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167 Cards in this Set

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Cattle, Sheep, Goats: shipping fever pneunomia; calf pneumonia
Pasteurella multocida type A
Cattle: Hemorrhagic septicemia
Pasteurella multocida type B,E
Atrophic rhinitis
Pasteurella multocida type D
*Goats: most common organism in Resp Dz; also: Dairy: Chronic Respiratory dz; Feeder lambs:: Setpticemia;
Bibersteinia trehalosi
*Cattle, Sheep: Most important Bacterial organism in Respiratory Dz; Sheep: also Mastitis
Mannheimia hemolytica
Ruminants: Wooden tongue
Actinobacilllus ligniersii
Horses: Sleepy Foal Dz, Equulosis, & *Shigellosis in foals;;Verminous arteritis in aduts
Actinobacilllus equuli
Actinobacilllus pleuropneumoniae
Pigs: Septicemia in piglets, Older pigs ~APP; pigs >3 mos = arthritis, pneumonia, skin lesions
Actinobacilllus suis
Laying hens: salpingitis, peritonitis
Actinobacilllus salpingitis
Cattle: Epididymitis, abortions
Actinobacillus seminis
Humans: Endocarditis, miningitis, osteomyelitis, pericardial dz
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomintans
Pigs: Glassers Dz
Haemophilus parasuis
Chickens: Fowl coryza
Haemophilus paragallinarum
TEME, septicemia, *Respiratory dz
Histophilus somni
Humans: 2nd leading cause ob bacterial meningitis; RTI, cellulitis, otitis media
Haemophilus influenzae
Contagious Equine Metritis
Taylorella equigenitalis
Pigs: Role in atrophic rihinitis, severe lung dz in piglets; Dogs: Kennel Cough; Cats: RTI, Rhinotracheitits, bronchopneumonia; Rabbits: Snuffles-like dz; Seals: Resp Dz
Bordetella bronchiseptica
Turkeys: Coryza, Rhinotracheitits
Bordetella avium
Humans: Whooping Cough "Pertussis"
Bordetella pertussis
Cattle: IBK/Pinkeye
Moraxella bovis/bivoculi
Humans: previous cause of Pinkeye
Moraxella lacunata
Humans: Otitis media, RTIs
Humans: Nosocomial infections, Animals: occasional UTIs
Ruminants: Aphosphorosus; Horses: Forage poisoning; Avian: Limberneck
Clostridium botulinum
Dairy: Hemorrhagic Bowel dz; Sheep: Yellow Lamb dz; Humans: Gas gangrene
Clostridium perfringens type A
Lamb dyensentery & Hemorrhagic enteritis
Clostridium perfringens type B
Claves & Piglets (1-5 d age): Enterotoxemia
Clostridium perfringens type C
Sheep: Enterotoxemia (Overating dz, Pulpy kidney dz)
Clostridium perfringens type D
Ruminants: Blackleg
Clostridium chauvoei
Animals, Humans: Malignant Edema; Sheep: Braxy
Clostridium septicum
Mixed infections
Clostridium sordelli
Sheep: Big-head in Rams
Clostridium novyi type A
Black dz
Clostridium novyi type B
Redwater dz
Clostridium hemolyticum
Rodents: Tyzzer's Dz
Clostridium piliforme
Rodents: Abscessing pneumonia, conjuncitivits, & Mastitis
Pasteurella pneumontropica
Quail dz; Ulcerative colitis
Clostridium collinum
Humans: Enteritis; pigs = source of infeciton
Campylobacter coli
Pigs: Mesocolinic Edema in piglets; Horses: Acute colitis, foals <2 wks = reservoir; Humans: Pseudomembranous colitis
Clostridium difficile
Cattle, Sheep; Vibriosis, early abortion/embryonic death; infertility
Campylobacter fetus subsp venerealis
Sheep: Last trimester aboritons, occas in cattle
Campylobacter fetus subsp fetus
Campylobacter sputorum
Pigs, Horses; PE; Hamsters: Wet tail
Lawsonia intracellularis
Humans: Cholera
Vibrio cholerae
Humans: cooked shellfish poisoning; Japan
Vibrio parahemolyticus
Cattle, Sheep: Foot Rot; Sheep: Ovine interdigital dermatitis; Horses: Thrush, Quittor, ulcerative dermatitis
Routeinely foudn in post-partum metritis in Dairy
Fusobacterium necrophorum
Sheep: Contagious Foot Rot
Dichelobacter nodosus
Cattle: Last trimester abortions, Bulls: Decr fertility; Also horses: fistulous withers; YELLOWSTONE; Humans: Undulant Fever
Brucella abortus
Goats, Humans: Malta fever
Brucella melitensis
Dog: Persistent bacteremia; Males: epididymitis & testicular atrophy
Brucella canis
Sterility, still births, weak piglets
Brucella suis
Rams: Contagious Epididymitis
Brucella ovis
Brucella in whales, dolphin
Brucella maris
Epsilon toxin
Clostridium perfringens type D

