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185 Cards in this Set

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Y. petstis is more commonly called __
bubonic plauge
Y. pestis produces large, tender, swollen lymph nodes called __, which occur in teh neck, groin, and armpit regions
the CO2 test for H. Pylori works because:
urea-->ammonia--->CO2 gas
H. pylori causes __% of duodenal ulcers and __% of gastic ulcers
90, 80
H. pylori was discovered by __ after he __
Barry Marshall, drank it
people with type __ blood are more susceptible to H. Pylori
tetnsu is treated by __ which is an Ab containing serum of immunized humans which contains an __
TIG, antitoxin
botulist is latin for __
the most common cause of infant botulism if __
eating honey
anthrax is also known as __
wool-sorters disease, rag-pickers disease
the vaccine for anthrax is no longer widely used except in the __
Chagas disease is caused by a __
in chagas disease, the protozoan begins its life inside the reduvid bug. the reduvid bug is a __
biological vector
approximately __ of all perscriptions are for otitis media (ear infections)
otitis media affects __% of kids before 3 years old
__ is the most common reason for children to undergo a general anesthetic in the US
otitis media
__ statistically, is the single most preventable cause of otitis media
parental smoking
a rare, degenerative, fatal brain disease in humans
variant Cruetzfeld Jacob Disease (CJD)
was first reported in 1966, 217 cases in 11 counrires, mostly teh UK
variant Cruetzfeld Jacob Disease (CJD)
people become infected with __ through their consumptin of cattle products contaminated with teh agent __
variant Cruetzfeld Jacob Disease (CJD) , BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)
classic CJD is __ related to "mad cow" disease
agent responsible for the outbreak of vCJD in humans
the mean death age for CJD is __ while VCJD is __
68, 28
vCJD has a __ period of illness than classic CJD
vCJD is caused by a __
causes depression, apthay, or anxiety, unusual persistant and painful sensor symptoms, unsteadiness, difficulty walking and involuntary movements
toxoplasmosis is cause by the parasite __
toxoplasma gondii
toxoplasmosis is caused by a __
single-celled protazoan
the primary host of the toxoplasma gondii parasite are __
in teh US it is estmated the __% of the population 12 years and older have been infected with toxoplasmosis and in other areas of the world, __% are infected
22.5%, 95%
__ and __ are at risk for serious harm by toxoplasmosis
immunocompromised people, newborns and mothers who are infected for the first time just before or during pregnancy
the most common mode of transmission for toxoplasmosis is __
foodborne, eating undercooked, contaminated meat
makes infected mice less afraid of cats
has signs and sympotms that are very similar to general flu for normal people
immunofluroescence staining, slit lamp exam, and antibody titer testing are used to diagnose __
to test for toxoplasmosis, immuno fluroescense staining of biopsy material tests for __
T/F: most healthy people recover from toxoplasmosis without treatment
a mospuito-borne, infectious disease
malaria is caused by a __
parasitic protist
in malaria, __ parasites multiply inside __
plasmodium, RBC's
with malaria, the primary hosts are __, and the secondary hosts are __
female mosquitos, humans
malaria uses __ that form on infected RBC's in order to keep the infeciton in blood vessels and away from the spleen
adhesive proteins
blood films, saliva and urine tests, antigen tests, PCR are all used to diagnose __
__ is used to avoid drug resistance to malaria
artemisinin combination therapy (ACT)
__ is immune to malaria because it alters the hemoglobin in teh blood cuasing the malaria parasite to die
sickle cell disease
most cases of malaria are in __
children under 5
__ has teh most fatalites from malaria
sub-saharan aftrica
a member of teh filoviridae RNA virus family
EBOLA virus
bleeding from eyes, ears, and nose, mouth, rectum, genital swelling, and a rash over the entire body that often contains blood are signs of __
reacts with blood platelets and produces an unknown chemical that "punches hole" in capillaries and blood vessels causing hemorrhaging blood from orifices
diagnosed by ELISA, and blood clotting tests
