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120 Cards in this Set

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HIV is a _____1______ in the genus ____2_____.

1. retrovirus

2. Lentivirus

_______ is a retrovirus in the genus Lentivirus


______ causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)


I am transmitted through sexual contact, artificial insemination, transplacental infection of fetus, breast milk, blood-contaminated needles, organ transplants and blood transfusions. I also cause AIDS.


Of the 33,000,000 people infected with HIV___% of them are heterosexuals (intercourse and drug use) and ___% are women.



HIV is highest in what country?

Sub-Saharan Africa

Retrovirus- starts off as a ____1___ genone then it goes through (reverse transcriptase) _____2___ to __3_____ and then ____4___ __5____ into host cellchromosome.




HIV has an incubation period of ___ to ___ years.

3 to 10

In HIV gp___1__ binds to ___2__ receptor then

gp ___3__ binds to coreceptor __4___ or __5___.






HIV is a complex (enveloped or non enveloped virus) that react with _ cells in the body.



There are three stages of HIV. What are they?

Phase 1: Asymptomatic

Phase 2: Symptomatic

Phase 3: AIDS

How long is the asymptomatic stage of HIV?

1-3 years

How long after the asymptomatic stage does the symptomatic stage last?

from year 3 to year 8

How long after the symptomatic stage does the AIDS stage last?

years 8-10

AIDS is indicated when CD4+ T cell population drops to ______/ul


HIV indirectly or directly kills the individual?


CD4+T cells turn on immune response, butsince they are dead/ dying, immune system fails Theyare then considered immunocompromised and can die easily from the list ofdiseases

HAART is associated with what disease?


Highlyactive antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is a combination of ________ __________ _________ _______ plus ________ __________ ________ ______ and _________ _______.

nucleoside reversetranscriptase inhibitors

Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptaseinhibitor Protease inhibitor

HIV is treated with ____1______ reverse transcriptase inhibitors, _____2____ reverse transcriptase inhibitor , ____3______ inhibitors and ____4____ inhibitors and _ _ _ _ _.

1. nucleoside

2. non-nucleoside

3. protease

4. fusion


What are the common ways to prevent HIV?

Use condoms

Use sterile needles


Health care workers

HHV-4 is also known as ________ _______ virus

Epstein Barr

90% of the world's population is infected with _________ _________ ________.

Epstein Barr Virus

Epstein Barr Virus is transmitted via __________


Common signs and symptoms of Epstein Barr Virus usually do not have noticeable symptoms but can cause ___________ lymphoma and ________.



Burkett's Lymphoma is associated with what Virus

Epstein Barr Virus

Mono is associated with that Virus?

Epstein Barr Virus

Epstein Barr Virus only gives symptoms to what age group?

Teens (mononucleosis)

or immmunocompromised (Burkett's Lymphoma )

Burkett's Lymphoma is a complication of what virus?

Epstein Barr Virus

Burkett's Lymphoma is ______ of the lymphatic system. It occurs in AIDS and Malaria patients.


Burkett's Lymphoma effects what system in the body?


What type of cancer has a starry sky appearance?

Burkett's Lymphoma

I cause tumors of lymphoid cells. I cause high proliferation and apoptotic. I have a starry sky appearance and macrophages contain dead body of apoptotic tumor cells. I am common in Sub Saharan Africa and can cut off air ways and make you die of asphyxiation. What am I?

Burkett's Lymphoma

Infectious Mononucleosis is caused by what virus?

Epstein Barr Virus

What is the incubation period of Epstein Barr Virus?

30-50 days

I give you a soar throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes and make you feel weak and fatigued. I cause proliferation of monocytes and cause leukocytosis (Increated WBC count). I also give you an enlarged liver and spleen. I love high school. What am I?

Infectious mononucleosis

I cause fevers and bleeding disorders and can progress to high fevers, shock and death. What am I?

Viral Hemorrhagic Fever(s)

Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers are caused by ________ viruses


Viral Hemorrhagic fevers effect the _________ and ________ systems of the body.



Yellow Fever is a type of what fever?

Viral Hemorrhagic fever

Yellow Fever is caused by what virus?


Yellow Fever is endemic in what country?


The reservoir for Arbovirus in Yellow Fever is in what animal?


