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113 Cards in this Set

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skin microbiota
staphylococci, micrococci, diptheroids, cornebacterium xerosis, propionbacterium acnes, malasserzia furfu
Caustive agent of contagious conjunctivitis (pink eye)?
H. Inflenza-bacteria-haemophilus influenza
How would you treat conjunctivitis?
What is the major organism that causes acne?
What is the most serious hair follicle infection?
What is the causitive agent of impetigo of the newborn?
Staph Aureus
What is the main mode of polimyelitis transmission?
Ingestion-from fecal contaminated water
what was the most common cause of bacterial meningitis?
H. Inflenza
Should N. meningitides cases be reported?
What gram positive bacilli is associated with honey?
Clostridium botchulinium
What gram positive diplococcus is NOW the leading cause of meningitis?
Strep Pneumonia
What is the most common route of entry into the central nervous system?
What bacterial meningitis infection has the highest mortality rate?
Strep pneumonea
Which CSF labratory results would support a bacterial meningitis diagnosis?
Increase wbc, increased protien
which bacterial meningitis agent is considered a medical emergency?
Niserra Meningitus
What is the chemotherapeutic agent for H.M influenza?
what gram positive rod that causes in-utero infection in pregnant women?
lysteria moncytogenes
What is the most common treatment for gas gangrene?
what is the names, symptoms, reservoirs and vector of Y. pestis?
Black pague, resevoirs-rats, vectors-fleas and the symptoms-septic shock
What is the majority of intestinal microorganisms?
Areas/products of the skin that would be the leaset likely to provide nutrients or routes of entry for bacterial growth?
What disease has buboes (swollen lymph nodes) characteristic of infection?
Yerisna pestis
What causes the disease with a target rash and what is another name for it?
Borrelia burgdorferi
Diseases caused by group a beta hemolytic strepococci
erysipelas, necrotizing fasciitis, toxic shock syndrom, scalded skin syndrome, food poisening, strep pharyngitis,scarlet fever, flesh eating bacteria
What symptoms does shigella dysenteria have?
Severe diarreah, severe dehydration
What ablity does shigella dysenteria have?
The ability to invade tissues
In regards to noscomial infections what area of the hospital may need monitoring for Hep. A?
Cafeteria and dietary
What are the symptoms of scarlet fever?
Big red swollen tongue and red rash
what fruit comes to mind in a diagnosis of scarlet fever?
Strawberry (tongue)
What is infectious hepatitus?
Hep A
What is special about staphylococcal entertoxins?
Heat Stable
Symptoms of C. diptheria?
Grey dead tissue, grey patch
What is meningitus?
Inflammation of the meninges (three membranes) that line the skull
What is encephalitus?
Inflamation of the brain
What is necrotizing faciitis
What does it attack specifically?
Streptococcus pyogenus (flesh eating) Exotoxin-A-Strep,
Attacks muscle coverings, Attacks solid tissue, lysis red blood cells, betahemolytic
Strep Pyrogenus is GAS
group a beta hemolytic streptococcus
Caustitive agent of impentigo effects toddlers and children
Know which organisms are coaglulase positive and which are negative
Staphy aureaus is positive protects for phagocytosis, Staph epidermidis is coagulase negative
Swimmers ear-name and organism
Otitis externa and psudeomonas aeruginosa
gentamicin, polymins
Cause of inclusion conjunctivitis
Chlamydia trachomatis
most oppurtunisitic bacteria to grow on a catheter
staph epidemitis
What is the number 2 route for entry of a microrganism
gastro intestinal track
Scientist associated with puerperal sepsis
Ignaz Sammelwies
What are the immune response complications to streptococcal pharyngitis?
Rheumatic fever, glomerial nerphritis
What causes eppiglottis?
H. Influenza
What is the stain of mycrobacterium tuberculosis?
What is the treatment?
Acid fast positive
What are the majority of the intestinal microorganism?
aerobic or anaerobies?
What are the differences between dalmonellosis and staphylococcal food poisening?
Staph is fast, salmonella is a long incubation time.
what percentage of pathogens actually cause disease?
who discovered the first antibiotic?
Alexander flemming
which of the followin microbiologiest is not noted for contribution to aseptic technique: Holmes, Hooke, semmelweis, lister
Hooke, he discovered cells
the most common nongonococcal sexually transmitted pathogen in the u.s
Shigella dysenteria has the ability to do what?
what are it's symptoms?
Invade the tissue, severe dehydration, severe diarrhea
what is the cause of endemic murine typhus?
Rickettsia typhus
one of the most common reportable organism (g.neg. diplococci) causing an std?
what is so important about Robert KocH?
Koch postulates
causative agent of impetigo of toddlers and children of grade school age?
Undulant fever.. cause?