the only known outbreaks of EBOLA habe been in __
Ebola is a __ RNA virus, thought to be transmitted by infected __
zoonotic, primates
__% of those infected with EBOLA die within 2 weeks of teh 21 day incubation period
DIC stands for:
disseminated intravascular coagulation
measles is a __
rapidly inactivated by heat, light, acidic pH, ether, and trypsin
meseales has a __ survival time
T/F mesales only infects humans
mesales is a __ disease
in measles, 2-3 days after symptoms, white/grey spots may appear inside the mouth called __
kopliks spots
in __, 3-5 days ater sympotoms begin, a red or pronish rash appears
mumps is casued by a __
measales is treeated with __
vitamin A medications
teh portal of entry of mumps in teh ___
gastrointestinal tract
__ causes salivary galnds to swell
mumps is contagious for __ days
can be diagnosed by painful and swollen parotid salivary glands
rubella virus is a __ virus
casued by transmitin via airborne droplet emission from teh upper respiratory tract of active cases
rubella virus (german measles)
serodiagnosis of IgM or Ig G, isolation, RT-PCR, hemagglutination inhibition, ELISA, nasal or throat swabs, and blood tests diagnose __
the MMR vaccine vacinates for __
mumps, measles and rubella viruses
causative agent of infectious hepatitis
hepatitis A
hepatitis A is a __ virus
__ is the lease serious yet most common kind of hepatitis
Hepatitis A
causative agent of serum (body fluid) hepatitis
Hep B
hep B is a __ virus
__ is the most dangerous form of hepatitis and can lead to cancer
Hep B
hep C is a __ virus
dark urine, fatigue, fever, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, and jaudince (yellow skin) are sings of __
hep B may require a __
liver transplant
hep C is treated by __
peginterferon medications
the polio virus is a __ virus
picornavirus, RNA
virus that attacks the nervous system
polio enter teh __ and attacks __
mouth, motor neurons
polio is transmitted __ and __ and is most contagious __ days post infection
fecal-oral, oral-oral, 7-10
most virulent and most common serotype of polio
types of polio vaccines:
polio vaccine given orally in drop form, uses weakend form of virus
oral polio vaccine (OPV)
polio vaccine, injected shot, uses killed form
inactivated polio vaccine (IPV)
__% of polio cases are in children under 5
mono is caused by __
epstein barr virus (EBV)
the 2nd most common viral infection behind the flu and cold
to test for mono, the monospot test is a __ test
in teh monspot test, the form of heteropile Ab test reacts with __
the mono tests usually test for __
mono can hide for __
T/F if you have mono, you should avoid alcohol until the liver is functioning properlly
chicken pox/shingles is cause by
varicella-zoster virus
chickenpox first enters the __
respiratory system
chicken pox moves from teh respiraory system to teh __ near the spine-indefinite latency
dorsal root ganglion
chickenpox that occurs/reoccurs in adults
the difference between smallpox and chickenpox/shingles is that the smallpox rash is __
more on teh extremites, palms, and soles
chickenpox is __ even before the rash appears
airborne and very contagious
antibody that is made first
west nile virus is a __ virus
west nile virus is __
positive sense
when single straded RNA goes into the cell and acts as messanger RNA. can be transcribed immediatly
postive sense
spread by mosquito who has bit an infected bird and then a human
west nile virus
west nile virus can cause __ and __
west nile fever, west nile encephalitis/menigitis
__ was first isolated from a febrile adult woman in teh west nile district of uganda in 1937
west nile virus
WNV first occured in north america in __ in 1999
New york city
causes genital warts, cancer
human papillomavirus (HPV)
__% of sexually active men and women will get HPV at some point in their lives
__ million americans are currently infected with HPV
infects T-cells and macrophages of the immune system and squamous epithelia cells
HPV causes __ cancer
the pap test for HPV is an __ test
HPV tests done during a pap test is a PCR-ELISA that detects __
HPV viruses (antigen)
protects against cervical cancer
protects agains cervical cancer and also agianst genital warts, for both men and women
influenza is a __ virus
influenza has 2 different spikes __ and __
hemagglutin and neuraminidase (HA, NA)
