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52 Cards in this Set

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CNS compnents:
brain, spinal cord
PNS components:
cranial, spinal, and peripheral nerves
Somatic nervous system:
Innervation to effector cells/muscles under voluntary control
Autonomic nervous system:
Provides involuntarily innervation to smooth muscle, heart, & glands
Subdivided into Sympathetic, Parasympathetic, & Enteric
CNS supporting cells (4):
Microglia, Astrocytes, Epyndemal, Oligodendroglial "MAE-O"
PNS supporting cells (2):
Schwann, Satellite
Multipolar neuron:
"classic neuron"; multiple dendrites, 1 axon. motor and interneurons
Bipolar neuron:
"rare"; 1 axon, 1 dendrite. special sense
Pseudounipolar neuron:
1 axon divides to 2 as it leaves cell body; 1 division to sensory receptors, other to CNS
neuron resting membrane potential:
-70 mV
what happens to membrane potential when a neuron receives an excitatory stimulus?
membrane potential becomes less negative as Na+ flows inside
What allows the AP to travel along the axon?
Na+ and K+ channels opening
What opens when the AP arrives at the end of he axon?
Ca2+ channel opens, allowing vesicles with NT to migrate and fuse to the presynaptic membrane. Vesicles then dump contents into the synaptic cleft
2 types of synapses:
Electrical- primarily found in invertebrates
Chemical- conduction is achieved via neurotransmitters (ACh, 5-HT, GABA etc.)
What happens to NTs in the synaptic cleft?
bind post-synaptic membrane and either stimulate or inhibit further transmission
Excitatory NTs:
Acetylcholine, Glutamine & Serotonin
Inhibitory NTs:
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) & Glycine
What percentage of NTs is recaptured in a series of uptake pores?
Paralytics (3):
RoCURonium, PanCURonium, VecCURonium; mechanism is to block ACh receptors at neromuscular jnx, preventing muscle contratcion
Anterograde axonal transport:
Kinesin protein carries molecules from cell body to axons/dendrites in the periphery
Retrograde axonal transport:
Dynein proein carries molecules from periphery back to cell body
Approximatley how fast is anterograde transport of structural elemnts w/ nerve damage?
0.2-4mm per day
HSV virus high-jacks the _____ transport system, traveling from the skin to the_____ ganglia in oral herpes and the _____ ganglia in genital herpes.
retrograde, trigemninal, sacral.
Schwann cell:
PNS; produce the MYELIN SHEATH around an axon through a process called myelination; cytoplasm of the Schwann cell wraps around the axon,insulating it and allowing for an increase in conduction speed
T/F: Each Schwann cell myelinates 1 axon.
True; however, it takes many Schwann cells to myelinate an axon.
how does myelin assist in AP propogation?
It prevents “leakage” of ions from the axon; myelin does not conduct the action potential
Node of Ranvier:
Point along the axon where Schwann cells meet one another; at this junction the axon is void of myelin but has an increased concentration of Na/K channels thus allowing the AP to continue down the axon
Saltatory Conduction:
AP 'jumping' from one node of ranvier to the next
Satelite cells:
PNS; Similar to Schwann cells but found specifically around cell body
CNS; Myelin producing cells of the CNS; functionally analogous to Schwann cells, however, Oligodendrocytes myelinate MULTIPLE Axons.
Multiple Schlerosis:
autoimmune disease targeting Myelin and Oligodendrocytes; Changes in lipid and protein components of myelin resulting in multiple “plaques” found throughout the CNS
What is a treatment for MS?
CNS; Provide physical/metabolic support for CNS neurons; The processes of the Astrocyte form tight junctions on nearby capillaries = Blood-Brain Barrier
_____ astrocytes are found in the outer gray matter of brain where as ______ astrocytes are found in the inner white matter.
protoplasmic, fibrous
What do astrocytes allow to cross the blood-brain barrier?
Only extremely small, lipid
soluble molecules can cross…
O2/CO2 and of course, alcohol
Glioblastoma Multiforme:
advanced astrocytoma; most common and aggressive brain tumor in aduls w/ life expectancy <1 year
Microglial cells:
CNS, Phagocytic; only neuroglial cell that is NOT from the neural tube (embryo);
Monocyte lineage=specialized macrophage-like cell
Ependymal cells:
Form an epithelium-like lining of fluid filled cavities of the brain and spinal cord
Choroid Plexus:
Collection of cuboidal/columnar Ependymal cells along with adjacent capillaries that produce Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Surrounds individual nerve fiber
Surrounds nerve fasicle (multiple nerve fibers)
Surrounds entire peripheral nerve
Peripheral nerve:
Consists of a bundle of nerve fibers held together by layers of CT
Enteric NS:
Controls motility, secretions, and blood flow and can fnx independently of CNS however, effective digestion requires communication with CNS
Myenteric (Auerbach's) neurons:
The neurons associated with the MYENTERIC plexus are located in between the layers of the Muscularis Externa
Submucosal (Meissner's) neurons:
The neurons associated with the Submucosal Plexus are located, conveniently, in the Submucosa of the GI wall
Hirschsprung's is a ______ disease in which there is a lack of enteric nerves in a segment of colon.
congenital; means acquired during development in the uterus, not heriditary. most common cause of intestinal obstruction in neonates
What causes Hirschsprung's?
Failure of neural crest cells to migrate down into colon; symptoms include constipation, vomitting, abdominal distension
Wallerian Degeneration:
neuron is damaged/cut/injured-
nucleus moves to the periphery, axon swells and begins disintegrating distal to site of injury. macrophages clear myelin debris.
Describe PNS nerve response to injury:
Schwann cells line up forming a hollow tube while releasing growth factors to “attract” growing axon which will ultimately penetrate the hollow tube
Describe CNS nerve response to injury:
-Oligodendrocytes depend on contact with their axons; when contact is lost, they undergo apoptosis.
-Blood-Brain-Barrier also limits macrophage entry, limiting myelin debris removal.
-Astrocytes respond to injury by forming a scar= Reactive Gliosis
Will CNS nerves regenerate?
not likely.