How are monkeys infected with arbovirus?

The Aedes mosquito

I have three stages. My early stage causes flu-like symptoms and Jaundice is common. I have a period of remission (3-4 days) and most people kill me then, but if they do not kill me I go into a period of intoxication where I cause you multi-organ failure, bleeding and brain dysfunction. What am I?

Yellow Fever (Arbovirus)

Dengue Fever is caused by what virus?


Dengue Fever is endemic in what countries?



Dengue Fever is transmitted by

Aedes mosquito

I cause flu-like symptoms, give you a rash, and cause you have have muscle and joint pain. I am from southeast Asia and India and can become hemorrhagic (bleeding, low levels of blood platelets, low blood pressure, and death). What am I?

Dengue Fever

Ebola is a __________ ____________ ________ and is closely related to __________ _________.

Viral Hemorrhagic Fever

Marburg Virus

Ebola and Marburg are caused by what virus?


What animal is the reservoir for Ebola and Marburg?


How is Filoviridae (Ebola and Marburg) transmitted?

Tissues, fluids, air (from bats)

I cause flu-like symptoms; possible rash on the back, severe headaches and agitations. I have you confused and cause seizures. I can also put you into a coma. I create extreme capillary fragility, organ failure, hypotention, DIC and tissue necrosis. You will also start to bleed from various orifices. What am I?

Ebola or Marburg (2 types of Viral Hemorrhagic Fever)

Hantavirus is found in what country?

The United States

How is Hantavirus transmitted?

rat excrement

I cause Hemorrhagic fever with renal failure. What am I?


I cause flu-like symptoms but your platelet levels drop, tachycardia (fast heart beat), renal failure, diuresis (excessive amount of urine of 3-6 L). I have a recovery phase OR I can also cause pulmonary syndrome (which can cause pneumonia, shock, and has a 60% mortality rate.) What am I?


Malaria is a ___________ infection


Malaria is caused by what species of bacteria?

Plasmodium spp.

What are the four major bacterial strains of malaria?

P. vivax

P. ovale

P. malariae

P. falciparum

Malaria is transmitted by the __________ spp. mosquito


Malaria is found near the ___________.

tropics in the equator.

What is the incubation period of Malaria?

10 days

I cause fever, chills, and sweating, hypoglycemia, anemia (damage to RBC's), and Enlargement of the spleen and liver. I make you feel sick and fatigues with minor aches. I make you nausea with or without diarrhea. I occur at 48-72 hour intervals (synchronous RBC rupture). I can also cause coma and death. I am typically found in the tropics. What am I?


Malaria is a (intra or extra cellular parasite)?


Malaria threatens _____% of the world's population every year.


What is the prevention for malaria?



Bed Nets

Which of the following terms refers tobacteria flourishing and growing in the bloodstream?





e)All of the choices are correct.


TRUEor FALSE: The cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, being “closed” systems, arealways completely sterile


TRUE or FALSE: Ebola is caused by an arbovirus


TRUE or FALSE: Epstein barr virus causes mononucleosis and yellow fever.


TRUE or FALSE: Subacute endocarditis can arise following a tooth extraction.


HIV is primarily transmitted througha)homosexual intercourse.

b)heterosexual intercourse.

c)nonsterile needles.

d)blood products.

e)mother-to-infant transmission.

b)heterosexual intercourse.

A patient presents with vomiting,diarrhea, and a history of fever and headache. Bacterial cultures of blood,CSF, and stool are negative. What is your diagnosis?

a)Lyme disease

b)Gram positive sepsis

c)Gram negative sepsis

d)Viral hemorrhagic fever

d)Viral hemorrhagic fever

A patient presents with mental confusion,rapid breathing and heartbeat, and low blood pressure. What is your diagnosis?

a)Lyme disease

b)Septic shock

c)Yellow fever


b)Septic shock

A patient was hospitalized with fever andheadache. Spirochetes were observed in her blood. What is your diagnosis?



c)Lyme disease

d)Rocky Mountain spotted fever

e)Ebola hemorrhagic fever

c)Lyme disease

In which disease does there frequentlyoccur a fast-growing tumor of the jaw?

a)Rocky Mountain spotted fever


c)Ebola hemorrhagic fever


e)Infectious mononucleosis

d)Burkitt’s lymphoma

A patient has flu-like symptoms and a bull's-eye rash on his leg. Investigation reveals that he had been hiking in Connecticut and was bitten by two ticks. What is the diagnosis?

relapsing fever

bubonic plague

deer-lick fever

Lyme disease

cat-scratch disease

Lyme disease

Why do antibiotics sometimes aggravate septic shock?