requires cleavage of prototoxin by trypsin
Lecinthinase C
Clostridium hemolyticum
Dichelobacter nodosus
Fusbcaterium necrophorum, Mannheimia hemolytica (RTX)
Cholera toxin
Vibrio cholerae
Alpha toxin
Clostridium perfringens type A
massive IV hemolysis
Beta toxin
Clostridium perfringenes type C

inactivated by trypsin milk/colostrum contain trypsin inhibitors --> infection
Clostridium tetani
Animals, Humans: Lock Jaw
Clostridium tetani
dermonecrotoxin, others: adenylate cyclase, Histamine sensitizing factor, filamentous hemagglutinin, fimbrial adhesions
Bordetella bornchiseptica
Endotoxin, LOS
Histophilus somni
APX 1,2,3
Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia
RTX leukotoxin (Aqx)
Actinobacillus equuli
Pasteruella multocida type D
Sheep: Abortions (~CFF); Humans: Enteritis; Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Campylobacter jejuni
Avian: "Fowl Cholera"; Rabbits: Chronic Respiratory Dz
Pasteurella multocida
Path: H. somni
Histophilus somni is found in the URT of cattle. During conditions of stress (cold, wet, changeable weather, shipping, concurrent viral or bacterial infections) the organism enters the LRT and produces pneumonia. The organism can also gain entry to the blood via monocytes and from there it may infect joints, pericardium and other sites.
The Endotoxin (LOS) of H. somni may induce apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells and the resulting damage may lead to TEME. The organism has at least one Fc-receptor protein on its surface that interferes with the host immune response. It also releases adenine, guanine and GMP which may inhibit phagosome-lysosome fusion.
Path: Bordetellosis in turkey poults
Bordetella avium is spread through the water and respiratory secretions and establishes an infection in the trachea of turkey poults. The organism damages the ciliated tracheal epithelium. Secondary invaders such as E. coli can then enter the respiratory tract. If the turkey poults are less than 2 weeks of age, a severe respiratory disease can result. Older birds have a more chronic disease that can slow the growth rate and decrease feed efficiency. The organism has several toxins and virulence factors such as a histamine sensitizing factor, but these are not well characterized.
Leukotoxin specific to RUMINANT leukocytes, platelets
Bibersteinia trehalosi
Most common Dx for Tularemia
Serum agglutination test
Highly RESISTANT to antibiotics
Dx: C. fetus subsp fetus
Impresssion smear cotyledons, stomach contents of fetus
cytotoxin: lyses conreal epi cells & neutrophil
Moraxella bovis
causes bacterial infections subsequent to antimicrobial therapy
Clostridium difficile
causes tracheobronchitis and chronic paroxysmal coughing and toxemia in humans; most damaging to infants < 1 yr
bordetella pertussis
Two most common caues of bacterial meningitis in humans
Neisseria mengintidis, Haemphilus influenzae
most pathogenic spp of Brucella in humans
Brucella melitensis
Path: Epsilon toxin
