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255 Cards in this Set

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Why do cases of salmonellosis peak at Easter time?
People give chicks as gifts and they can carry salmonella
_________ food poisoning often occurs when protein rich foods are consumed, and with ham in particular because the bacteria are salt tolerant
Infection by Clostridium difficle causes lesions to form on the ________
Intestinal Lining
If cholera is left untreated, fluid loss thickens the blood, leading to ___________
Shock & Coma
___________ is the most dangerous of all foodborne intoxications
____________ such as age or sanitary conditions, can make individuals more or less prone to food and waterborne illnesses
Of all the food-borne intoxications in humans, none is more dangerous than _______________
Name 2 conditions that botulinum toxin can treat
1) Wrinkles
2) Hyperhidrosis
If your hands are red, wrinkled, and tender, and the skin is peeling, you are likely suffering from _____________
Scalded skin
Leptospira interrogans colonize the ___________ of infected animals
________ is the study of the causes or origins of disease
In gram staining, bacteria that retain the initial stain, resulting in a purple color, are gram ______________ bacteria
________ E. coli causes diarrhea in infants, particularly where sanitation is lacking
What role do protein spikes play for a virus?
They help the virus attach to and penetrate the host cell
In leptospirosis, _________ form when bacteria localize in the lymph nodes and hemorrhaging occurs.
Rose spots
Chancroid causes __________
Genital ulcers
Human ____________ ehrlichiosis is caused by Ehrilchia chaffeensis
True or False:

All cells in a pure colony are identical to the original cell.
True or False:

There is a Lyme disease vaccine available for dogs and cats
__________ is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi
Lyme Disease
Hansen Disease is also commonly known as ___________
The microbe Ureaplasma urealyticum can colonize the ____________ during pregnancy, causing miscarriage or premature birth.
Endospores from Clostridium perfringens enter the body from contaminted dirt through a severe open wound and cause ___________
Gas gangrene
Ms.Mallon, infamously known as, ___________, knowingly exposed numerous families and hospital patients with Salmonella enterica Typhi when she served as a cook and refused treatment for her infection.
Typhoid Mary
True or False:

Most nosocomial disease are caused by opportunistic organisms the patients already have.
True or False:

Leptospira interrogans is a bacillus.
Patients with tetanus can experience violent deaths due to __________ and seizures in the diaphragm and rib cage.
Spasmodic inhalation
___________ is a disease of the eyes and is the world's leading cause of preventable blindness
True or False:

Anthrax is primarily endemic to large, domestic herbivores like cattle, sheep, and goats
Rickettsial infections are transmitted by ____________
A(n) ___________ occurs when a fertilized egg develops outside the womb, often in a fallopian tube
Ectopic pregnancy
True or False:

In epidemic typhus, symptoms can include delirium
True or False:

Since receptor sites vary from person to person, some people are more susceptible to a certain virus than others
__________ refers to the growth of bacterial cells in the blood
What is the role of interferons?
They alert neighboring cells to a viral infection
What is the type of exotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum?
Syphilis is caused by _________ palladium
Tetanospasmin inhibits compounds needed to inhibit ___________
Muscle contraction
In the condition gas gangrene, large amounts of gas accumulate under the ________, causing a cracking sound.
Normally, the body surrounds a tumor with a capsule of connective tissue resulting in a _______ tumor
Mycoplasmal urethritis is caused by Mycoplasma ________
__________ is the second most reported of all types of foodborne illnesses.
Staphylococcus aureus
Infant botulism, also known as __________, frequently occurs when an infant is fed _____________
Floppy baby syndrome, honey
Epidemic relapsing fever is caused by ____________ recurrentis
The ____________ cycle occurs when a bacteriophage inserts its DNA into the bacterial chromosome as a prophage
_________ prevents the spread of viral infections by binding to receptors on host cells, triggering them to produce antiviral proteins
True or False:

Pink eye can be transmitted via air droplets
A contaminated sandwich made of cold cuts and soft cheeses may cause you to get ___________
Is bacteria singular or plural?
Why is the nickname for Chlamydia the Silent Disease?
85-90% of infected individuals are asymptomatic
True or False:

