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21 Cards in this Set

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Diff. in EB and RB?
They are 2 different phases of life cycle of Chlamydia.
EB= small, induce endocytosis, haemogglutinin present, infectious, metab. inactive, adapted for extracell. survival
RB= large, haemoglutinin absent, metab. active, non-infectious, adapted for intracellular growth, does not induce endocytosis.
Diseases of Burkholderia
Glanders: B. mallei
-contagious equine disease
-developes nodules and ulcers in resp. tract and on skin
-Acute or chronic: respitory, cutaneus, nasal
Melioidosis: B. pseudomallei
- Develop absesses
- Inhalation, ingestion, skin abrasion
-Opportunistic- stress may cause outbreak
-Resevoir: rodents
Virulence of E. coli
Capsule, endotoxins, enterotoxins, fimbrial adhesions, adhesin: intimin, Alfa-haemolysin, iron-binding molecules
Lab diagnosis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Spc: pus, respiratory aspirates, urine, milk, ear swab
Blood agar, McConkey agar. Incub. 37 degrees 1-2 days
Ident.: Colonial morphology, production of pigments and distinct odor, haemolytic on blood agar, oxidase positive
Bovine brucellosis
Speciement: Aborted foetus, vaginal discharge, placenta, semen, tissue from testes
Transmission through ingestion of contaminated products, or licking calves/aborted foetuses.
B. abortus
When ingested: bact. enter lymph nodes freely or phagosome to avoid lysosome.
Bovine brucellosis: serological test
Rose-bengal test:
1. complement fixation
2. rapid agglutination
3. presumption
4. indirect ELISA
5. immunoblotting technique
6. agar gel immunodiffusion test
Milk ring test:
Serum+ antigen, gives blue color if positive.
Diseases of Ehrichia
E. canis: Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis
E. Ewangii: Canine granulocytic ehrlichiosis
E. ruminantum: Heartwater
Diseases of Neorickettsia
N. helminthoeca: Salmon-poisoning disease
N. Elokonimiton: Elokomin fluke fever
N. risticii: PHF (Eq.)
Diseases of Anaplasma
A. platys: EGE (eq), tick-borne fever (rum.)
A. marginale: Bovis anaplasmosis
A. phagocytophilum: Canine cyclic thrombocytopenia
Common factor of borrelia and treponema
Both helical, G-.
Not all have been cultured in vitro.
Virulence factors of bordetella bronchoseptica
Adhesins: pertactin, fimbriae
Toxins: osteotoxins, tracheal cytotoxins, dermanecrotic toxins
produce filamentous haemagglutinin
Lab diagnosis of Swine dysentery
Brachyspira hyodysenteria
Spc: mucosal scraping from affected colon, rectal swabs, faeces
Direct examination and bacteriological culture
Field smear- G-stain (brighfield), Victoria blue-stain, silver impregnation
TSA blood agar+ antibiotics, incub. 42 degree 3 days
Immunoflourecence, DNA probes, biochem. test
Serological test, ex. ELISA
Diseases caused by Chlamydophila
EAE- C. abortus
Avian chlamydiosis- C. psitaci
Feline chlamydiosis- C. felis
Sporadic bovine encephalomyelitis- C. pecorum
What can Chlamydia trachomatis cause?
Conjuctivitis, encephalitis, arthritis, enteritis, myocarditis, neonatal pneumonia, urethritis, trachoma
Pathogenes of Chlamydiacea family
Chlamydia; trachomatis, Chlamydophila; abortus, felis, psitaci, pecorum
Moraxella; natural habitat
respiratory tract, eyes and ears (?)
Diseases caused by Campylobacter
C. Jejuni: GBS, food infection
C. Coli: food infection
C. fetus spp. veneralis: Bovine campylobacterius
C. fetus spp. fetus: abortion and infertility in ruminants
Characteristics of Rickettsia
G-, no flagella, rods- coccoid, Obligate intracellular parasite, very small, Spread by arthropods, pleomorphic: single, pair, strands, In cytoplasm or nuclei, multiply by binary fission inside host cell
Domains of life and characterization of bact.
3 domains- archea, bacteria (prokaryotes) and eukarya.
Phylogenic tree: distance and parasimony. Evolutionary history of cells of organisms. Root: point of ev. hist. when earth shared ancestor.
Evolutionary distance is proportional to length of lines.
Helicobacter important in veterinary medicine
H. hepatitis, bilis, canis, pullorum, mustelae
Woese happy idea
Sequencing of 16S rRNA genes of various organisms- to assess degree of genetic relatedness. 16S rRNA used as phylogenic tool.