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55 Cards in this Set

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All micro organisms are infectious.
Only a small fraction of microbes are infectious.
The mechanisms of __________ are the means and ways of microbes to cause pathology or damage.
The mechanisms of _pathogenicity_ are the means and ways of microbes to cause pathology or damage.
What is made from pieces of actual organism to build up immunity from future invasions of that organism?
What is the definition of viralence factor?
The means available for microorganisms to cause disease via toxin, attachment devices, enzymes, etc.
What are two examples as listed in the notes or diseases caused by disturbed immune systems?
Allegies and autoimmunity
When the immune system responds to innocous material (nonhazardous)you are having what type of reaction?
Multiple schlerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other diseases caused by the body attacking its own immune system is known as what types of diseases?
Graft rejection is an immune response to what type of tissue?
Issues with T-cells, B-cells, complementary, or phagocytic cells that result in defects of the immune response is known as immunodeficiencies.
What are two examples given in lecture of manipulation of immunity to treat disease?
Immunosuppression and immunoregulation
Manipulation of immunity to treat disease by immunotherapeutic interventions is known as immunosuppression.
What is the first line of defense of the immune response?
The skin and mucous membrane
A secondary infection can be caused by certain viral organisms because they inhibit what structure involved in the 1st line of defense?
Mucocillary escalator
Rapidly regenerating surfaces, peristaltic movements, mucociliary escalation, vomiting, flow of urine/tears, and coughing are all characteristics of what immune defense?
The first line of defense
What 3 materials in the second line of immune defense are responsible for killing cells?
Complement proteins, phagocytic cells, and NK (natural killer) cells
Commensal organisms are the normal population of bacteria in the body.
What are the two components of the 2nd line of immune defense?
Cellular and humoral
Lysosomes, sebaceous/mucous secretions, stomach acid, commensal organisms, complement proteins, phagocytosis, and NK cells are all components in what line of immune defense?
The 2nd line of defense
In the 3rd line of defense, cellular and humoral defences such as antibodies, cytokines, T- helper cells, and cytotoxic T- cells are present in the immune response.
What are the two types of immunity?
Innate and Acquired (adaptive)
What is the name for pathology that comes from the immune system itself that damages tissue, oppose to pathology from a bacteria?
Out of the 3 lines of defense, which are generally present in innate immunity?
The 1st and 2nd
Anatomical defenses, inflammation, fever, phagocytic and physical barriers are all characteristics of what type of immunity?
Innate (natural) immunity
What lines of defense are present in acquired immunity?
The 3rd line
What type of immunity deals specificity, tolerance, and memory?
Acquired immunity
Which type of immune response has an inbuilt immunity to resist infection?
The innate immune response
__________ immunity is established to adapt to infection.
_Adaptive_ immunity is established to adapt to infection.
Innate and adaptive immune systems have what two components in common?
Both have cellular (liquid portion) and humoral (soluble material) components and they neither is effective without eachother.
Which type of immunity is present at birth?
The innate immunity is Ag specific.
The adaptive immunity is Ag (antigen) specific
Which type of immunity is characterized by memory and enhancement of 2nd exposure?
Adaptive immunity
What type of system is cells, proteins and supporting systems that kill or inactivate invaders (such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa), reacts to chemicals and allergens, and monitors every cell in the body for cancer?
Immune system
What are the advantages to the immune system? (5)
Kills bacteria
Kills cells infected w bacteria or viruses
Inactivates or destroys viruses
Inactivates or destroys toxins
Kills cancer cells
What are the disadvantages to the immune system? (3)
Contributes to allergies
Rejects transplanted tissues
Mistakenly attacks itself (autoimmune diseases)
MHC is a type of cell that distinguishes what?
The bodys own tissue from foreign tissues, such as transplanted tissue
What is the name for the substance that illicts an immune response?
Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids are the 4 polymers of a microbe.
Out of the 4 components of a microbe, which is most antigenic compound?
There is no size restriction on the recognition of a microbe by an antigen.
There is a size restriction
>10,000 MW
What are the 4 parts of a microbe that the body will react to? (i.e. the antigen part of the microbe)
Proteins, cell membrane, cell walls, and envelope
The immune system detects antigens regardless of its source, i.e. it does not have to alive or it can be just the components of the antigen.
When a cell becomes infected cancerous the cells express identifiable _____ on their surface, causing the body to destroy the cells.
When a cell becomes infected cancerous the cells express identifiable _antigens_ on their surface.
What is cross reactivity?
When antigens mimick human antigens
What system collects excess liquid in the bosy and returns it to the heart?
The lymph system
Erythrocytes are found in lymph and the lymph system.
Only found in the blood
What were two examples mention in lecture of immune system proteins?
Interferons and complement
What components of the blood are not involved in the immune system?
Erythrocytes and platelets
What are the 2 primary lymphoid organs in the lymph system?
Thymus and bone marrow
What are the 5 secondary lymphoid organs listed in the lecture notes?
MALT(mucosa associated lymph tissue)
Lymph nodes
Which associated lymph tissure collects antigens from the GI and respiratory systems?
Mucosa associated lymph tissue
All components of the blood originate from what organ?
Bone marrow
What secondary lymphoid organ is found at the neck, arms, and groin?
Lymph nodes
Peyers patches run along side the _________ allowing enterance for __________.
Peyers patches run along side the _intestines_ allowing enterance for _antigens_.
What does SALT stand for and what is it?
Skin associated lymph tissue
Loosely connecter vessels that drain liquid to bring back to system
MALT drains liquid from what section of the body?
GI, respiratory, mid-section
any of those