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124 Cards in this Set

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flaccid paralysis
spastic paralysis
spore formers
breaks down ischemic tissue only
anaerobic celluitis (clost.)
breaks down healthy tissue only
myonecrosis (clost)
breaks down both healthy and ischemic tissue
gas gangrene (clost)
treatment for clost. perfringens histotoxic infections
hyperbari oxygen, debridement, antitoxins, abs
clost. difficle can cause?
colitis due to broad-spectrum abs
produces toxin when lysogenized by bactriophage
clost. botulinum and cornyebacteria diptheriae
causes double vision, dysphagia, aponia, hypo/hyper salivary secretion
metachromatic granules (Babes-ernst)
toxin can convert to toxoid
coryne. diphteriae, clost. tetani
grayish pseudomembrane formed on pharynx, bull neck, headache, sore throat, severe prostration
diagnosed via Schick test and Elek test
need to give antitoxin within 24 hours to be effective
AKA Rabid Fever
mimics flu, pneumonia, bubonic plaque, rickettseal infection
causes respiratory disease, ulceroglandular, oculoglandular, glandular, and typhoidal
Francisella tularensis (tularemia)
type of tularemia that resembles typhoid due to systemic toxiema
typhodial tularemia
type of tularemia that has a well demarcated hole in skin with black base that develops , then nodes swell and hurt and spread via lymph
ulceroglandular tularemia
oral lesions of tularemia can ressemble?
ANUG, syphilis, lymphogranuloma venereum, gonorrhea, diptheria
can ferment carbs
e.coli, all enteric bacteria
indicator of fecal contamination (coliform count)
infantile diarrhea, traveler's diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis, extraintestinal diseases
e. coli
infantile diarrhea caused by
enteropathogenic e. coli
travelers diarrhea caused by
entertoxigenic e.coli
hemorrhagic colits caused by
enterohemorrhagic e.coli
rice-water stool
traveler's diarrhea (e.coli), cholera,
has verotoxin like shigella toxin that inhibits protein synthesis
identical to shigellosis
enteroinvasive e.coli
from bad hamburgers and water parks, severe abdominal cramps, hemorrhagic diarrhea, hemolytic-uremic syndrome, elevated BUN, death from renal failure
hemorrhagic colits (e.coli)
usually in KIDs, fecal-oral route, produces enterotoxin (shigatoxin) that inactivates 60S AND endotoxin, bloody diarrhea, dehydration
not in normnal flora, INVASIVE, Vi ag so can live in phagocyte, O ag, plasmid
self-limiting colonic infection from contaminated chicken and eggs
Enterocolitis (Salm. typhimurium)
Enterocolits, Septicema, Typhoid
small infection in deep tissue/bloodstream, toxin like verotoxin and shigatoxin, fever, initial constipation, diarrhea after 2 weeks, hemorrhage, perforation, rash in kids, SLOW recovery, permanent sequellae
Typhoid (salmonella)
motile, curved rods, not in normal flora, in water and seafood
vibiros cholerae
does not invade, endemic and epidemic, heat labile toxin like e. coli, rice water stool, acidosis, hypovoluemic shock, NO ABS for treatment
explosive diarrhea, self-limiting, halophilic, contaminated seafood
Vibros vulnificans and V. parahaemolyticus
motile rods, microaerophilic, contaminated milk, small bowel ulceration, invades mucosa, enterotoxin
Campylobacter jejuni
enteric bacteria that can go to bottom of perio pocket
campylobacter jejuni
normal gut and ORAL flora, asymp, can cause gastric and duoudenal ulcers, food and water bourne
H. pylori
why removed aerorators from clinic sinks
motil rods, saprophytic, AKA burkolderia sp., VERY DESTRUCTIVE and ADAPTABLE, AB/DISINFECTANT resistant, procyanin, spreads via septicema
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
produces a blue-green pus
procyanin of P. aeruginosa
common in burn and wound patients
p. aeruginosa
nonmotile, corrodes agar, in normal gut and ORAL flora, periocoronitis, endocaritis, osetomyelitis
Eikenella corrodens
needs long culture and enriched medium and must start treatment emperically!
anaerobic bacteria
present as intra-abdominal infections, upper resp infs., pleuropulmonary inf, soft tissue inf, speticema
anaerobic bacteria infections
aspirated calculus can cause
plueropulomnary infections of anaerobic bac. (lung absecesses, necrotizing pneumonia, empyema)
causes mastoiditis, sinusitis, paratonsillar abscesses, otitis media, and can spread to CNS (brain absecesses traced to perio disease)
upper resp inf with anaerobic bac
healthy periodontium contains mostly
G+ cocci and filaments
Reversible gingivitis contains
Prevotella intermeida, Fusobacterium nucleatum, decrease in G+ and increase in G-
Chronic Adult Periodontitis
Porphyromonas gingivalis
Refractory Periodontal Disease
Bacteriodes forsythus
Wolinella recta
Adult Agressive Periodontitis
A. actionmycetemcomitans
Stress related
Poor OHI
Localized Juvenile Periodontitis
little plaque
bone loss in molars andlower ants
Preganancy gingivitis
P. intermedia
hormonal levels are important
anaerobic, PROTEOLYTIC, G-, helper organisms provide nutrition for, adhere to other microbes and crevicular epit., have capsule, LPS ENDOTOXIN!, extracellular enxymes
Porphyromonas gingivalis
stimulates bone reaborption, induces interleukins, inhibits firboblasts, mitogenic, WEAK
LPS endotoxin (p. gingivalis and A.A.)