2 mixing vecotors for influenza
bird, pig
influenza __ causes pandemics, most varied strain, rapid antigenic drift
influenza __ mainly infects animals, less lethal, found more often in youth, slow antigenic drift, permits humans to aquire immunity
genetic reassortment between a human and non-human virus in a non-human host, changes suddenly, moajor genetic variation
antigenic shift
accumulation of mutations that facilitate evasion of the host imuune response, happens gradually, minor variation
antigenic drift
the __ vaccine is a annual vaccine contain protection from __ flu viruses that are anticipated to be the most common that season
TIV, 3
rickettsia rickettsii is an __ that causes __
obligate intracellular parasite, rocky mountain spotted fever
rocky mountain spotted fever is usually transmitted to humans through __
tick bites
vectors of R. rickettsia 3
-american dog tick
-brown dog tick
-rocky mountain wood tick
the main symptom for rocky mountain spotted fever is a rash that starts on the __
ankles and wrists
the gold standard for diagnosis of R. rickettsii is __, which tests for __
indirect immunoflourenscence assay (IFA), antigen
lyme disease is cause by __
bacteria Borrelia burgdorfei
Borrelia burgdorfei has __ morphology
the highest occuring disease cuased by ticks in teh US
lyme disease
lyme disease can be diagnosed by a __
bulls eye rash
T/F antibodies mean protection
the infectino of teh arachonoid mebrane, subarachnoid space, and cerebrospinal fluid by bacteria
bacterial memingitis
haemophilus influenzae, listeria monocytogenes, neisseria menigitidis and streptococcus pneumoniae are teh most common causes of __
bacterial menigitis
bacterial menigits is cultivated on what type of medium?
chocolate agar
H. influenza in a picky organism aka __
caused by acid fast rods
mycobacterium tuberculosis
mycobacterium tuberculosis is a __, usually in macrophages
facultative intracellular parasite
the __ of mycobacterium tuberculosis helps survive phagocytosis
waxy cell wall
mycobacterium tuberculosis is spread by __
microscopic drolets of saliva containing bacteria being inhaled
T/F there is no latent TB
how is TB diagnosed?
-skin test: injection of tuberculin, look for raised bump
-blood test: iterferon gama release assay (IGRA)
sputum smear microscopy is __
acid fast staining
people with __ are much more likely to get TB
__ of people are infected with M. TB in teh world
__ is second only to HIV/AIDS in deaths worldwide
the __ toxin is a B-phage (lysogenic) toxin
can be diagnosed by a grayish psudomembrane in teh throat
teh diptheriae vaccine is a __
__ causes whooping cough
bordetella pertussis
to diagnose whooping cough, direct fluorescent antibody staing is done. this is an __ test
T/F there have been recent outbreaks of whooping cough
identificaiton requires biopsy or slit skin smear
M. Leprae
acid fast positive rod
M. Leprae
causes leprosy/hansens disease
M. Leprae
2 forms of leprosy
type of leprosy: has well defined skin lesions that are numb
PB leprosy
type of leprosy: has a crhoric stuffy nosede to invasion of the mucous membranes and teh prsense of nodules and lesions all over the body
MV leprosy
__ forms of hannans disease are curable
also called pneumococcus, may cause otitis media
Strep. pneumoniae
endospores of this were spread via the mail in 2001
Bacillus anthracis
fungal species implicated in “sick buildings”
Stachybotrys sp
3 forms: bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic
Yersinia pestis
main sign is severe cough, gasping for breath
Bordetella pertussis
bloody diarrhea and hemolytic uremia syndrome
E. coli O157:H7
filovirus found in Zaire, Sudan, Ivory Coast, Reston
EBOLA virus
may cause massive “rice stool” diarrhea
Vibrio cholerae
first sign is usually a “bullseye” rash
Borrelia burgdorferi
may be diagnosed with 14C urea test
Helicobacter pylori
major cause of common cold
virus agglutinates RBCs, H1N1 is one type
Influenza virus
common signs are parotitis and orchitis
mumps virus
a major sign is jaundice
hepatitis A virus
herpesvirus that infects B cells, can cause cancer
very small virus that can cause paralysis
causes cycles of fever as RBCs are lysed
Plasmodium sp (malaria)
vaccination eradicated disease in 1977
smallpox virus
HiB vaccine is carbohydrate linked to protein
Haemophilus influenzae