The bacteria chemically modify the antibiotics into toxins.

The bacteria are resistant to the antibiotics.

Septic shock is caused by viruses that are not affected by antibiotics.

Antibiotics cannot reach the site of infection.

Antibiotics may cause the lysis of more bacteria and the release of more endotoxin.

Antibiotics may cause the lysis of more bacteria and the release of more endotoxin.

Yersinia pestis is NOT

endemic to rats and other rodents

the cause of bubonic plague

transmitted by ticks

gram negative bacteria.

transmitted by ticks

Which of the following is an autoimmune disease that is due to antibodies against beta-hemolytic streptococci reacting with cardiac muscle?

bacterial endocarditis

undulant fever

Lyme diseaser

heumatic fever

heumatic fever

A man found living in a rat-infested building develops a high fever and swollen lymph nodes, called buboes, in the armpit and groin. A gram-negative bacillus is isolated from the patient, and the rats are found to be infested with Xenopsylla cheopis. What is the disease?

relapsing fever

rat-scratch disease

bubonic plague

cat-scratch disease

Lyme disease

bubonic plague

Jennifer is a 13-year-old girl with cerebral palsy, who came to your children's hospital for a posterior spinal fusion, where her spine was straightened with rods that were surgically implanted. She tolerated the procedure well, but now 24 hours after the lengthy operation, her blood pressure is 70/25, with a heart rate of 150, fever of 104 degrees, and breathing deeply and rapidly. Whereas several hours ago her vital signs were stable and she was talking to you, she now seems to show no interest in interacting with anybody. Of note, her incision site down her back is swollen, red, and oozing a cloudy white substance. You call the attending physician, who rushes to the bedside.What is the most likely diagnosis?

Dengue Fever

bacterial septicemia

post-operative hemorrhagic fever


bacterial septicemia

Which of the following is MISMATCHED?

Epidemic Typhus; Rickettsia prowazekii

Lyme Disease; Borrelia burgdorferi

Malaria; Trypanosoma spp.

Bubonic plaque; Yersinia pestis

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever; Rickettsia rickettsii

Malaria; Trypanosoma spp.

Suzanne is a pregnant 25-year-old woman with a known HIV infection. This is her first child. She comes into your community clinic for a 20-week checkup. Her HIV was first diagnosed by a screening tool at a clinic when she was 18 years old, and has remained largely asymptomatic. Per her report, she has been very compliant with her antiretroviral therapies. In fact, the father of her child is not HIV positive. She comes in today with lots of questions and concerns about her unborn child.You give her some advice on prevention measures. What is the best form of prevention for HIV, assuming sexual abstinence is not an option?

use of barrier-method contraceptive

contraceptive drugs

treatment of all sexual partners with HAART

compliance with treatment regimens

use of barrier-method contraceptive

What do the following diseases have in common? Yellow fever, Dengue fever, and Malaria.

They are caused by protozoan parasites.

Vaccines are available to prevent them.

They are transmitted by mosquitoes.

They are caused by viruses.

They are transmitted by mosquitoes.

A 20-year-old female is seen at the college health center for a sore throat, fever, and chronic fatigue. Physical examination reveals she has an enlarged spleen. A heterophil antibody test is positive. The etiology is ________.

human herpesvirus 4

dengue virus

Borrelia spp.

Toxoplasma gondii.

human herpesvirus 4

Which is following is NOT associated with HIV attachment?

a) gp41

b) gp120

c) CCR5

d) CD4

e) CD8

e) CD8


A)is an inflammation of the internal valves of the heart.

B)is an inflammation of the interior lining of the heart.

C)occurs in three variations.

D)is caused by one organism.

B)is an inflammation of the interior lining of the heart.

Acute endocarditis is

A)most often caused by Staphylococcus aureus.

B)almost always preceded by some form of damage to the heart valves.

C)most often caused by alpha-hemolytic streptococci.