People who have shigellosis can recover and become carriers for six months or more.
A(n) ________ is a circumscribed pus filled lesion
True or False:

When plague is detected early, antibiotics can be used to effectively treat it.
You are visiting a friend and they prepare you a delicious meal of unpasteurized milk, juice, sprouts, lettuce, and salami. A few days later you realize you may be infected with E.coli because you are suffering from hemorrhagic _________
True or False:

Vibrio cholerae is susceptible to stomach acid, but high numbers of them can survive and colonize the intestines.
T-even group ________ are virulent viruses that carry out a lytic cycle of infection
Epidemic relapsing fever is an infection that occurs when a ___________ is crushed into its bite wound.
Body louse
A _________ is a raised itchy bump that resembles an insect bite.
How do ticks transmit Lyme disease?
By defecating into the bite wound
Name 2 locations in the kitchen where cross contamination of foods can occur.
1) Cutting board
2) Knife
The early localized stage of Lyme disease involves a slowly expanding red rash that resembles a bull's eye, also known as erythema _________, at the bite site
What is the difference between a furuncle and a carbuncle?
A furuncle is an abscess and a carbuncles is a group of deep connected abscesses
_________ is caused by Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi
Typhoid fever
True or False:

Heating Staphylococcus aureus toxins at 100C for 30 min will not denature them.
The ____________ is the protein coat of a virus
Proliferation of pathogenic __________ bacteria is usually suppressed by natural host resistance.
Septicemic cases of plague can progress to the lungs and cause _______ plague
True or False:

Urinary tract infections can occur in the urethra, bladder, and/or kidneys
__________ are protooncogenes captured in the viral genome that reproduce with the virus.
Pasteurella multocida is common in the pharynx __________ and can be transmitted to humans via a bite
Dogs and Cats
Overuse of _____________ can eliminate intestinal bacterial species that keep pathogens in check
__________ tularensis, an extremely virulent bacillus causes tularemia
__________ occurs in people who work with animal hides and wool
A(n) _________ is a narrow zone of redness that surrounds a papule in a chancroid infection
Among health agencies, CDC stands for ___________
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
True or False:

The immune system does not react against an infection with the organism that causes Leprosy
___________ is an inflammation and swelling of the cornea
T-even bacteriophages are virulent viruses that carry out a ______ cycle of infection
The __________ body is the noninfectious phase of Chlamydia
True or False:

Back pain is a symptom of a UTI
__________ causes anthrax
Bacillus anthracis
You are working on a super cool research project here in the US studying rats when one of your subjects playfully bites you. You may end up developing a condition called _______________
Rat-bite fever
Some cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome have been linked to ____________
Infant botulism
The _____________ is one of the most common and useful staining techniques in the microbiology lab
Gram stain
Human _____________ ehrlichiosis is caused by Ehrilchia phagocytophila
Haemophilus aegyptius causes a condition known commonly as ___________
Pink eye
___________ anthrax occurs through the consumption of contaminated, undercooked meet and has up to a 60% mortality rate
Cholera is caused by ____________
Vibrio cholerae
A(n) ___________ is a group of connected deep abscesses
Rickettsia typhi is carried by oriental rat fleas that feed on _________ and deposit the organism into the world
Human skin
Give one example of a transmissible spongiform ecephalopathy.
Mad Cow Disease
Gram positive microorganism have higher ___________ and lower _________ content than Gram negative bacteria
Name one disease that can result when Yersinia pestis bacili spread to the bloodstream from the lymph nodes
Septicemic plague
__________ occurs when tumor cells break free from a capsule and spread to other tissues of the body
How do you contract cholera?
Contaminated water
___________ anthrax accounts for 95% of all anthrax infections, occurs through the contact of skin abrasions with spore contaminated animal products
The capsid of a virus is made up of __________ and gives the virus its shape
__________ is a diffuse inflammation of the connective tissues of the skin
A _________________ is a substance that damages, destroys, or impairs the functioning of nervous tissue
___________ is a condition in which there is yellowing of the whites of the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes caused by the bile pigment in the blood
___________ are illnesses in which live bacterial pathogens are ingested and grow in the body
Most outbreaks of ___________ are related to home canned foods or from foods eaten cold
A _________ is a natural host or habitat of a pathogen
Name 5 things that transmit Salmonella typhi
1) Flies
2) Food
3) Fingers
4) Feces
5) Fomites
A _________ is a collection of symptoms
A guy walks into an emergency room at midnight complaining of food poisoning. He says he ate a weird tasting sandwich for lunch that day. What is he likely infected with?
Clostridium perfringens
True or False:

