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35 Cards in this Set

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what are the 3 spirochetes we are interested in

how can you tell them apart

1. Borellia burgdorgeri
2. borellia recurrentis
3. leptospiria interrogans

*distinguished by their spiral and the arrangement of flagella
what is the most common tick borne disease in US
lyme disease

caused by Borellia burgdorfi

reservoir: small mammel bird,
vector: ixodes tick

is lyme disease notifiable
yep- caused by tick bite from ixodes
tell me about borrelia burgdorfi
gram -
visualized w/dark field microscopy

LINEAR chromosome w/linear and circular plasmids


obligate parasite
can B burgerdorfi live on its own
NOPE, its an obligate parasite

SLOWE grower on agar
whats a sequela of lyme infection
juvenile RA
whre is lyme disease from borrelia burgdorfi common
NE US and also around great lakes
is borrelia burgdorfi infection more common w/outdoor activity
ya, tick bites from ixodes

esp if you live in NE US
what co infections can we see with lyme disease- borrelia burgdorfi
the white footed mouse transmits what
borellia burgdorfi- ixodes

the white tail deer also lets the tick mature
what tick transmits borellia burgerdorfi
hard body ticks! the ixodes (deer and western black legged)

reservoir is white mouse/deer
is there transocvarial passage with ixodes tick that transmitts borelia burgdorfi

how often does this tick feed,

they feed ONCE, complete feed takes 3-6 days, decrease risk of transmission
what does it mean if a momma tick is infected with a bug and the baby ticks come out infective
transovarial passage, this means that the first time the larva feed thay can pass disease
inorder to transmit lyme disease what must the tick do

ONLY the nymph and adult stages are infective (bc there is NO tranovarial infectino)

MUST feed for 2 days to transmit lyme disease
when is it most likely to get lyme disease from ixodes, tick
late spring summer. its when they are out an about

recall no transovirial so mst be nymph or adult to infect. needs to feed for 2 days
what stage is the most common way for lyme disease to be transmitted (B burgdorfi)
nymph, super small hard to see and so hard to remove- must feed 48 hours
tell me about the OSP A nad C for virulence of B burggdorfi
plasma endoded outer susface protein

A- binds bacteria to tick mudgut
C- invasion of bacteria into human skin
what are hte 3 stages of lyme disease B burgdorfi
1. early: local, tx w.AB, multiplication of bacteria at bite site (OSM-C) bulls eye rash
2. disseminated: joints, csf, liver, spleen, heart infected through lymph/blood.
3. late/persistent: years later. lyme arthritis in large joints. neuropathy w.congnifive impairments, spinal radicular pain
when do you see a bulls eye rash
inlyme disease, early infection. called erythema migrans
is there respiratory/GI manifestaions fo early stages of lyme disease (B burgdorfi)
what ist eh disseminatedpart of lyme disease
lymph, blood carries to JOINTS, CSF, spleen, liver, heart

arthralgia, athritis, TMJ

can get bells palsy, painful radiculopathy

heart disease
tell me about late lyme disease
occurs MONTHS or YEARS later

persistant arthritis in few large joints

decreased cognition, spinal radicular pain
when might you do serology for disseminated lyme disease
travel to endemic area

risk for tick exposeure

sx: arthralgia, (TMJ) bulls eye rash
what is the 1 and 2 step for lyme serology
1. ELISA to detect anti BORELLIA AB

2. Confirm with Western BLOT elisa for B Burgdorfi
does lyme disease require a 2 step serology for dx

1. anti borellia AB w/eliza

2. then use WB to detect anti B burgerdorfi
whats lyme disease tx w/
doxy, easy to kill adn control in early stage
what is Jarisch Herxheimer response
seen wih some lyme disease cases in like 24 hrs

rapid killing so release of toxic products. increased circulating cytokines

you get: restless, apprehensive and then get rigors. you increased temp respiration and BP then it all decreases
if you were in fected w/lyme disease this am and now you have LOTS of cytokines released whats it called. what sx does it lead to
jarisch herxheimer response

restless, apprehensive, rigors, increased in temp/BP/RR/HR ---> decrease!

5% mortality
whats the vaccine for lyme disease
taken off market!
if you get bit with tick in endemic area whats the % you will get lyme disease
how do you prevent lyme disease
avoid ticks, long sleve, tuck long pants into socks, wear light colored clothes, DEET
do you twist a tik out
nope, pull straight out, dont squeeze body
wjats borelli STARI

southern tick associated rash illness

Vector: ambylomma americanum (lone star tick) bites us! hard body tick like oxodes BUT this one bites us in larva, nymph and adult stage (ixodes is just nymph and adult)
whats ambylomma americanum
lone star tick, passes southern tick assciated rash illness

**the larvea, nymph and adult ALL bite human
if you get that erythema migrans bulls eye and other lyme like sx but the elisa and WB come out neg what can it be
STARI from lone star (ambylomma americanus)

fat as a tick!