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78 Cards in this Set

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What two types of microorganisms are Prokaryotes?
Bacteria and Archaea
List several ways in which microbes effect our lives
-maintaining balance living organisms and chemicals
-making chemicals (i.e acetone), drugs, fibers, enzymes and alcohol
-fermenting foods
What is a microbe or microorganism?
minute living things too small to be seen with the unaided eye.
What does the word "germ" mean?
rapidly growing cell
What does "pathogenic" mean?
disease causing
What two names are used in scientific nomenclature system of naming?
specific epithet/species
How are scientific names written?
Genus capitalized followed by specific epithet/species
-underlined or italicized
What are the 7 types of Microorganisms?
Bacteria Algae
Archaea Viruses
Fungi Protozoa/Protista
Multicellular animal parasites
What does Prokaryotic mean?
-genetic material is not enclosed in a special membrane.
What does Eukaryotes mean?
cells have a distinct nucleus containing the cell's genetic material (DNA)
What are the 4 characteristics of Bacteria?
-Peptidoglycan cell walls
-Binary fission
-For energy, use organic or inorganic chemicals or photsynthesis
List the 3 properties of Archaea
-Lack peptidoglycan
-Live in extreme enviroments, including; Methanogens, extrem halophiles (salt loving), extreme thermophiles
What are the 3 characteristics of Fungi
-chitin cell walls
-Use organic chemicals energy
i.e. mold, mushrooms and Yeast
What are 3 characteristics of Protozoa (protisa)
-absorb or ingest organic chemicals
-may be motile via pseudopods, cilia or flagella
What are 4 characteristics of Algae
cellulose cell walls
use photosynthesis for energy
produce molecular oxygen and organic compounds
What 5 characteristics of viruses
consist of dna or rna core
core is surrounded by a protein coat
coat may be enclosed in a lipid envelope
viruses are replicated only when they are in aliving host cell
What are characteristics of multicellular animal parasites
multiecellular animals
microscopic stages in life cycles
What are 2 examples of helminths
flatworms and roundworms
What are the 3 domains of microorganisms
Which groups of microbes are prokaryotes?
bacteria and archaea
Which groups of microbes are eukaryoites
fungi, protozoa, algae, viruses and multicellular animal parasites
Who reported that living things were composed of little boxes, or cells and Cell Theory
Robert Hooke
Who suggested that cells were the basic unit of life
Schwann and Schleiden
Who said cells arise from preexisting cells
Rudolf Virchow
Who described live microorganisms
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
What is spontaneous generation
the hypothesis that living organisms arise from nonliving matter; a "vital force" forms live
What is biogenesis
they hypothesis that the living organisms arise from preexisting life
Redi did which experiment
Maggots in jars, sealed, open and with fine screen
John Needham preformed which experiment
nutrient broth was heated then placed in a flask and sealed and microbes developed
What evidence supported spontaneous generation
John Needham's broth in covered flask experiment.
Who's expirement disproved Needhams work and how
Lazzaro Spallanzani-placed nutrient broth in sealed flask then heated and no microbial growth occured
How did Pasteur's work differ from previous nutrient broth flask experiments
S-shaped flask kept microbes out but let air in
What is fermentation
the conversion of sugar to alcohol to make beer and wine
What is pasteurization
the application of a high heat for a short time.
Name 3 contributions made by Louis Pasteur and his work
-proving biogenesis
-assigned microbial cause to fermentation
What is the Germ Theory of Disease
microbes in the air, can spoil food, and cause animal diseases.
Who started treating surgical wounds with a phenol solution to prevent the spread of disease and surgical wound infections
Joseph Lister
Who created the first vaccine
Edward Jenner
What was the first vaccine
smallpox using cowpox virus
What are Koch's postulates
prove that a specific microbe causes a specific disease
Who speculated a "magic bullet" that could destroy a pathogen without harming the host?
Paul Erlich
What drug did Erlich develop
Salvarsan-a synthetic arsenic drug used to treat syphilis
Who discoved the first antibiotic
Alexander Fleming
What is bacteriology
the study of bacteria
What is Mycology
the study of fungi
What is Virology
the study of viruses
What is Parasitology
the study of protozoa and parasitic worms
What is immunology
The study of immunity
Who classified some bacteria according to seotypes
Rebecca Lancefield
What is Microbial genetics
the study of how DNA directs protein synthesis
What is Genomics
The study of an organism's genes; has provided the new tools for classifying microorganisms
What is molecular biology
the study of how DNA directs protein synthesis
What is Genomics
The study of an organism's genes; has provided new tools for classifying microorganisms
What is Recombinant DNA
DNA made from two different sources
Who showed genes encode a cell's enzymes
George Beadle and Edward Tatum
Which 3 people showed that DNA was the hereditary material
Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty
Who discovered the role of mRNA in protein synthesis
Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod
Who demonstrated maggots only appeared on meat exposed to flies
Fransisco Redi
Who made the association between silkworm disease and a fungus
Who originated a system of scientific nomenclature (Genus species)
Who is the father of the 3 domain system
Who was the first to crystallize a virus
Who devised a classification system for streptococci based on an immunological system of serotypes
Rebecca Lancefield
Who decreased OB ward infections through hand washing
Who participated in the determining structure in DNA
Who first demonstrated that genetic info could be exchanged between bacteria by conjugation
Who spliced animal DNA to bacterial DNA
Who observed viruses are filterable
Who used bacteria to produce acetone
What is Microbial ecology
The study of the relationship between microorganisms and their environment, including plants and/or animals.
What is bioremediation
process that uses bacteria to remove toxins from underground wells, chemical spills, toxic waste sites and oil spills.
What is biotechnology
the use of microbes to produce foods, chemicals
What is gene therapy
inserting a missing gene or replacing a defective on in human cells
What is microbiota
normal microbes (flora) found on and in our bodies
What is biofilm
complex aggregation (groups) of microbes
Define infectious disease
disease in which pathogens invade a susceptible host such as humans or an animal
Whats the difference between emerging and reemerging diseases
Reemerging-coming back
What is a prion
an infectious protein