Brucella caused by b. abortus
Know the types of bacillus anthracis infections
cutaneus, gastrointestinal, inhalation
francisella tularensis, what does it cause?
rabbit fever
What is leptospira intterogans? what is the Morphology type of disease causes?
spiral key, leptosperosis-kidney and liver
pureulent spinal fluid is indicative of ..
bacterial meningitis
N. meningitides is what stain and morphology?
what agar and nutrient?
gram negative with intracellular diplociccic
Chocolate or thayer martin and 5-10% co2 for growth
what is the treatment and cause of undulant fever?
tx is streptomycin
how many serotype of group a beta hemolytic streptococci?
over 80
what is the cause of inclusion conjunctivitis?
chlomydia trachomatis
Who was rebecca lancefield and what did she contribute to microbiology?
who discovered the first antibiotic?
alexander flemming
who is the father of microbiology?
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
the scientist who settled the germ theory with the crook necked flask?
louis pasteur
the scientist that made landmark contribution to the field we now call epidemiology:
John Snow
The sceintist and teacher that provided our class with a safe epidemiological experiment
Ed Alcomo
What is the most likely opportunistic bacteria to grow on the catheter?
staph epidermitis
What disease has buboes as a characteristic of infection?
Yersina Pestis
What causes the disease that has a target rash
Burrelia burgdorgeri? Ixodes ticks
Most common tick fever in the U.S
what is endocarditis,causitive agent, tx
bacteremia of the heart-hemolytic strep,tx-penicillin and erythromycin
who is karry mullis
won the nobel prize for the polymerase chain reaction.
causes of stomach ulceration, what is its ability
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), able to produce urease to neutralize stomach acid
what is the cause of gangrene?
clostridium perfingens
what organism can grow in the refridgerator?
francisella tularensis what does it cause?
Rabbit fever
Cause of gangrene?
Clostridium perfinjens
cause of endemic murine typhus
Rickettsia typhus
how many serotypes of group a beta hemolytic streptococci?
Over 80
Arkansas' most endemic fungal infection of the lower respiratory system
hystoplasmosis, hystoplasmacapsulatum
What does clostridium perfringes cause? What would your patients body part look like?
Gangrene, Black dead tissueW
The most common etiological agents of "neonatal" meningitis
E-coli and Strep
What types of meningitis has nonpurulent spinal fluid with lymphocytes and monocytes as the dominant WBC?
Mycrobacterial tuberculosis
Purulent spinal fluid is indicative of
bacterial meningitis
N. Meningitides is a what morphology
gram-negative intracellular diplococcic
Know the treatment and cause of Rheumatic fever
Penicillin, Hemolytic strep, inflammation of heart valves
Know the treatment and cause of undulant fever
(brucellosis) Brucella spp.-cause/ tetracycline and streptomycin, B.A abortus-infected milk
Cause of Tularemia and treatment
Francisella tularensis/tx is streptomycin
What does clostridium tetani cause and how is it treated/
tetanus, muscle spasms. tetanus immne globulin (TIG)
What is the stain of mycrobacterium tuberculosis?
Acid fast positive, Isoniazon,cheesy clumps
What are the stages of whooping cough?
1)catarrhal stage (common cold), 2)Paroxsmal stage: violent coughing 3) covalescence stage
clostridium tentani morphology
gram positive rod, anaerobic, exotoxin, neurotoxin
is blood and spinal fluid sterile?
Woolsorters disease
dangerous form of pneumonia cuased by bacillus anthracis
what contributes to the multitudes of respiratory disease?
1)ease of entry 2)ease of droplet transmission 3)anatomy-easily spread huge number of oppurtunities
what is rabbit fever really called? what organism causes it?
Tularemia, francisella tularensis
what is puerperal sepsis
childbirth fever caused for non anticeptic childbirth, caused by streptococcus pyogenes, transmitted to mother during childbirth by attending physicians and midwive
what is septicemia?
blood poisening
what causes walking pnuemonia? what is another name?
mycroplasma pneumoniaea, primary atypical
In the U.S what does microbial disease of the digestive system rank?
what causes acute bacterial endocarditis
inflammtion of the endocardium, hemolyic strep. or staphy aureus from the mouth
tx penicillin
what type of meningitus has nonpurulent spinal fluid with lymphocytes and monocytes as the dominant WBC?
Mycrobacterial tuberculosis
what is hanen's disease?
mycobacterium leprae,lepsory
what would you expect the CSF results on a spinal tap of a person with viral meningitis to be
no bacteria
cornynebacterium diptheriae, what type of disease?
respiratoy, pleomorphic rods, v shaped
Undulant fever is
rheumatic fever...
brucellosis, tetracycline and streptomycin
hemolytic strep-penicillin
Franceisell tularenisi-streptomycin
puerperal sepsis
childbirth fever, uterine infection, abdominal cavitiy, septicemia strep pyogenes
aerobe or anaerobes, bacteriods or clostridium, peniciillin erthmyocin, chloroamphenicol
pnuemococcal pneumonia
strep pneumoniae, gram positive, diplococci, group a beta hemolytic