Clostridium perfringens type D; Sheep: (Enterotoxemia) produces liquefactive necrosis ,edema, & hemorrhage in brains of sheep
test used to screen milk samples for Brucella abortus
Milk ring test
Bordetella bronchiseptica
lameness, affected joints & purulent nephritis (+/-septicemia) in foals that survive 4 d; enteritis PM in foals that only survive 24 hrs
Actinbacillus equuli
Immunity of Taylorella equigenitalisis
poor; relapses
Human forms of Tularemia (fracisella tularensis biovar novidia)
1. Pnuemonic (inhaled); 2. Tyhoid (ingested)
Affects endemic herd piglets thru waning of colustrum (= mild) & naive, susceptible older swine (= more severe dz)
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
most important bacterial agent in Respiratory dz in CATTLE, SHEEP
Mannheimia hemolytica
most important agent in Respiratory dz in GOATS
Bibersteinia trehalosi
produces RTX leukotoxin specific for ruminant leukocytes, platelets
Mannheimia hemolytica; also Bibersteinia trehalosi
Cause of MESOCOLONIC Edema in Swine; Acute colitis in adult Horses (foals <2 wks serve as reservoir); & Pseudomembranous colitis in Humans
Clostridium difficile
often found in IBK in high numbers but not cause of Dz
Branhamella ovis
predisposing factors to IBK
UV light, dust, traua from tall stemmy grasses, face flies, Mycoplasma bovis
Path: Enterotoxemia (Overeating dz) in Feeder lambs vs. Pregnant ewes
Feeder lambs are on high concentrate diet (high energy, ie. grain). High CHO in the anterior SI is necessary for proliferation of Clostridium perfringends type D and produciton of the Epsilon toxin. (activated by cleavage of prototoxin by trypsin)
Describe Fowl Coryza
Haemophilis paragallinarum
Decr egg production; acute airsacculitus, conjuncivitis/sneezing, swelling of wattles & head, decr feed intake
Describe Turkey Coryza
Bordetella avium
Catarrhal or suppurative rhinitis, sinusitis, airsacculitis bronchopneumonia, treacheitis
Descibe Fowl Cholera
Acute septicemia & death. Survivors have joint infections & arthritis.
Most important cause of bacterial economic loss in poultry
Fowl Cholera - Pasteurella multocida Type A
Path: Guillain-Barre Syndrome & Campylobacter jejuni
Ganglioside-like epitopes in LPS mimic host neurologic tissue. An auto-immune response develops when Ab is formed against these epitopes & nerual function is inhibited.
Describe Glasser's Dz
Haemophilus parasuis- polyserositis, arthritis, meningitis in swine
Killed bacterins role in protection from C. fetus venerealis
Vacc stimulate production of IgG which protects the uterus , oviducts from becoming infected. Prevents endometritis. (Does not stimulate IgA production).
Serotypes are important in vaccination with this agent
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
Large Liver Infarct associated
Redwater Dz; Clostridium hemolytica
Accompanied by hemorrhagic enteritis
Redwater Dz, Cl. hemolytica -extensive hemorrhaging, liver infarct, anemia
7/8-way Vaccines
Blackleg- Cl. chauvoei (also Cl. sordelli)
DIC/Septic Shock are the most overt dz of this genera
Neisseria (gonorrhoeae, meningitidis)

