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150 Cards in this Set

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Eucaryotes appeared ___ years ago
2 bilion
Eukaryotes are believed to come from prokaryotes by ____
--> some organelles of eukaryotes are from prokaryotes
All Algae are unicellular
No. Not all.
some of them are multicellular.
what eukaryotic organisms are unicellular?
some algae and some fungi and all "protoza"
All eukaryotic cells have chloroplasts?
Cilia are only found in _______
animal cells and some protozoa
Differences of flagella in eukaryotes and prokaryotes
Eukaryotic flagella-thicker, more complex, membraned
- 9+2
- microtubules all along inside
9+2 is found in flagella not cilia
No. both have them.
Glycocalys of eukaryotes
of polysaccharides
function in adherence, protection, signal reception
___, ____, ____ do not have a cell wall
protozoa, few algae, all animal cels
Cilia moves ...
back and forth
Cell wall components
- fungal cells
- algae
1. thick layer of chitin /cellulose (inner), thin layer of glycans
2. varies.... cellulose, pectin, mannas, silicon dioxide, calcium carbonate
Eukaryotic cells have ___in their cell membranes to strenthen their feature when lacing a cell wall
Not all eukaryotic cells have ___
cell wall, choroplast, locomotor organs
RNA synthesis occurs in all of the nucleus area.
no. its in necleoLUS especially
in nucleoplasm, there is "____" a network of dark fibers
chromatin that attracts for dyes
--> chromosomes and histone proteins
NUClEUS is the mot prominent eucaryotic organelle
Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum is a ________ network without ribosomes that functions in ____
closed tubular, nutrient processing and synthesis and storage of nonprotein macromolecules like lipids
(proteins are in RER)
Cisternea is in both RER and golgi
Different of cisternea in RER and Golgi?
Cisternae is not continuous in Golgi
proteins are modified in Golgi with the agent/addition of _____ and ___
polysaccharides and lipids
____vesicles are in RER, ___ are in Golgi
transitional, condensing
Nucleus controls cell activities through
network with ribosomes
RER that is attached
the structure of lysosome and its directed food vesicle
Cristae is also in mitochondria
yes. inner membrane
Mitochondria of algae and protozoa are _____...
tubular, fingerlike projections or flattened discs.
Cristae membranes of mitochondria contain __
enzymes, elctron carriers for respiration
spaces around the cristae of mitochondria are filled with liquid _____, and its function is
matrix, to hold ribosomes, DNA, ool of enzymes and others for metobolic cycle
Mitochondria is unique that
- during cell division
- it has its own ____
- ribosomes
- separate independently of the cell
- circular DNA
- 70S = prokaryotic!
Chloroplasts are composed of
stroma matric,
two membranes
circular DNA strand
one difference between ribosomes of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells is
size/ density
cytoskeleton roles to
-anchor organelles
-provide support
-permit shape changes
-composed of protein actin attached to cell membrane, forming a network throughout the cytoplasm
-amoeboid motion
- hollow tubes to keep the shape of cells, alternative transport system for molecules
- spindle fibers during mitosis
- cilia and flagella
Eucaryotic microbes
- fungi
-parasitic worms
Microscopic fungi
molds, yeasts
Macroscopic fungi
mushrooms, puffballs, gill fungi
fungi are __cellular
mostly unicellular
cell walls of fungal cells have
polysaccharide, chitin
cell membranes of fungal cells have
sterol, ergosterol
TWO KINDS OF MICROSCOPIC FUNGI (two basic morpholocial types)
1. mold
2. yeast
: long threadlike cells
round to oval, asexual, pseudohypha
Only either form of mold and yeast exist
no DIMIOPHIC exists
All fungi are heterotrophic
some fungi cause ____ in animals and plants that could cause diseases
Vegetative hyphae give rise to ____
reproductive hyphae that is responsible for making spores
Fungal spores are not just for reproduction but also for
: genetic variation, dissemination
Spores are good identificying measure for fungi
subdivision is based on the way the spores arise
some protozoa living in freshwater habitats reglate osmotic pressure by.... ______
contractile vacuoles, expelling excess water
All protozoa is heterotrophic
not all, most
"woven, interwining mass of hyphae that makes up the body or colony of a mold"
Septa has pores for communication
not always
Why are bacteria spores considered nonreproductive?
