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176 Cards in this Set

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Cellular (Procaryotic and eukaryotic)
bacteria, archaea, algae, protozoa, and fungi
No plants/animals
viruses, viroids, and prions
often referred to as acellular microbes or infectious particles
Can’t cure a virus
population of cells from a single species descended from a single cell
Genetically identical, 1  1 million . < : branch
biotype or biovar
A strain with a characteristic biochemical pattern (how they use biochemicals such as oxygen, CO2)
Prokaryotic species
A population of cells with similar characteristics
Asexually reproduce** conjugation – pseudo reproduce
group of strains that share many stable properties and differ from other groups of strains
size, shape

Gram stain

special stains

culture differences

biochemical tests


fatty acid profiles
3 basic categories of bacteria
Cocci (round bacteria)

Bacilli (rod-shaped bacteria)

Curved and spiral-shaped bacteria
Cocci may be seen
in pairs (diplococci),
chains (streptococci),
clusters (staphylococci),
packets of 4 (tetrads),
or packets of 8 (octads).
Often referred to as rods;
may be short or long,
thick or thin,
and pointed or with curved or blunt ends.
Curved and Spiral-Shaped Bacteria
Examples of curved bacteria:
Vibrio spp. (flesh eating bacteria) TampaBay
Campylobacter spp.
Helicobacter spp.
Examples of spiral-shaped bacteria:
Treponema spp.
Borrelia spp.
Three Major Categories of Staining Procedures
Simple stains
Structural staining procedures
Differential staining procedures
Structural staining procedures
Capsule stains
Spore stains
Flagella stains(type & location, mono,lophotrichous, enpho, etc.
Simple stains
Simple stain stuff to simple see stuff – types of staining, crystal violet, safranin, methylene blue, malachaile green, carbolfusion
Differential staining procedures
Gram and acid-fast(microbacteria & norcardia) staining procedures
Domain Bacteria Staining Procedures
Bacterial smears must be fixed prior to staining

The fixation process serves to kill organisms, preserve their morphology, and anchors the smear to the slide (superglue)
The two most common types of fixation
not a standardized technique; excess heat will distort bacterial morphology, water & air dry
a standardized technique; the preferred method, not really
Gram-variable bacteria
Some bacteria are neither consistently purple nor pink after Gram staining
Mycobacterium spp. are often identified using
acid-fast stain
acid-fast stain
Carbol fuchsin is the red dye that is driven through the bacterial cell wall

Heat is used to soften the waxes in the cell wall

Because mycobacteria are not decolorized by the acid-alcohol mixture, they are said to be acid-fast
If a bacterium is able to “swim”

most often associated with flagella; less often with axial filaments

Most spiral-shaped bacteria and about 50% of bacilli are motile; cocci are generally nonmotile

demonstrated by stabbing the bacteria into a tube of semisolid medium or by using the hanging-drop technique
colony morphology
includes: size, color, overall shape, elevation, and the appearance of the edge or margin of the colony

includes results of enzymatic activity on various types of media

true for cell morphology and staining characteristics, colony morphology is an important “clue” to the identification of bacteria
atmospheric requirements
classified on the basis of their atmospheric requirements,
O2, CO2
With respect to O2, bacterial isolates can be classified as:
Obligate aerobes

Microaerophilic aerobes

Facultative anaerobes

Aerotolerant anaerobes

Obligate anaerobes
Capnophilic organisms
grow best in the presence of increased concentrations of CO2 (usually 5 to 10%)
Combine known antiserum plus unknown bacterium

Slide agglutination test
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Known antibodies
Unknown type of bacterium
Antibodies linked to enzyme
Enzyme substrate
Flow Cytometry
Uses differences in electrical conductivity between species