Mild: Layrngitis to Severe: Fulminant Septicemia
Brucella species w/ broadest host range
Brucella suis
Why are txs prolonged w/ Cl. tetani & Cl. botulinum
Regeneration time; binding irreversibly producing long-term inhibition of function
Describe presentation of Canine tracheobronchitis
Chronic, dry nonproductive cough occasionally w/ vomiting. The coughing begins acutely w/in a few days of contact w/ other dogs & is due to damage to the tracheal ciliated epi. The cough may last 4-6wks.
Path: IBK
initial damage to the conreal epi due to dust, excessive UV light, long stemmy grasses or weeds, etc. Mycoblaspa bivoculi colonizes the corneal lesions. Moraxella bovis subsequently colonizes the corneal lesions and produces a variety of proteases, a hemolysin, etc. than can heavily damage the epithelium. Neutrophils that migrate to the area are lysed & release their hydrolytic enzymes thus augmenting the damage.
B. suis
Path: Leukotoxin of M. hemolytica & incr inflammatory reaction in pulmoary tissues
Leukotoxin (RTX) damages, lyses phagocytic cells which release hydrolytic enzymes of those cells onto the surface of pulmonary tissues
Toxoid vs. Formalinized whole cell
Fromalinized whole cell prdoucts are used to protect against in fection. Toxoides may only generate Ab to NEUTRALIZE toxins that are produced by the organism. In some cases, antitoxic immunity is more imprtant than protecting against infection becase some of the toxins produce dz when present in very small quantities. In other cases is is most important to protect against infection, often because there might be multiple virulence facotrs or toxins produced.
Path: Descending Tetanus
Cl. tetani is introduced via wound in spore form. The spores germinate ad the organism produces tetanospasmin (tetanus toxin). The toxin is absorbed by the blood/lymph and transported throughout the body. It acts as a PROTEASE and blocks neurotransmitter release at the level of the spinal cord and brain stem. It selectively acts on the inhibitory nerve network and results in spastic paralysis. The nerves supplying the muscles of the head and neck are affected first followed by the respiratory muscles.
Explain how to generate a Cl. botulinum polyvalent antitoxin
Polyvalent antitoxin has antibodiesl to all common toxins. Hyperimmunize 1(+) horses w/ toxoids representing each of the main Cl. botulinum types. Bleed the horses and titer the serum Ab against the toxins to make sure yu have high titers against each toxin. Then combine the differnt abtibodies into a single polyvalent antitoxin. OR one could hyperimmunze one (+) horses w/ toxoids representing all the main toxin types (mixture).
Cl. perfringens type A
two most important components of M. hemolytica that need to be considered in productin of an effective immunizaing agent
Leukotoxins; Cell Surface components
No. one cause of food poisoning in the world
C. jejuni
H. somni Dz
TEME, Pneumonia, Septicemia
H. parasuis habitat (pigs)
Sequellae Avian survivors of P. multocida
Chronic arthritis, joint infecitons
C. fetus subsp venerealis
p. multocida utilizes ____ from b. bronchiseptica to aid in attachment to nasal mucosa
filamentous hemagglutinin
Two inportant reasions why vaccination against Ovine foot rot is helpful in limiting but not eliminating or preventing dz
fimbrial-based vacc stimulate an IgG response protecting against areas of the hoof w/ adequate BS but not those w/o. It is impossible for Ab work on the surfaces of the hoof. There are no phagocytice cells or complement on the surface of the hoof where in the infection occurs.
Rodents: enteritis in young; focal hepatic necrosis: Jaundic; Catarrhal entercolitis in adults
Tyzzer's Dz - Cl.piliforme
Severe hemorrhagic enteris; Extensive hemorrhaging; Large LIVER INFARCT
Redwater Dz - Cl. hemolyticum
Shipping Fever Complex
Pasteurella multocida type A, Mannheimia hemolytica, Histophilus somni
Sheep: Pneumonia in adults, Septicemia in Lambs; "Blue-bag"/Gas gangrene Mastitis
Mannheimia hemolytica
Requires Hemin & X-factor
Vriulenece: cAMP, LPS, Histamine Sensitizing factors, Filamentous Hemagglutinin, Adhesins, Intracellular
Bordetella bronchiseptica
Path: Human: C. jejuni
invades intestinal mucosa -->ulceratoin, crypt abscesses, hemorrachic necrosis -->regional lymph nodes &disseminated dz

Enterotoxin ~Cholera toxin
Path: Sheep: . jejuni (~CFF)
Bacteremia w/ localizatoin in placentomes --> palcentitis -> late term aboriton
Antigenic shift
C. fetus subsp venerealis
Horses: Fistulous withers, Poll evil
B. abortus (+Actinomyces bovis)
Path: B. abortus
ows: 6 mos pregnant --> localizes in placenta -> abortion due to circulatory disturbances

Erythritol (placenta, testis) - not present until puberty
Path: Brucella infection
entry--> regional lnn--> multiply-->BS-->prenchymatous organs, tissues (esp. mos)-->granulomatous foci in liver, spleen, bone marrow, lnn, testes
Sheep: Ovine interdigital dermatitis; Pigs: Sore mouth, Bullnose; Hosres: Thrush, Quittor, ulcerative dermatitis; Cattle: Foot rot, Calf diphtheria, Metritis, Liver abscesses
Fusbacterium necrophorum
Fusobacterium necrophorum: Human dz subsp
Leukotoxin, LPS
produces a toxin promoting growth and invasiveness of Fusobacteirum necrophorum (also reduces Eh)
Also see Dichelobacter nodosus w/ infection
Arcanobacterium pyogenes
produces a heat solube factor that stimulates the growth of Fusobacteirum pyogenes (digests epidermis)
also has a powerful protease that digests hoof material