Their reproduce out of the endospores in the "right" condition that is more limiting than fungal
What is Sick Building Syndrme?
air inside is contaminated sometimes by mold problems

mold: Penicillium and Stachybotrys
Symptoms of SBS?
eye, nose throat irritation
(will be gone if recipient leaves this contaminated place)
Yeast has cottony, hairy or velvety texture
Its Filamentous fungi
Asexual spore formation through
1. sporangiospores that rapture from saclike head sporangium
2. conidia that pinch off from "special" hypha/ vegetative hypha
Types of conidia
1.arthrospore from rectangular septate hypha frag
2.chlamydospore- thickened spherical of a hyphal cell
3.blastospore-budding from a parent yeast cell/ other conidium
4.phialospore-bud from vase shaped phialide/sterigma
5.microconidium/macroconidium- one celled/ more celled/ under varying conditions
6.porospore from spore bearing cell
Sexual spore formation is important
to give the advantage of variations to adapt to many environments
Three sexual spores
all haploid
+ and - hyphae strains fuse and make a zygote that is germinated when its wall is distrupted
spores fuse in ascus
from club shaped basidium
Fungal classification is done based on
sexual reproduction
hyphal structure
genetic profile
4 phyla of kingdom Eumycota
-sexual spores: _____
-asexual spores:______
- most species are _______
-happhae are
-sporangiospores some conidia
- freeliving saprobes
- nonseptate
Rhizopus, Mucor are examples of
-sexual spores: _____
-asexual spores:______
-happhae are
- most ascospores
- many conidia types at conidiophores
-porous septa
Penicillium (antibiotic), Saccharomyces(for bread and beer), Pneumocystis carinii(AIDS) ,Histoplasma (ohio valley fever), Microsporum (ringworm), Coccidioides immitis, (valley fever) Aspergillus flavos are examples of
-sexual spores: _____
-asexual spores:______
- most species are _______
-happhae are
- conidia
- fruiting bodies
- incomplete septate
Cryptococcus neoformans (infectious to organs), mushrooms, puffballs, bracket fungi, rusts and smuts (plant pathogen)
THe primitive fungi are called
Imperfect fungi mainly yeasts and molds
-no sexual spores; only conidia and septate
candida albicans and blastomyces are examples of
*they can cause pathogenic problems
septae of eumycota
- usually nonseptate in zygomycota
-porous septa in ascomycota
- incomplete septae in baidiomycota
Sexual spores are used to identify organimsms -genus and species
(in lab setting)
usually asexual spore forming structures
sexual spores are rarely found in lab setting
colony texture and pigmentation are other factors to identify fungi?
Kingdom protista consists of
1, algae
2. protozoa
fungi is a part of protista
-unicellular and colonial mostly
- most of them motile
Algae have cell walls
Microscopic forms of algae
unicellular colonial filmentous
Macroscopic forms of algae
multicellular colonial some simple organs and tissues
Algae are mostly photosynthetic
examples of algae
kelps, seaweeds, euglenids, green algae, diatoms, dinoflagellates, brown algae, red seaweeds
Plankton is a part of Protozoa
no, algae
Red tides and toxids (neurological symptoms) are caued by
toxic algal form that uses cysts, spores, ameobas
pfiesteria piscicida
algae are classifed based o
pigments, cell wall, organization, ecology
Algae can be used for ____
cosmetics, food, medical products
fungi are sources of ____.
antibiotics, alcoholr, organic acids, vitamins
most protozoan cells are ___ular cells
Protozoan has chloroplasts
no, but organielles that are eukaryotic
protozoan has two layers: ___,____
ectoplasm, endoplasm
Endoplasm of protozoa cytoplasm involves in feeding and regulates food vacuoles
no ectoplasm does the feeding, locomotion, But some amoebas are in hard shells of calcium carbonate protection
protozoa has cell walls
no.But some amoebas are in hard shells of calcium carbonate
Protozoa is resistant that they can live in hot springs, ice and really dry habitats.