Fluorescence of some species

Cells selectively stained with antibody plus fluorescent dye
DNA base composition
Guanine + cytosine moles% (GC)
DNA fingerprinting
Electrophoresis of restriction enzyme digests
rRNA sequencing
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
There are 3 types of RNA, named for their function
Messenger RNA (mRNA)
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
Transfer RNA (tRNA)
Double helix
Single strand
tRNA (transfer)
rRNA (robsomal) in cytosol/plasm in prok. In ER in euk. cells
Purines have
2 rings
AG is silver. Silver is pure. AG = Purines
Pyrimidines have
1 ring
For a double-stranded DNA molecule to form...
the nitrogenous bases on the two separate strands must bond together.
A always bonds with T via
2 hydrogen bonds
G always bonds with C via
3 hydrogen bonds
A-T and G-C are known as
“base pairs”
The bonding forces of the double-stranded polymer cause it to
assume the shape of a double alpha-helix, similar to a right-handed spiral staircase
DNA replication
When a cell is preparing to divide, all DNA molecules in the chromosomes of the cell must duplicate, thereby ensuring that the same genetic information is passed on to both daughter cells
DNA replication occurs by...
separation of the 2 DNA strands and the building of complementary strands by the addition of the correct DNA nucleotides
DNA polymerase (also known as DNA-dependent DNA polymerase) is ...
the most important enzyme required for DNA replication
Replication fork
connecting point
DNA polymerase
unzip your genes
Leading strand
- needs to be read
- complementary strand formed (=messenger RNA) – single stranded
Process known as transcription
Single helix held together by...
covalent bonds
Hydrogen bonds b/w nucleotides...
hold both together
A gene is a ...
particular segment of a DNA molecule or chromosome.
gene product
A gene contains the blueprint that will enable a cell to make what is known
It is the sequence of the four nitrogenous bases of DNA (i.e., A, G, C, and T) that ...
spell out the instructions for a particular gene product.
Although most genes code for proteins, some code for ...
rRNA and tRNA
Some genes code for ...
more than one gene product
The Central Dogma explains ...
the flow of genetic information within a cell (proposed by Francis Crick in 1957).
One gene of a DNA molecule is used to make one molecule of mRNA
genetic information in the mRNA is then used to make one protein
gene expression
All genes on a chromosome are not being expressed at any given time. It would not be logical for a cell to produce a particular enzyme if it was not needed
inducible genes
Genes that are only expressed when the gene products are needed
constitutive genes
Genes that are expressed at all times
The process by which the genetic code within the DNA molecule is transcribed to produce an mRNA molecule
The primary enzyme involved in transcription is...
RNA polymerase
In eucaryotes, transcription occurs within the nucleus
the newly formed mRNA molecules then travel through the pores of the nuclear membrane into the cytoplasm, where they are used to produce proteins
In procaryotes, transcription occurs in the cytoplasm
ribosomes attach to the mRNA molecules as they are being transcribed at the DNA – thus both transcription and translation may occur simultaneously
In eucaryotes, transcription occurs within the nucleus
the newly formed mRNA molecules then travel through the pores of the nuclear membrane into the cytoplasm, where they are used to produce proteins
In procaryotes, transcription occurs in the cytoplasm
ribosomes attach to the mRNA molecules as they are being transcribed at the DNA – thus both transcription and translation may occur simultaneously
70s ribosome =
50s +30s
a codon
Mrna U-C-C goes into ribosome, move over mrna in order to read it w/ help of trna & read in sections of 3 base pairs, 3 nucleotides
The process of translating the message carried by mRNA, whereby particular tRNAs bring amino acids to be bound together in the proper sequence to make a protein
The base sequence of the mRNA molecule is read in groups of 3 bases
The 3-base sequence codon can be read by a complementary 3-base sequence on a tRNA molecule.
amino acids
Subunits of proteins
study of heredity
complete collection of genes
physical traits (e.g., includes hair and eye color in humans)
An organism’s phenotype is the manifestation of ...
that organism’s genotype
Genes direct ...
all functions of the cell
A particular segment of the chromosome constitutes
a gene
In order to change phenotype...
need to change genotype
Ways to change genes
malfunction during replication
A change in a DNA molecule (genetic alteration) that is transmissible to offspring
3 categories of mutations
Beneficial mutations
Harmful mutations (some are lethal mutations)
Silent mutations
Mutation rate (the rate at which mutations occur) can be increased by exposing cells to physical or chemical agents
The organism containing the mutation
Ways in which bacteria acquire new genetic information (i.e., acquire new genes):
Lysogenic Conversion
An extrachromosomal DNA molecule
An organism that acquires a plasmid acquires ...
new genes
A plasmid that can either exist by itself or can integrate into the chromosome
Lysogenic Conversion
Temperate phages (or lysogenic phages) inject their DNA into a bacterial cell.
The phage DNA integrates into the bacterial chromosome, but does not cause the lytic cycle to occur
a phage where all that remains of it is its DNA
lysogenic cell
The bacterial cell containing the prophage
lysogenic conversion
The bacterial cell exhibits new properties, directed by the viral genes
Phage uses bacteria as its host b/c...
it’s a virus
Temperate phage like galaxy b/c...
shoots into cell
Transduction (“to carry across”)
Also involves bacteriophages

bacterial genetic material is “carried across” from one bacterial cell to another by a bacterial virus; thus, in transduction, bacteria acquire new bacterial genes