Intoxication usually has a brief incubation period, but a long duration
Describe 2 ways in which food and water can become contaminated
1) Fruits and vegetables can be washed in contaminated water
2) Infected humans can contaminate food they handle through the fecal oral route
True or False:

Gastroenteritis caused by salmonellosis requires a large infectious dose.
Guillain Barre Syndrome is a rare ____________ disease that may develop from a campylobacter infection
Nervous system
___________ are illnesses in which bacterial toxins are ingested in food or water
___________ is normally found in the human intestine, but certain serotypes are pathogenic
Escherichia coli
___________ causes gastric ulcers
Helicobacter pylori
___________ is a blood disease involving high numbers of infected monocytes
___________ is a syndrome manifested by waves of intense abdominal cramps and frequent passage of small volume, bloody mucoid stools
Infections are illnesses in which __________ are ingested and grow in the body
Live bacterial pathogens
The most common mode of transmission of Staphylococcus aureus is via _____________
Boils or abscesses on a food handler's skin
How can contamination of public water sources, like swimming pools occur?
Defecation of infected individuals
___________ is the most common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in the US
Campylobacter jejuni
True or False:

Half of the world's population is infected with H.pylori
True or False:

Listeriosis is not transmissible from person to person
____________ species can cause flu like symptoms in people who work with large ruminant animals
A non-invasive ______________ is used to detect the presence of H.pylori
Urea breath test
Brucellosis is also called _________ because of a specific fever pattern
Undulant fever
In the US, shigellosis is primarily caused by ___________
Shigella sonnei
Last week your friend returned from a tropical vacation out of the country and is now complaining of diarrhea. You suggest he get checked for _________ E. coli
A(n) ____________ is a general term for a toxin that take effect in the intestines
Bacillus cereus can cause diarrhea or vomiting and infections usually occur from eating contaminated cooked __________
____________ is the time between consumption of contaminated material and the appearance of symptoms
Incubation period
____________ is the number of organisms consumed to give rise to symptoms of an illness
Infectious dose
Name 3 bacterial species that secrete exotoxins, which can cause life threatening diseases.
1) Clostridium botulinum
2) Clostridium perfringens
3) Staphylococcus aureus
Intoxications are illnesses in which _________ are ingested with food and water
Bacterial toxins
The key reservoir to Staphylococcus aureus is the _____________
Human nose
_________ refers to the lack of an adequate immune response resulting from disease, exposure to radiation, or treatment with immunosuppressive drugs
In 1990, there was an outbreak of _________ in Georgia linked to raw chitterlings (pork intestines)
_________ causes unrelenting loss of fluid and electrolytes through diarrhea (up to 1 L/hr)
Cholera toxin
________ causes botulism
Clostridium botulinum
True or False:

Antibiotics and restoration of water and electrolyte to balance are effective in treating Cholera
___________ is transmitted by oysters and clams and can cause a deadly systemic infection with necrotic skin lesions and cellulits
Vibrio vulnificus
True or False:

Infections have shorter incubation periods than intoxications because the bacteria need time to establish themselves
Listeriosis is caused by ________
Listeria monocytogenes
A patient is diagnosed with Salmonella typhi and begins showing rose spots on the abdomen. What are the roses spots indicative of?
Blood hemorrhage
True or False:

