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51 Cards in this Set

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this superficial skin infection occurs when this lipophilic fungus feeds on skin oil and removes stratum corneum layer

sx: red, brownish, blotchy, scaly, painless, hypopigmented or hyperpigmented skin of upper body of non suntanned individuals?
tinea versicolor
what will tinea versicolor look like in suntanned or dark skinned people?

what can this infection develop into?
pinkish white patches on thes kin of upper body

can develop into atopic dermatitis on back and upper trunk (itchy papules and pustules)
what is a mold feeding on stratum corneum of HANDS AND FEET

sx: soliatry brownish black, nonscaly flat, painless MACULES

what does the color of lesions come from?
tinea nigra

color of lesions comes from black color of fungus
what is an infection of hair resulting in white, mycelial and nodular swellings along axis of hair shafts

sx: soft, white painless nodules that crust on skin of hair or genitals and is easy to break off?

what does color od lesion come from?
white piedra

color is from white fungus
what is an accumulation of large masses of epithelial debris containing fungi and/or bacteria and fungi in EXTERNAL AUDITORY MEATUS

chornix infection of external ear with pain, itching, pain, inflammation and loss of hearing
what is invasion of glabrous skin of FACE, chin and upper lip of kids and females but NOT mustahce and beard of adult male

sx: scaling, annular or cirularlesions w/ raised margins and papules
*pruritis, burning and erythema
TInea faciei
what is a mycelia that grow into pores around hair shafts and stratum corneum of skin. it produces edema, leukocytic infiltrations

sx. mild superficial type by scaling lesions on bearded areas of face and neck

deep pustular type has deep folluclar pustules on bearded ares of face, neck

what can these follicular pustules form into?
Tinea barbae

can form info nodular kelids and kerions w/ alopecia and scarrin
what is also known as gray patch ringworm?

what do infected hairs look like?

how do lesions begin and what do they develop into?

what type of rxn can occur. what does allergic rxn cause?
TInea capitis ectothrix

infected hairs, have a pale scaly grayish and breaksoff

coalesced papules in ring form can develop into kerions and keloids

allergix rxn producing dermatophytids can occur. this leads to alopecia, kertaomycosis
what is a form of tinea captitis that occurs when myclea interact with scalp proteins?

what does this produce
Tinea favosa

develops into dead cell masses in mats of hair and yellowish brown cupshaped skin crusts(SCUTULA) with loss of hair and scarring
this infects the horny layer of skin and spreads circularly. center clears and rings of inflammtion on glabrous skin go from dry and scaly patches to pustural and crusty hyperkeratosis

what are two types
tinea corporis

annular and vesicular
this starts from a nail injury. Enzyems that interact w/ skin and nail proteins produce a soft friable keratin that loosesn nail and THICKEns plate of fingernails or toenails
tinea unguium
what is a nail invasion restricted to white patches or pits on surface of nail?

what is a nail infection where edges are first involved and become brittle, friable and thickened w/ cracks
leukonychia mycotica

invasive subungual dermatophytosis
what is an infection from maceration of skin from occupational activity that results in:

*exfoliative, erythmeatous, scaly sheets of skin that become vesicular red circumscribed patches
Tinea manuum
what is jock itch?

what do lesions begin as and develop into?

what do old lesions become like?
tinea cruris(moist area of groin)

begins as circular leion that develop into serpinginous, well marginated red lesions with raised borders and tiny vesicles

old lesions become leather like from intense itching
athletes foot?

what promotes invasion of this fungus

describe lesions?

what are sx?
tinea pedis

breakdown of host skin defenses promotes invasion

infects localized to keratinized skin

lesions are chornic papulosquamous

-intertriginous dermatitis(ppel soften and fissure b/w toes)
-vesicles or bullar on dorsal surface of foot that ulcerate and can cause secondary bacterial infection
what is a hyphae that invaes subq tissue producing granulomas w/ allergic rxn

how does this organsim evade host defenses?

evades by depositing extracellular melanin and forming thick cell walls
someone comes in with eumycetomas

(painless tumor like swelling in skin that ulcerates and can scar w/ woody disfigurement)
patient presentw wibh bronchial pneumonia acompanied with bronchial colonization and fungus ball formation?
pulmonary pseudallescheriasis
what are other forms of pseudallescheriasis
*sinusitis, otomycosis, meningitis, arthritis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, endopthalmitis, keratitis, cut and subq
this is a mycelial invasion resulting in local lesions in lymphatics containing neutrophils, macrophages and giant cells

fociaare circumscribed microabscesses surrounded by leukocyte?

where can this oranism infect?