leukotoxin and chemotaxis inhibitor, LPS, enzymes
virus like intracellular obilgate parasites, transverse fission
no glycolytic enzymes, can make atp but not enuff,
Reservoir and vector - arthropods
host - mammals
can cause DIC
Weil-felix immunological cross rxn
typhus, rocky mtn spotted fever, ehrilichiosis, rickesttisial pox
most sereve of typhus group
epidemic typhus
in areas of poor OH, VECTOR-lice, 4 stages (stage 3 is worse)
epidemic typhus
rash that begins on trunk and spreads to extremeites
stage 2 epidemic typhus and endemic typhus
mild form of epidemic typhus from ticks off squirrels, NO RASH
Sylvan typhus
aka Brills Disease, reactivation of latent disease, lower mortality rate than epidemic typhus
Recurrent typhus
VECTOR - fleas, short course
endemic typhus
RESEVOIR - rabbits, small mammels, VECTOR - ticks, sudden onset
rash that begins on extremities and spreads to trunk
eschar lesion formed
RMSF, rick.pox, Lyme disease, mucormycosis nasal cavity involvement
RESERVOIR - deer, rodents, small mammals, VECTOR - ticks
IMMUNOSUPPRESION, rash in kids, lower mortality than RMSF, intracellular parasites, leukopenia
VECTOR - mouse mites
Rick. pox
widespread rash, eschar, systemic reactions, lesions become vesicles or pustules, all lesions develop at same rate and time
rick pox
VECTOR -ticks, lice , ressembles RIck. diseases, eschar
Lyme disease
initial lesion is eschar that moves and is shaped like a target
Lyme Disease
meningoencephalitis, neuropathy, myocarditis, musculoskeletal pain, arthalgia, arthiritis
Lyme Disease
IC parasite that can NOT make ATP, subclinical persistant infections, person-to-person or animal-to-person
life cycle, bacteria takes 2 forms - elementary bodies and reticulate bodies, binary fission
trachoma, inclusion conjunctivitis, lymphgranuloma venerum, pulmonary infections
Clamydia trachomatis
largest cuase of blindness
no vector, sudden onset, follicles develop under conjunctival surfaces -- hard lesion--scratch coronea--PANNUS--blindness
swimming pool conjunctivitis
inclusion conjunctivitis (clam. trachomatis)
MILD, self-limiting, adult and neonatal forms, no pannus or scarring, THYGESON bodies in scrapings for dx
inclusion conjunctivits (clam. trachomatis(
usually after conjunctivitis and before pneumonia, NO fever, self-limiting, at 1-4mths old
Neonatal pneumonia (clam. trachomatis)
most common STD
nongonococcal urethritis (clam. trancomatis(
STD, grayish nonpainful ulcer usually on tongue---tongue enalarges---firbrosis---deep grooves on dorsum with zones of intense erythema glossitis OR tongue can have grayish opaque papules and painful to salt and sour
primary lesion lymphgranuloma venerum (clam. trach)
painful regional lymphadenitis, abscesses, fistulas, Skin eruptions
intermediate disease lymphogranuloma venerum (cla.trac)
esthiomene (chronic ulceration of vuvla), disfiguremnent, regional swelling, systemic reactions, anemia, mental distubances
later stage disease lymphogranuloma venerum (clam. trach)
Frei Test
dx for lymphogranuloma venerum (clam. trah)
why cant import birds
claymidia psittaci
eukaryotic, can take many forms (yeast or mold), NO ACUTE INFECTIONS, non-toxigenic, cell mediated immune response causes disease
Mycotic infections
yeast (dimoorphic), cutaneous and mutlisite infections
related to chronic maceration, superficial infection that can become systemic, Pediatric and adult forms
Cutaneous cnadidiasis
AKA Thrush, white flaky lesions on lips, mucosa and tongue, under lesion have bright red moist mucosa, can spread systemically, neonates
Acute pediatric cut. candidiasis
diaper rash, weeping lesions, can become systemic, 6mths
superficial cut. ped. cut candidiasis
white, cream colored or gray plagues surrounded by erythema, under lesions is bright inflammed with bleeding points
subacute cut. candidiasis
common under dentures!!!
adult chronic cut candidiaisis
dry, red mucosa, glossitis with fissures, cracks dry swollen, burning sensation, perleche
adult chronic cut candidiasis
fungal infection that can cause blindness
systemic candidiasis
RARE, organisims become intracellur, verrucous lesions (WARTS), epithelia hyperplasia, associated with T-dependent immunodifinicies, leukemias, endocrinopathies
chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
identical to candidiasis expcept and increased tendency to become systemic
get from soil , animals, bird droppings, common in AIDs, usually subclinical, capsular apperance
slow progression, necrosis, caseation, cavitation, ressembles TB
Chronic Progressive Pulmonary Histoplasmosis
focal granuloma that heals with clacification, sudden onset, COUGH, dysnpea, ressembles TB
Acute Pulmonary Histoplasmosis
widely dispersed nodular lesions or granulomas, RAPID AND FATAL, large oral ulcerations
disseminated histoplasmosis
AKA rose growers disease, appears as rings in tissue, regional infections, cut. and mucosal lesions, ressembes lymphogranuloma venerum
thick cell walls, easy to dx becuase takes different forms at different temps
NA Blastomycosis
one of the few fungi that make toxin
caused by inhalation of dust or chicken droppings, FATAL, respiratoy and CNS affects, common in AIDS
rapidly progressing, from bread molds, ACIDOTIC DIABETEICS prone to
unilateral headache, face pain, periorbital numbness, blurred vision, ischemia, ulcer
Cervicofacial Disease mucormysosis
inhibits realease of Ach therefore causes flaccid paralysis
nodules that spread via lymph
sporotrichosis, lymphogranuloma venerum, bubonic plaque, ulceroglandular tularemia
bloody diarrhea
shigella, hemorrhagic colitis (e.coli), enteroinvasive e.coli, camp. jejuni
e.coli, salmonella, H pylori, Camp. jejuni