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173 Cards in this Set

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Ab cross linked whole cell antigen, forming three dimensional complexes that settle our and form visible clump
Agglutination Test (immune testing)
Diffusion of Ags and Abs in a soft agar gel
Diffusion of Ags and Abs in a soft agar gel forming zone of precipitation where they met
Double diffusion precipitation test
Function of the immune systems harms host
Hypersensitivity or Allergy (over reaction of the immune system)
Types of Hypersensitivity

Type I Immediate (anaphylactic) hypersensitivity
fast within a few minutes, no symptoms (first exposure)

2nd exposure = host experience symptoms IgE procuded
Hypersensitivity Atopy
Hay fever - seasonal reaction to pollen

food allergy
Anaphylaxis (hypersensitivity)
Type II Cytotoxic Hypersensitivyt
Ab directed at cell surface antigens activates C to damage the cells
Primary mediators of Type II Cytotoxic Hypersensitivity
IgG or IgM and C factor (blood protein)

B cells involved

Ex) body reaction when bad blood is received
Type III - Immune complex hypersensitivity
Deposition of immune complex which activate the compliment and cause inflammation

Ex) complication foloowing strep infection - Rheumatic Fever, Acute Glomerulnephritis
Type IV Cell mediated (delayed) Hypersensitivity
function of T lymphocyte (B cell is not involved)

Ex) Poison Oak/Ivy and Rejection of Organ
Pyogenic cocci
cause pus forming infection
3 types of pyogenic cocci
Staphylococci G(+)

Streptococci G(+)

Neisseria G(-)
characteristic of staphylococcus
non-spore forming
irregular clusters
faculative anaerobe
salt tolerant
catalase (+)
pigmented large colonies
Staphylococcus Aureus (most common pathogen of group)
Virulence Factors

1- Coagulase- Coagulates plasma and blood( MOST USEFUL DIAGNOSTIC ENZAYME )
2- Halurindiase- Digests ground substance around the cells (dissolve cement of cells)
3- Staphylokinase- Digests blood clots
4- Nuclease- attack DNA
Staphylococcus Aureus - hemolysin
lyse red blood cells
Staphylococcus Aureus - Luekocidin
alter permeability of neutrophils, can kill blood cells (phagocytosis)
Staphylococcus Aureus - Entrotoxin
act upon GI tract (Cause FOOD Poisoning
Staphylococcus Aureus - Toxic Shock syndrome
toxemia in women due to infection of vagina
Target of infection : skin and gland

Systemic infection: bone and joint

epidemiology: poor hygiene and nutrition, diabetes melliutus and persisting primary infections
Staphylococcus Aureus
Skin infection of Staphylococcus Aureus
folliculitis - superficial infection (mild)
A boil or ____ extends into the subcutaneous area (Staphylococcus Aureus infection)
most severe skin infection (deep subcutaneous tissue) Staphylococcus Aureus infection
encrusted pustules on superficial layers of skin

Staphylococcus Aureus

Staphylococcus Aureus

Staphylococcus Aureus

Staphylococcus Aureus
especially in abdomen
blood stream or lymphatic disseminated infections (systemic)
occur away from the infection site

are chronic and difficult to cure
Disseminated infections

diaphysis of long bones ?

permanent cartilage damage especially in hip ?

drug abuser or within 2 months of heart surgery


acute bacterial endocarditis
Toxin Associated infection
scalded skin syndrome

toxic shock syndrome

food poisoning

spherical shape
long bead like chains
non spore forming
facultative anaerobes
ferment sugar with lactic acid production
small colonies
catalase negative
a peroxidase system for inactivation of Hydrogen peroxide
Group A B C and some of D are
beta hymolytic
Group A

cause throat infection
inhabit throat, and pharnyx and skin

streptococcus pyogenes (Beta hemolytic)
Group A
Virulance factors:
1- Capsule
2- C- carbohydrate- protect bacterium from being dissolved by the host lysozyme
3- M protein- main component of fimbriae

All are antiphagocyitic and adherence factor
Group A
joint , heart, and subcutaneous tissue

(delayed inflammatory reaction - rhematic fever)

Treatment : Penicillin, Erythromycin or cephalosporin
Alpha Hemolytic Streptococci

(Viridan Group)
S. mits,
S. mutans,
S. sanguis

most numerous of oral cavity
steptococci pneumonia
treatment penicillin, clindamycin, erythtomycin and cephalosporin