1. lymphocutaneas
2. fixed cutaneous
3. mucocutaneous
4. pulmonary
4. extracutaneous
this forms gelatinous types of lesions that develop into masses of yeasts

how will mucocatenous form present?

how will cutaneous candidiasis present?

how will ysstemic present?
Candidiasis, with granulomas and possible allergic rxn

muco as thrush, glossitis, stomatitis, cheilitis, perleche, vaginitis,k balantitis, gatroenteritis and bronchitis

cutaneous as paroncyhia, diaper rash and onychomycosis

systemic as fever, HA, anorexia, myalgia,
how can candidiasis be induced?
iatrogenically following antibiotics or narcotic addiction
what are yeasts seeded into blood?

what occurs in patiens on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis from IV cath or machinery?
what are sx of rhodotorulosis?

can this be fatal?
fever, hypotension, tachy, meningitis, chills

can be atal
what is a yeast that multiplies in lung tissue w/ formation of hyaline membrane around cyst like granulomas containing an eosinophic exuadte in the alveoli?
what are sx of pneumocystosis?
fever, chills, nonproductive cough, chest pain, congestion, anorexia, sob, weight loss and development of INTERSTITIAL PLASM CELL PNEUMONIA in immunocompromised hosts(COTTON WOOL SPOTS)
what is a capsular polysaccarid that results in depletion of complemetn and inefficient opsonization and inefficient phagocytosis?

what does it form in large numbers?

how is resolution of this?

forms granulomas with large number o encapsulatied yeast cells in clusters

SLLOW resolution leaving walled off granuloma in tissue
what is the most frequently dx form of cryptococcosis?

what are other possible presetations?
CNS (HA, fever, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, nuchal rigidity, photophobia, neck tenderness)

-disseminated dz

*involves swelling and pain b/c of granulomas
what invades endothelial cells resulting in pyogenic suppuration and necrosis w/ release of fungal endotoxins

has presence of dsRNA mycoviruses

what type of tissue are lesions?

what are other types of infection?


patient has fever, dyspnea, edema, hemoptysis, and pleuritic chest pain and fungus balls?
patient has rhinocerebral prptosis? what is possible dx
-desseminated aspergillosis
infection results in development of necrotic foci that is

-cystic masses in skin
infection of nailr damages nail architecture with development of grooves and cavities but W/O thickening of nail plate
fever, dyspnea, bronchitis and hempotptysis in patients w/ leukemia or lymphoma?
fever, HA cellulitis of nose, bilateral prpsis and swelling of brain in DM or leukemia
rhinocerebral mucormycosis
GI ulcers, diarrhea and peritonitis?
abdoinal mucormycosis
contamninated bandages presentw with abscesse and granulomas in skin of burn patients?
Cutaneous murcormyosis
debilitated patienst due to invasion of nose or paranasla sinuses ora s result of head trauma
cNS mucormyocosis infection
these hyphae directly invade blood vessels an cause necrosis, thrombosis and infarction w/ loss of artrial blood supply and can result in microabscesses in which eosinophils predomoinate as a sheath around hyphae

LEsions are necrotic and fibrotic w/ consistency o RUBBER.

mucormycotic infections are aggressive and are TRUE MEDICAL EMERGENCIES in immunosuprressed DM or neutropneic patients
YEast forms multiply in tissue resulting in PYOGENIC abscess formation w/ accumulation of neutrophil

what is cellular response dependent on?

*severity of disease and vaires w/ infiltration of macrophages and histiocytes,lymphocytes and plasma cells or fibroblasts
what is crab claw shadow?

lower lobe lung leison
dry cough, chills, pleuritic pain, pneumonia, sore throat, myalgia fever and weight loss?
primary pulmonary blastomycosis
ulcerative subq nodules?

osteomyelitis or septic arthrirtis
cutaneous blastomycosis

osseous blastomycosis
with is a suppurative, neutrophil filled tisse with endospores w/ double refactile walles.

Fomration of granulomas produce cavities and nodules that result in scarring
asymptomatic or with fever, chills, pleuritic pain, cough, anorexia and headaches referred to as VALLEY FEVER
pulmonary coccidiomycosis
Desert bumps
allergic coccidiomycosis
Desrt rhumatism
arthrisis from coccidiomycosis
solitary or mutliple necrotic granulomas and lesion with yeast infected monocytes and macrophages growin in bone marrow and disseminate the dz
fever, cough, loss of breath, bloody sputu, sweating, weight loss , malaise, cyanosis, hemoptysis, cavitation and penumonia
severe pulmonary histoplasmosis
oropharyngeal ulcer formation on mucous m embrnaes that become granulmatous?
mucocutaneous histoplamsosis
fever, anemia, meningitis, hepatsplenomaglay, leukopenia, septick shock and weight loss
systemick histoplasmosis