Botulism can be treated with antibiotics
A Rocky Mountain spotted fever infection is characterized by a skin rash that reflects damage to small blood vessels, and it can progress to a _________ rash
Tetanus is caused by __________
Clostridium tetani
Bacteria in soil have to withstand environmental extremes so they often form ___________
Name 2 treatments for gas gangrene.
1) Amputation
2) Antibiotics
Endemic relapsing fever is transmitted by Ornithodoros ticks that cohabitate with __________
Human monocytic ehrlichiosis is transmitted by the __________ tick
Lone Star
________ refers to lockjaw
________ refers to muscle spasms causing arching of the back
________ refers to a fixed smile
Risus sardonicus
Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis is transmitted by which 2 kinds of ticks?
1) Dog ticks
2) Deer ticks
During WWI, about 1 million soldiers were infected by body lice with the disease __________ fever
True or False:

Tetanus is one of the least dangerous human diseases
Patients with tetanus can experience violent deaths due to _________ and seizures in the diaphragm and rib cage.
Spasmodic inhalation
True or False:

The early disseminated stage of Lyme disease begins days after a tick bite
Name one specific disease caused by Rickettsia typhi.
1) Endemic typhus
2) Mexican typhus
3) Murine typhus
Ever since you got a great job taking care of rabbits, you have been showing signs of respiratory illness, swollen lymph nodes, and pain under the breastbone. You believe you must be suffering from ___________ tularemia
_______ refers to a disease that is endemic to a population of animals
Symptoms of Ehrilichial infections, which cause lower white blood cells, are similar to that of Lyme disease except that ___________
They come and go more quickly
Gas gangrene, also known as _____________, causes massive tissue damage when blood flow ceases to a part of the body
__________, carried by ticks and lice causes infected individuals to go through periods of fever and chills interspersed with recovery.
Relapsing fever
Epidemic typhus is a deadly disease is transmitted by the feces of __________, that flourish when sanitation and hygiene is poor
Body lice
True or False:

The mortality rate for leptospirosis is high.
A __________ lesion is a rash in which pink spots fuse together into a broad base that slopes from a raised center
When a wound is ________, it refers to the removal of dead, damaged, or infected tissue
The first phase of leptospirosis involves flu-like symptoms and _________
Animals ingest anthrax endospores during grazing and once inside the animal, the spores become active __________ cells
If left untreated, the late stage of Lyme disease occurs months to years later and involves chronic ___________
________ is also known as tsutsugamushi fever
Scrub typhus
_________ is the term for a disease characterized by sudden fever and circulatory collapse, and was not well known until 1980 when outbreaks occurred in women who used a particular brand of highly absorbent tampons
Toxic shock syndrome
A(n) _______ is a boil, a warm painful abscess below the skin surface
About 30% of ___________ that live along the Gulf Coast of the US are carriers of leprosy
9 banded armadillos
_______ vaginosis is the most common form of vaginitis
Actinomyces israelii infects tissues following ___________
_______ is a general term for various mild infections of the vagina or vulva
True or False:

About 45% of the world's population is immune to leprosy
________ is an inflammation of the membrane lining the abdomen
True or False:

Chlamydia trachomatis can be transmitted by flies
Gonorrhea is caused by ________ gonorrhoeae
Among health agencies, WHO stands for ___________
World Health Organization
Cat-scratch disease is associated with the microbe _____________ henselae
True or False:

At least 600 species of bacteria inhabit the human mouth.
You have sustained an intestinal injury, and are now suffering from abdominal abscesses. You may be infected with Bacteroides _________
Cyclists and other athletes who wear tight fitting clothing are more likely to develop ___________
Urinary tract infections
Name one condition that Gonorrhea can cause in females if it spreads to the fallopian tubes.
1) Ectopic pregnancy
Name 2 things that cause dental caries.
1) Dietary carbohydrates
2) Acidogenic
Infection by Clostridium difficle causes pseudomembranous ____________
The major cause of dental caries is ____________ mutans
Pyelonephritis is an infection of the ______________
__________ is often caused by Haemophilus aegyptius
Bacterial conjunctivitis (pink eye)
The _________ body is the infectious phase of Chlamydia
In tertiary syphilis, name one thing gummas can cause.
Ureaplasmal _________ causes symptoms that are similar to those of gonorrhea and chlamydia, but are often milder
Nocardia asteroides causes ____________ when inhaled
Yaws is caused by Treponema ___________
Newborns can contract chlamydial opthalmia or chlamydial _________ during delivery
The common name for Yaws is _________
Congenital syphilis can lead to birth defects like the condtion _________ which includes deafness, impaired vision, and notched peg shaped teeth
Hutchinson's triad
Name one physical result of having leprosy
Loss of facial features
True or False:

