided by the ________ _________.

normal microbiota

activities of _______ _________ make it hard for pathogens to compete.

normal microbiota

Animals raised in an _______ environment (free of all other organisms and viruses) are slower to defend themselves when exposed to a _________.



__________ _________, present in skin, mucous membranes, and neutrophils; are triggered by sugar or protein molecules of the pathogens.

Antimicrobial peptides

_________ __________, work in several ways (punch holes in cytoplasmic membranes, interrupt internal signaling or enzymatic action, and __________ factors that recruit leucocytes).

antimicrobial peptides

chemotactic factors

the _________/________ _________ line of defense operates when the pathogens penetrate the skn or mucous membranes.

second/innate immunity

_________ line of defense, composed of


-antimicrobial chemicals







_______- mostly water containing electrolytes, dissolved gases, nutrient, and proteins.

_______- is the fluid remaining when Clotting factors are removed from plasma.



________-, incules iron- binding proteins transferrin, ferritin, siderophores, actoferrin, hemolysin), complement proteins and antibodies.


Three types of ________ _________ in blood:




formed elements

________________, are dividen into granulocytes and agranulocytes.


three types of granulocytes that contain large granules that stain different colors




neutrophils are also call _______________ ____________ (PMNs)

polymorphonuclear leukocytes

relative percentages of








Differential white blood cell count can signal signs of disease.

-___________ _________ indicate allergies or parasitic worm infection

-bacterial diseases often show increase in __________ and __________.

-viral infections show increase in ____________

increased eosinophils

leukocytes and neutrophils


phagocytosis can be divided into 6 stages....

1._________- movement of cell towards chemical stimulus

2._________- attachment to microgorganisms

3.__________- They extend pseudopodia, engult the microbe- phagosome

4.__________- complete in 10-30 minutes

5._________- Phagolysosome contains enzymes, hightly reactive and toxic forms of oxygen, low pH 5.5

6.___________: exocytosis- elimination of phgosomes, antigen processing and presentation on membrane

1. chemotaxis

2. adherence

3. ingestion

4. maturation

5. killing

6 elimination

nonphagocytic killing

killing by eosinophils-

-attach __________ _________ by attaching to their surface

-____________ (elevated esosinophils) is often indicative of a helminth infestation.

parasitic helminthes


NK cells / natural killer lymphocytes.

- secrete _______ onto surface of virally infected cells and tumors