A. pyogenes also involved w/ infection: reduces O2 and stimulates anaerobic growth
Dichelobacter nodosus
Requires Hmein (factor X) AND NAD (factor V)
Haemophilus spp
Requires NAD (Factor V)
Actinobacillus pleruopneumoniae
Antibiotic Rx
Camylobacter coli
Toxins: A-Enterotoxin; B-Cytotoxin
Cl. difficile
Toxin assoicated w/: Massive IV hemolysis & capillary damage, hemoglobinuria, hemorrhagici gasric enteritis, hypoxia --> daeth (produced in liver)
Lecithinase C -Cl. hemolyticum
Humans: Gas gangrene; Sheep: Big-head in Rams
Cl. novyi type A
Path: Black dz
Spores in IT -> migrate to liver & remain dormant in Kupfer cells --> Fsciola hepatica creases necrosis -> germination of spores --> production of toxin; Hepatic necrosis, ext. blood-stained SQ edema, straw-colored fluid in serous cavities
Path: Malignant Edema

Path: Braxy

Canine: Gastroenteritis
Cattle:Secondary invader in Blackleg
Common PM invader
Cl. septicum

Malignant edema: Enters via wounds, umbilicus --> malignant edema; rapid swelling of tissues: soft pitting edema, gelatinous SQ & IM exudates, little/no gas produced
Braxy:Enters via abomasal lining --> edema, hemrrahge & necrosis of abomasum & anteiror SI
BRAXY, Malignant Edema
Cl. septicum
Toxins: Alpha, Gamma, Delta
Cl. chauvoei

Alpha: lethal, necrotizing hemolytic, Gamma: HA, Delta: Hemolysin
Path: Blackleg
spores present in liver/muscle of normal cattle --> damage/injury to tissue --> anaerobic conditions -> germination
wound infections Sheep: Yellow Lamb, FATAL ENTERITIS, Dairy: Hemorrhagic Bowl; Swine: Enteritis; Human: Gas gagrene, FOOD POISONING
Cl. perfringens type A

Calve, Piglets: Enterotoxemia
Cl. perfringens type C
Path: Ovine Enterotoxemia & Epsilon toxin
activated by cleavage of trypsin; PERMEASE activity --> enhanced absorption --> binds to receptors on vasc endothelium in the brain--> liquefactive necrosis, edema, & brain hemorrage
Tetanospasmin, Hemolysin, Nonspasmogenic toxin
Cl. tetani

Tetanospasmin: Spastic paralysis, Hemolysin: local necrosis: stimualtes growth of organism, Nonspasmogenic toxin: binds at nmj
Proteins, Protoxins
Cl. botulinum

Proteins: relrease when organism lyses; Protoxins: must be partially digested by trypsin for activation (most potent)

Toxins destroyed by boiling
Path: Cl. botulinum
Toxin absorbed intoblood/lymph and carried to peripheral nerves --> binds at nmj --> paralysis of Cholingergic nerve fibers by blocking release of Ach --> Flaccid paralysis
Path: Cl. tetani
blocks inhibitory (glycine to GABA) receptors in spinal cord & brain stem -> continous spasms of opposing muscle groups (Spastic paralyssis); Irreversible bidning

Blocks nt release
Actinobacillus equuli, FusobacteriumMannheminia, Bibersteinia,
RTX toxin
Actinobacillus pleuopneumoniae, Actinobacillus suis Actinobacillus equuli, Moraxella spp., Mannheimia, Bibersteinia,
Cl. difficile, Moraxella spp., P. multocida D, Bordetella bornchiseptica
C. jejuni, Cl. difficile
Alpha toxin
Cl. perfringens type a, Cl. novyi type b
Toxins:Proteins, Protoxin
Cl. botulinum