Neisseria and Moraxella
Neisseria = pilli (slow down phag)

Neisseria gonirrheae (top 5 STD)

pili promote attachment of cocci to tissue

Treatment: Penicllin
Nesseria Menigoccus
menigitis in young children

Serious complication due to meningococcemia bacteria entering the blood vessel rapidly permeate the meninges and produces symptoms of meningitis
Other gram negative cocci:
1-___________-common member of throat flora, and can cause opportunistic infection
2- ________, a short rods that colonies mammalian mucous membrane
Branhamella catarrhlis

Gram positive bacilli

aerobic :

aerobe: bacillus

anaerobe: clostridum

non-spore forming
The continuing reservoir of infection is human Neisseria meingitidis is the second most
frequent cause of in young children
Serious complication due to meningococcemia bacteria entering the blood vessel rapidly permeate the meninges and produces symptoms of
- short rods that colonies mammalian mucous membrane
Moraxella (gram negative cocci)
common member of throat flora and can cause opportunitistic infection
branhamella catarrhlis (gram negative cocci)
Gram Positive Bacilli: Aerobic
Gram positive bacili: anaerobic
Motile, Rod-shape, endospore, heat resistant. Zoonatic disease of domesticated animal
Kock and Pasteur used these


cutaneous anthrax

exotoxins produce a toxemia with cardiovascular shock
treatment via pennicllin

skin through small cuit
pulmonary anthrax
infected by airborne pathogens
soft tissue and wound infection (gang green)
clostridium Prifringes
clostridium tetani
neuramuscular disease (lockjaw)

common resident of cultivated soil and GI tracts of humans and animal
Clostridium botulinum
improperly cooked home canned food (produce botulin toxin)
food toxication
food infection
most common food poisoning in USa
Staphylococcal food intoxication
corynebacterium produces
causes destruction of epithelium and causes superficial inflammatory response and formation of a grayish " psuedo membrane"
diphteria (2 stages)

Scarlet Fever


Rheumatic Fever
Streptococcysus pyogenes
Virulence associated with N. Gonorhea is
pili and protease
Meningitis is #2 in the USA
Neisseria menigitidis
Nucleic Acids , Proteins, Capsid all found in
Viruses that do not destroy their host are termed
have an unusual enzyme called Reverse Transcriptase which can convert and single strand RNA into a double stranded DNA (AIDS)
Para viruses are ______ DNA virus
single stranded
RNA virus
The use of aspirin is not recommended in the case of chicken pox inrection due to the risk of
Reye syndrome disease
Kissing Disease
The most specific test for detection of AIDS
Western Blot Test
Viruses can multiply in the essential nutrient
enveloped viruses release from the infected cells by a injection in to the cell wall by ____ released by _____

Herpes Virus has an enzyme called _____ that is involved in viral DNA
Reverse Transcriptase
Varicella zoster virus establishes latent infection in the nerve cells of
Trigeminal ganglion
What is the name of disease that is very common in college student
Ebstein barr infection (kissing)
genetic defenses include
species specificity
serum can clot and plasma cannot
false ... plasma clots
the identification of foreign particles by the body is called
attraction of phagotic cells due to the chemical stimulus from the microorganism is called
The maturation of B cells will be done in
bone marrow
post chicken pox
natural , active immunity
placent transferal and milk
natural passive immunity
native natural immunity
tetanous antitoxin
artificial passive immunity
artificial active immunity
this enzyme (membrane attack complex) digests hole in the cell membranes of bacterial cells and enveloped viruses , thereby destroying them
Oposonins are effective because they coat the surface of bacteria, facilitate their ingestion by
The FC region of this antibody binds to the surface of mast cells, triggers ALLERGIC reactions of the immediate type through the release of mediators
Compliment operateson the way that one component activates the next in line which activates the next
The portion of the antibody that binds to the compliment is referred to as
encapsulated containing SSS
streptococcus pneumoniae
N. Gonearhea
Spore former black shaped angular rods
Bacillus Anthracis
Clostridium Tetani
coliform bacteria
echerichia coli
by what mechanism does lacrimation (tearing) provide defense from microbial infection
provide a chemical barrier

