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26 Cards in this Set

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general characterics of spirochetes
ver long, flexible, and motile bacteria spirals. they possess cytoplasmic and outer membranes and think peptidoglycan
periplasmic flagella
attached at the ends of the bacteria, wrap around teh cell body
general characterics of Treponema
obligate parasites of humans
primary syphilis
local infections, caused by direct, sexual contact with an infected individual and establishes a local infection chancre
secondary syphilis
disseminated infection, multiple skin lesions, rash, lymphadenopathy, meningovascular infection of teh internal organs can occur
latent syphilis
asymptomatic infection with no further complications
tertiary (gummatous) syphilis
lesions consisting of accumlations of lymphotcytes and macrophages reacting to presence of T. pallidum. tissue destruction
tertiary (neurosyphilis)
long term infectionof teh CNS, causes paresis (infection of brain with psychologic effects) and tabes dorsalis (infectionoflwer spinal column)
tertiary (cardiovascular) syphilis
infection of cardiovascular systems, in particular aoritic aneurisms
congential syphilis
infection of fetus by transplacental passage by mother. normally causes miscarriage, stillbirth. late symptoms in live birth are consistent with bone and tooth deformtiies, wrinkled skin, intestitial keratitis
best detection method for T. pallidum
uses darkfield microscopy and analyzing serous exudate from an active lesion. only definitive test for syphilis
nontreponemal tests for T. pallidum
detects antibodies agains cardiolipid. examples is VDRL and RPR. false positive
treponemal tests for T. palliudum
detect antibodies agasint T. palliudum (FTA-ABS)
treatment of syphilis
penicillin with tetracycline. if have secondary syphilis, can cause Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
general characteristics for Borrelia
may be seen inbloodsmear, commonly transmitted by anthropods (ticks and lice)
B. recrruentis
causes cyclic disease with relapses due to antigenic variation. causes louseborne relapsing fver, tickborn relapsing fever
symptoms of B. recurrentis
rigors, high fever, headache, nausea, muscle and joint pain, conjunctivitis, petechial rash
expression plasmid
contains expression site of variable major protein genes
storage plasmid
contaisn a library of around 30 unexpressed VMP genes, which can be switched into EP expression site, thus causign antigenic variation
stage 1 B. burgdorferi
local infection, erythema migrans, develops at site of teick bite
stage 2 B. burgdorferi
disseminated infection. characterized by severe malaise and fatigue. multiple skin lesions; muscle pain and joing pain. neurologic symptoms, bells palsy, mild encephaltis
stage 3 B. burgdorferi
persistent infection, arthritis, chronic neurologic problems, and raised skin lesions.
treatment of B. burgdorferi
doxycycline or amoxicillin in early stages, ceftriaxone, penicillin, or amoxicillin inlate stages
epidemiology of Leptospira
disease associated when come into conatct with urine or water contaminated withurined of infected animals
clinical manifestations of Leptospira
abrupt onset of high fever, headache, chills, sever myalgias of legs, and back confusion, skin rash. secondary or immune phase may follow with recurrence of fever, meningigmus, and CSF pleocytosis. Weils syndome - sever illness with hemorrhage, azotemia, jaundice
treatmens of Leptospira
standaized therapies have not been established. doxycycline and B-lactams exhibit soem efficacy in reducing severity