Not the dried habitats
How do protozoa get food?
grazing on living cells of bacteria and algae/ dead debris
into a passageway / gullet
directly through cell membrane
on fluid of host (parasitic)
Protozoa are motile
Yes except for APICOMPLEXA
: flagella, cilia, pseudopods, gliding lol!
Ciliates are among the most diverse cells due to
its diversity in ciliary arrangements and functions
Flagella/cilia is prolonged cytoplasmic membrane
protozoa can even overcome the drying condition (but not active)
if entering into a dormant state CYST from TROPHOZOITE
TROPHOZOITE is the state of protozoa
that requires ample food and moisture to be ACTIVE
All protozoa reproduce
asexually=mitotic cell division
All protozoa exprience cysts?
some only stay as trophozoites
Protozoa also experience sexual reproduction
Conjugation of ciliates: exchanging nuclei
Classification of protozoan based on
type, number, distribution of locomotor
special oranelles /cysts
number of nuclei
Cell wall is another factor to classify protozoa
They all dont have a cell wall
flgellar motility is of which protozoan?
Mastigophora reproducs asexually.
They mostly form cysts, free living.
Not the first one.
Sarcodina reproduces asexually
most are free living
Cili motility
trophozoites and cysts
Sarcodina have pseudopods/flagella as their major locootor structure
Ciliophora unlike other protozoan has _____
two nuclei
with a definite mouth and feeding organelle
(more advanced)
all apicomplexa
are prasitic
Motility is absent in apicoplexa
except male gametes
apicomplexa experience sexual/asexual reproduction
Apicomplexa produces ______ for sexual reproduction -> infection
*complex life cycle
What causes the sleeping sickness in Africa
Trypanosoma brucei
What causes chagas disease
Trypanosoma cruzi
Trypanosomes are transmitted by ))))
blood sucking vectors
The vector of Chagas disease
reduviid bug (sucking on mammalian blood)
Transmission of Chagas disease occurs from mammal to mammal
No.(except across placenta during pregnancy)
bug to mammaL / mammal to bug
How does trypanosomes go into blood
mammals scratching the bite wound
where the bug left the trypanosomes in feces
Entamoeba mainly cuases dysentery
-involves _____ not vectors
(motly infecting humans who ingest contaminated food/water by feces)
Trypanosoma brucei's vector is
tsetse fly
Helminths are big and visible
but why microorganisms?
Microscope is still needed to see their eggs. larvae...
two kinds of helminths
1. platyhelminthes (thin, segmented
2. Aschelminthes=Nematoes( round, unsegmented)
Platyhelminthes are composed of two kinds of worms
tapeworms (CESTODES) and flukes (TReMATODES)
all of the flatworms and roundworms are parasites
General Morphology of worms
- multicellular-advanced organs and organ systems
: reproductive tract, digestive/excretory/nervous/ muscular systems
Cestodes' ____ is dominant in their bodies
Most worms have____ for protection and ____ for breaking down the host's tissue
thick cuticles, mouth grands
Three main stages of worms
adults(helminthes) in a host's body....
- get nutrients
- reproduce SEXUALL
Nematodes have notpearate /separate sexes
Trematodes have notpearate /separate sexes
both or separate
Cestodes have not separate /separate sexes
___ host is/are needed for entire life cycle of worms
(one as intermediate)
definitive host
is the host that experiences parasitic development
Roundworms have a in/complete digestive tract, a protective surface ___, ____ on mouth, poorly develped excretory and nervous systems
spines and hooks
Parasites are acquired through ___
ingestion of larvae or eggs in FOOD
from soil or water
by insect vectors
__- species parasitize humans
the eggs of the worms are vulnerable; the alternative is....
to reproducs A LOT OF EGGS!
Pinworm that cuases a very common infestation in human large intestine
Enterobius vermicularis
(through direct contact with infected person or contaminated surfaces)
Enterobius vermicularis:
females migrate into ___ to deposit eggs
(scratching contaminates the FINGERS--> contaminate other materials)
*younger people more infected
Helminth classification by____
microscopic detection of adult shape
size, organ development, hooks, suckers, special structures, reproduction, hosts,appearance of eggs and larvae
Helminths are distributed ____
world wides
some are to certain regions with higher incidence in tropics