contains lysosomes
The maturation of T cells will be done in the
Barriers involved in the first line of defense
physical , chemical, genetic
_____ of gram (-) bacterium produce fever by resetting the thermostat in the hypothalamus
Main function is phagocytosis
the actual source of antibody is the
B cell
Herpes simplex I becomes latent in the
trigeminal ganglion
the natural habitat of the ebstein barr virus is the
human lymphoid tissue and salivary glands
retroviruses have an unusual enzyme called ___ which can convert a single strand RNA into an double strand
Viruses like agents with atypical chemical and physical properties that cause spongiform encephalopathies is called

it's a microbial agent that is not a cell and made of proteinous molecules
the smallest unit of a complex antigen able to bind to a antibody is
associated with an allergy
secondary response, memory antibodies
Associated with mucous membeanes
the antibody with the highest activity and highest number of heavy and light chains is the
Allergic response requires exposures to allergen T/F
toxic shock syndrome is a disease process caused bya toxinproduced by
S. aureus
Pharyngitis or tonsilitis (strep throat)
Strep. pyrogenes
recovery from the mumps
natural active immunity
fetus receives tetanus antibodies
natural passive immumioty
injection of Hep B antibodies
Artificial active immunity
no antigen memory
passive immunity general
vaccination against polio
artificial passive immunity
auto immunity is
hypersensitivity to self
disease o fthe kidneys thought to be the result of autoimmune response to various Strepcocci antigens
acute glumeronphritis
memory cells are
B and T cells
the portion of the antibody that binds to the compliment/antigen is reffered to
the term for a constant number of cases during a long period of time in a geographic locale
post mumps
natural active immunity
placenta transfers milk
natural passive
tetanus antitoxin
artificial passive
no antigen memory
passive immunity
flu vaccination
artificial active
most DNA viruses have the ability to transform normal cells to abnormal cells T/F
entrobacterium clocae
NET test
N. meniningitis
Staph, Aureus
spore former
bacilius cerus
blood agar
for identifying of the gram + bacilli which of the follow test are required
blood agar hemolysis
latent viral infection implies that the virus has entered the host's cell
Beubonic plague caused by
yensinia pestis
complex viruses are enclosed by a
nuclear cytoplasmic membrane of the host
an example of complex virus is
herpes simplex
Edema is typical of many viral infections but it is not a prominent feature of
enteroviral infections
DNA replicate within
the nucleus
Herpes hamins (II) is transmitted by
sexual contact
Viruses are classified into two major groups according to their nucleoprotein content, DNA or RNA T/F
Viruses usually affect the host via
mucous membrane
teschonme isa disease fo the
Rickets in men cause
Ricketsickrkektsi causes
rocky mtn spotted fever
mycoplasma are termed atypical because they
lacka cell wall
primary syphilis
open lesions termed chancre
The reticuloendothelial system
are connective tissue fibers
which line of defense is for long term immunity
3rd line
Which can grow in MSA
Staph. Epidermis
which of the follow are catalase +
staph. epidermis

staph aureus
which of the follow are catalase -
Any strep

Strep. pneumonia

strep. salivarius
which is the most super ior structure on the microscope
ocular lens
this type of rod shape bacterium has spores
bacillus megatrium and cereus
bacteria, fungi and heminth worths
are all prokaryotic cells
the _____ filament provides movement for the microbe
axial filament
short appendage used for site of attachment
the type of mutation occurs when there is a displacement of an amino acid in the code
missense mutation
All are hemolytic types of bacteria except
Granhamella catarrhalis
psuedomonas aeruginas
proteus vulgaris
bacillus cereus
Gram - bacillus
Spores can be stained via gram staining T/F
which causes jaundice in the hepatitis patient
bilirubin accumulating in the blood
integration of viral DNA in the bac terial DNA is the initiation of the phasse of the bacteriophage replication
3 layers of cell envelope
glycocalyx (surface)
- slime layer (loose)
- capsules (tightly bound)
cell wall - peptidoglycans

cell membrane
bacteria with no cell wall
purple bacteria

1 layer of peptidoglycan bacteria
gram positive cell wall
pink bacteria

no outer membrane

thin peptidoglycan
2 layers
gram negative cell wall
Gram staining is a
differential stain

primary (violet)

Secondary (saffrin)
internal content of protoplasm
cell pool
chromatin body (nucleoid)
plasmid (made of DNA)
ribosomes (protein synthesis)
mesosomes (ext of cell mem.)
granules ( storage of organic compounds)
bacterial endospore that holds a copy of DNA
Gram +
single pair tetrad, cluster and chain
single paired, chain

palisades (star shaped)
N. Meningitis
coffee bean shaped