Note how this differs from lysogenic conversion, wherein bacteria acquire new genetic information in the form of viral genes

Only small amounts of genetic material are transferred by transduction
A bacterial cell becomes genetically transformed following the uptake of DNA fragments (“naked DNA”) from its environment
The ability to absorb naked DNA into the cell
competent bacteria
bacteria capable of absorbing naked DNA
transformation example w/ mouse
Mouse & pneumonia
Capsule has disease –smooth (+)
No capsule = no disease – rough (-)
Heat –killed (-)
Rough & heat killed smooth pneumonia = (+)
DNA genes made it sick
Removed proteins – still got sick
- RNA sick
DNA not sick!
Competent bacteria
Involves a specialized type of pilus called a sex pilus.
A bacterial cell with a sex pilus (called the donor cell) attaches by means of the sex pilus to another bacterial cell (called the recipient cell).
Some genetic material (usually a plasmid) is transferred through the hollow sex pilus from the donor cell to the recipient cell.
resistance factor or R-factor
A plasmid that contains multiple genes for antibiotic resistance
A bacterial cell that receives a R-factor
In plasmid:
F + donor of plasmid
F – receiver of plasmid
Genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology
involves techniques to transfer eucaryotic genes (particularly human genes) into easily cultured cells to manufacture important gene products (mostly proteins)
Plasmids are frequently used as vehicles for ...
inserting genes into cells
examples of many industrial and medical benefits from genetic engineering
synthesis of antibodies
drugs and vaccines
also, for synthesis of important enzymes and hormones for treatment of diseases
Gene therapy of human diseases involves ...
the insertion of a normal gene into cells to correct a specific genetic disorder caused by a defective gene
most common method for inserting genes into cells is...
Viral delivery
specific viruses are selected to target the DNA of specific cells
Genes may someday be regularly prescribed as “drugs” in the treatment of diseases (e.g., autoimmune diseases such as...
SICKLE CELL ANEMIA, cancer, cystic fibrosis, heart disease, etc
Removing all microbial life
Commercial sterilization
Killing C. botulinum endospores
Removing pathogens
Removing pathogens from living tissue
Removing microbes from a limited area
Lowering microbial counts on eating utensils
Kills microbes
Inhibiting, not killing, microbes
selecting an antimicrobial procedure...
Type of microorganism (Population composition)
Number of microorganisms
Environmental conditions
-Presence of organic matter
Risk of infection
Concentration of agent
Duration of exposure
Actions of Microbial Control Agents
Alteration of membrane permeability

Damage to proteins

Damage to nucleic acids
Thermal death point (TDP)
Lowest temperature at which all cells in a culture are killed in 10 min
Thermal death time (TDT)
Time during which all cells in a culture are killed
Decimal Reduction Time (DRT)
Minutes to kill 90% of a population at a given temperature
Moist Heat Sterilization
Moist heat denatures proteins
Steam under pressure
The Autoclave
Heated water within enclosed vessel forms steam
Steam increases pressure>14 lb/sq in or 101.3 kPa
Water boils at higher temp.
Standard: 121 deg C at 15 lb/sq in for 15 min
Flash: 135 deg C 3 min
Prions killed at 132 deg C
Steam Sterilization
Steam must contact item’s surface
Reduces spoilage organisms and pathogens

Equivalent treatments
63°C for 30 min

High-temperature short-time: 72°C for 15 sec

Ultra-high-temperature: 140°C for <1 sec

Thermoduric organisms survive
Dry Heat Sterilization
Kills by oxidation
Dry heat
Hot-air sterilization
HEPA removes microbes >0.3 µm

Membrane filtration removes microbes >0.22 µm
Physical Methods of Microbial Control
Low temperature
High pressure
osmotic pressure
Low temperature
inhibits microbial growth
High pressure
denatures proteins
prevents metabolism
Osmotic pressure
causes plasmolysis
UV (200-300nm)--non-ionizing
damages DNA; causes T-T dimers
little penetration
air, surfaces
Gamma, X-rays--ionizing
produces reactive molecules in microbe
heat sensitive materials
Measured in absorbed radiation dose (rad)
100 rad=1 Gray
Principles of Effective Disinfection
Concentration of disinfectant
Organic matter
Use-Dilution Test
Metal rings dipped in test bacteria are dried