D)sometimes caused by transmission of bacteria due to vigorous tooth brushing and dental procedures.

A)most often caused by Staphylococcus aureus.

The ___________ is a major source of immune cells.

A)cardiovascular system

B)lymphatic system

C)skeletal system

D)muscular system

B)lymphatic system

In atherosclerosis

A)plaques form on the inner endothelium of the veins.

B)the flexibility of the arterial walls is increased.

C)obstruction of vessels is a possibility.

D)there is an association with streptococcal infections.

C)obstruction of vessels is a possibility.

The presence of prokaryotes in the blood is known as






Infection in the bloodstream can lead to cascading immune responses and decreased systemic blood pressure, leading to the life-threatening condition known as


B)pulmonary edema.

C)systemic shock.

D)septic shock.

D)septic shock.

Endotoxic shock is caused by

A)acute endocarditis.

B)subacute endocarditis.

C)toxins secreted by Gram positive bacteria.

D)inflammatory response during Gram negative septicemia.

D)inflammatory response during Gram negative septicemia.

Yersinia pestis is NOT

A)endemic to voles and other rodents.

B)the cause of bubonic plague.

C)transmitted by ticks.

D)an internationally quarantinable infection.

C)transmitted by ticks.

Lyme disease is a syndrome with long-term effects such as polyarthritis, cardiac and neurological symptoms. It evades host response because

A)it is a spirochete.

B)it employs antigenic switching.

C)it splices itself into host DNA.

D)it cannot be treated with antibiotics.

B)it employs antigenic switching.

Infectious mononucleosis is usually caused by

A)a herpesvirus infection.

B)a bacterial infection.

C)a retrovirus infection.

D)a fungal infection.

A)a herpesvirus infection.

Identify the disease caused by a filovirus.

A)Yellow fever

B)Dengue fever

C)Ebola hemorrhagic fever

D)Lassa fever

C)Ebola hemorrhagic fever

Cytomegalovirus is transmitted in all of the following EXCEPT


B)respiratory mucus.


D)synovial fluid.

D)synovial fluid.

Hemorrhagic fevers are caused by RNA enveloped viruses which include all of the following EXCEPT






Malaria does NOT

A)result in hypoglycemia.

B)get transmitted by fleas.

C)become an intracellular parasite.

D)cause liver cell lysis.

B)get transmitted by fleas.

Although primarily a disease of the skin and lungs, ________ septicemia can result in death due to pulmonary edema and hemorrhagic lung symptoms.






Initial HIV infection is often attended by vague, ______ symptoms.






The latent period of HIV can last from

A)3-6 months.

B)1-2 years.

C)2-15 years.

D)15-30 years.

C)2-15 years.

The primary effects of HIV infection result is

A)harm to B cells.

B)harm to the circulatory system.

C)an increase in stem cells.



Identify the protozoan disease from the list below.


B)Lyme disease




Identify the bacterium that produces a "safety pin" appearance when stained.

A)Yersinia pestis

B)Francisella tularensis

C)Borrelia burgdorferi

D)Bartonella quintana

A)Yersinia pestis

Rocky Mountain spotted fever

A)is transmitted by soft ticks.

B)has symptoms similar to the flu.

C)is named for the region in which it was first detected.

D)all of the above.

C)is named for the region in which it was first detected.

Avoiding ticks will decrease the chances of contracting all of the following diseases EXCEPT

A)Rocky Mountain spotted fever.


C)Trench fever.

D)Lyme disease.

C)Trench fever.

The human cardiovascular system has no normal flora associated with it.




Brucellosis is also known as Malta fever, undulant fever, and Bang's disease.




Quinine has long been a mainstay of brucellosis treatment.




Gram-negative bacteria multiplying in the blood release large amounts of exotoxin into the bloodstream.




Epstein-Barr virus is also associated with Burkitt's lymphoma.




Symptoms in HIV infection are directly tied to the level of the bacteria in the blood and the level of B cells in the blood.




HAART is short for "highly active anti-retroviral therapy" and is used for HIV treatment.




Tularemia can be acquired by running over a dead rabbit with a lawn mower.




Acute endocarditis is usually due to injection or surgical introduction of Staphylococcus aureus.




HIV now has an effective vaccine and antiretroviral therapy can cure infections.