Some females who have Gonorrhea are asymptomatic
Why are nosocomial infections common?
Many patients are already immune compromised when they enter a health care facility making them more susceptible
Chlamydia is caused by Chlamydia ____________
Tissue samples from lesions produced by Calymmatobacterium granulomatis reveal masses of bacterial cells called __________ bodies within white blood cells
Who are the only host for syphilis?
True or False:

Pink eye can be transmitted via air droplets
If you have an infection of Chlamydia trachomatis, your upper eyelid can turn in, causing abrasions on your ________ with your eyelashes
_________ is a skin infection that is common in children and involves oozing blisters in the epidermis
Primary syphilis is characterized by a _________ where the bacteria entered the body
Your colleague is working on a super cool research project in Asia studying rats, when one of their subject playfully bites them. They may become infected with __________ minus.
Chancroid is caused by Haemophilus _________
Dental caries is commonly known as ________
Tooth decay
Leprosy is spread from person to person through _____________
Nasal secretions
The singular of bacteria is _________
True or False:

Most oral bacteria in biofilms are aerobic.
If your hands are red, wrinkled, and tender, and the skin is peeling, you are likely infected with the microbe _____________
Scalded skin syndrome
_________ vaginalis causes bacterial vaginosis
Oral biofilms contain salivary _________, food debris, and bacterial cells and products
Infants can contract gonococcal _______ while passing through the birth canal
Gonorrhea is commonly known as __________
The Clap
Relapses of secondary syphilis can occur during _________ stage
Chronic latent
Name 2 parts of the body, aside from the reproductive organs, that Gonorrhea can affect
1) Eyes
2) Rectum
___________ inguinale is caused by Calymmatobacterium granulomatis
___________ are microbes that are resistance to a wide variety of antibiotics
What is the common name for Chlamydial urethritis?
The organism that causes Chlamydia is a(n) ____________ parasite
Obligate energy
Viruses often causes disease by ____________
Taking over a host cell's machinery for their own use
Why don't antibiotics work against virueses?
Viruses lack the elements that antibiotics need to interfere
Who estimates 60-90% of human cancers are associated with ________
A ___________ is a clone of abnormal cells
________ are tiny fragments of RNA that cause diseases in crop plants
________ is the term used to describe the fact that many viruses infect certain cell or tissue types within the host
Tissue tropism
The ________ cycle occurs when a bacteriophage inserts its DNA into the bacterial chromosome as a prophage
__________ is the separation of the viral capsid from the genome as it enters the host
__________ is an uncontrolled growth and spread of cells
Retroviruses use _________ to transcribe their RNA to DNA
Reverse transcriptase
A bacteriophage is a ________ that infects a bacterium
_______ occurs when tumor cells break free from a capsule and spread to other tissues of the body
Viruses are small, __________ parasites
Obligate intracellular
A(n) ___________ is a completely assembled, infectious virus outside its host cell.
__________ is associated with cervical cancer
Human Papilloma
T-even group bacteriophages are virulent viruses that carry out a _____ cycle of infection
Animal viruses attach to host _______ via spikes on the capsid or envelope
Plasma membrane
Viruses lack the machinery for generating _________
The __________ theory suggests that protooncogenes normally reside in the chromosomal DNA of a cell, but they can be transformed to oncogenes if they are exposed to radiation or carcinogens.
Viruses are nonliving agents composed of __________ & ________
Nucleic acid & Protein
The capsid of a virus with its enclosed genome is called a __________
The host range for a virus depends on its _________ structure
A ____ is a clone of abnormal cells
Some DNA viruses and retroviruses insert their genome into the host chromosome as a ___________
True or False:

Latent proviruses can still be attacked by the host body's defenses.
True or False:

The viral genome contains either DNA, but no RNA.
________ viruses are composed only of a nucleocapsid
A ________ refers to which organisms a virus can infect
Host Range