Dried cultures are placed in disinfectant for 10 min at 20°C

Rings are transferred to culture media to determine whether bacteria survived treatment
Denature proteins, affect membranes
remain active, effective
5% soln kills bacteria
skin, neurological damage
e.g., cresols, xylenols, Lysol™ (orthophenyl-phenol), triclosan, hexachlorophene
Oxidizes cell constituents (membranes, DNA, proteins)
produces HClOHCl + O
water, dairy, food
cheap, easy, effective (clean) at 10 mL/L or diluting Clorox (5.25%)
linked as iodophore (iodine + organic molecule)
Protein synthesis, cell membranes
Antiseptic; e.g. Betadine
Ethanol, isopropanol
Denature proteins, dissolve lipids
Require water
Ethanol and Isopropanol
Lipid solvents-
Dissolve membrane lipids
coagulate proteins
Bactericidal, fungicidal, not sporicidal, viricidal (70% solns)
Not effective vs naked viruses or endospores
Disinfect surfaces
Heavy Metals
Ag, Hg, & Cu
Oligodynamic action
Ag, Hg, and Cu
Silver nitrate may be used to prevent gonorrheal ophthalmia neonatorum
Silver sulfadiazine used as a topical cream on burns
Copper sulfate is an algicide
Oligodynamic action
Denature proteins
Peroxides (proteins)
3% solution hydrogen peroxide
Some bacteria produce catalase; rendering inactive
Biguanides (cell membrane)
e.g. chlorhexidine – skin and mucous membranes
Antiseptics – mixed with detergent or alcohol
Aldehydes (proteins)
inactivate proteins and DNA
glutaraldehyde - sterilize, formaldehyde - preservation
Soap - emulsification
Acid-anionic detergents
Quarternary ammonium compounds (cationic detergents)
Bactericidal, denature proteins, disrupt plasma membrane
Chemical Food Preservatives
organic acids
nitrite prevents endospore germination
Organic acids
Inhibit metabolism
Sorbic acid, benzoic acid, and calcium propionate
Control molds and bacteria in foods and cosmetics
Nitrite prevents ...
endospore germination
Nisin and natamycin prevent spoilage of cheese
Gaseous Sterilants
Denature proteins
Use: Heat-sensitive material
Ethylene oxide
Free radicals destroy microbes
Use: Tubular instruments
Supercritical Fluids
CO2 with gaseous and liquid properties
Use: Medical implants
agents that inhibit the growth or kill microorganisms
Chemicals naturally produced by mold or bacteria that inhibit or kill other microbes
antibiotic Features
Selective toxicity
Spectrum of Activity
Selective toxicity
kills/inhibits microbe without harming host
Usually against microbial pathway not in host
Therapeutic index
Highest amount drug that can be tolerated by patient
Lowest toxic dose/effective dose
Higher the index, the less toxic
Bacteriostatic (sulfa drugs – UTI) vs. bacteriocidal
Spectrum of activity
Broad vs. Narrow
Sensitivity determinations
Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)

Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC)
Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
lowest concentration of drug that prevents growth of organism in vitro
Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC)
lowest concentration that kills 99.9% of bacteria
Kirby-Bauer Disc Diffusion Tests
Disk diffusion test (Kirby Bauer antibiotic susceptibility test)
zone of inhibition correlates to susceptibility of organism

Resistant, Intermediate, or Susceptible
Resistance - mechanisms
Decrease uptake
alter membrane permeability (transport proteins etc.)
Drug-inactivating enzymes
e.g. penicillinase
Modify target molecule
Increase export - efflux pumps
Acquisition of resistance
Spontaneous mutation
Occurs at frequency of ~10-9
vertical evolution
affects progeny

Acquisition of new genes (gene transfer)
horizontal evolution
Slowing rate of resistance
Wash hands
No unnecessary prescriptions
Narrow spectrum drugs
Isolate patients with multidrug resistant infections
familiarity with local data
Slowing rate of resistance
Do not demand antibiotics
take as prescribed - full duration, not hoard
wash produce & cook meat well
only use antibacterial soaps when defenses weakened
Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis