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40 Cards in this Set

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Sx of gastroenteritis ("stomach flu")?
diarrhea (watery), fever, abdominal pain, vomiting
impact of diarrheal illness in the U.S. per year?
diarrhea: 35 million cases (rotavirus-3.5 mil)
hospitalizations: >200K (50K)
deaths: ~500 (~25)
most common causes of diarrhea in the U.S.?
rota virus then norwalk virus
global impact of rotavirus?
~800.000 deaths/ yr caused by rotavirus diarrhea

mostly in India, africa some Asia and S. Am
genome and significance of the following major causes of viral gastroenteritis:
Rotavirus A (reo)
Rotavirus B,C (atypical; reo)
Noro (Calici)
enteric Adeno (type 40,41
Rota A: ds, segmented RNA; major cause diarrhea in kids
Rota B/C: rare in U.S
Noro: ssRNA+, major cause epidemics in adults
astro: ssRNA+; kids and elderly
adeno: dsDNA, linear: 2nd to rota for diarrh in kids
family and genus of rotavirus?
family: reoviridae
genus: rotavirus
rotavirus structure?
non-enveloped, double capsid
genome of 11 dsRNA segments
core has gene segments, vRNAdRP and capping enzymes
very stable particle
rotavirus replication?
1. attach and penetrate
2. tsc in core
3. trans
4. immature progeny particle
5. replication in particle
6. assembly
7. release by lysis
epidemiology of rotavirus?
1. worldwide
2. children infected early
3. tran fecal-oral, fomites
4. max virus shedding 2-5 d after diarrhea stars (or w/o sx)
5. outbreaks in preschools, daycare, hosp
6. more common fall, winter, spring
rotavirus is the main cause of diarrhea in what age group?
infants 6-14 months old
how are rotavirus groups A-G determined?
by VP6 capsid protein

**most human rotavirus infection by group A serotype
how are serotypes w/in groups determined for rotavirus?
based on neutralizing Ab's to outer capsid proteins VP7 and VP4

VP7 G1-G14
VP4 P1-P8
rotavirus pathogenesis
1. ingested, infects tip of villi in SI and spreads
2. release of virus into lumen
3. infected cells damaged/lost
immature cells w/ decr absorption capacity
4. fluid accum in lumen: diarrhea and dehydration
5. virus rep ceases
6. crypt cells repop villi
rotavirus immunity
1. short lived mucosal (IgA) and
"incomplete" systemic immunity

2. reinfection, but less severe sx (1st infection worst)

*asymptomatic ppl(adults) can shed virus
what are the clinical sx of rotavirus?
1 incubation 2-4 d
2. fever, abd pain, vomit
3. then diarrhea (4-5 d): can lead to severe dehydration
4. no leuks or blood in stool
how is the rotazyme dx test for rotavirus performed?
1. pt specimen and Ab-bead incubate 3 hrs
2. wash beads, add anti-rota enzyme conjugate, incubate
3. wash, add OPD, incubate
4. OPD +enzyme= YELLOW
what are 2 lab tests for rotavirus?
Dipstick test
rotazyme test
what's the tx for rotavirus?
supportive (fluid replacement)
no anti-viral tx
how is rotavirus prevented?
block fecal-oral trans:
1. gloves/wash hands
2. dispose of contam material (diaper)
3. isolate infected pts
is there a vaccine for rotavirus?
new vaccine approved last year

protects against 4 most common types

live, attenuated, oral
family and genus of noroviruses?
family: Caliciviridae
genus: norovirus

*none have been grown in culture
structure of norovirus?
icosahedral capsid
ssRNA (+) genome
how does norovirus replicate?
ssRNA(+) tsc to single polyprotein which is cleaved into viral polypeptides
epidemiology of noroviruses?
cause outbreaks in confined populations (cruise ships)
trans by fecal-oral routes
occur worldwide
older children and adults following consumption of sewage-contaminated shellfish
pathogenesis of norovirus?
similar to rotavirus
immunity to norovirus?
infection causes production of humoral Abs, but immunity to infection is brief
clinical sx of norovirus?
similar to rotavirus:
diarrhea w/ nausea, vomit (espec kids)
no bloody stool
fever in ~1/3 pts
incubation period 24-48 hrs
resolves in 12-60 hrs
no serious consequences
how is norovirus diagnosed?
in stool sample by EM or immunoassay

serology for anti-norovirus Ab

Lab tests usually unnecessary
treatment for norovirus?

supportive (fluid/electrolyte replacement)

good hygiene, avoid shellfish
2nd to rotavirus as cause of acute diarrhea in kids (5-15% of all gastroenteritis in kids)

types 40 and 41 assoc. w/ diarrhea

difficult to culture
which types of adenovirus are associated w/ diarrhea?
type 40 and 41
how is adenovirus diagnoses?
>4x increase in Ab titer
what's the tx for adenovirus?
NO antivirals
supportive fluid replacement
where are they found?
what do they cause?
ubiquitous in young kids
minor cause of gastroenteritis
structure of astrovirus?
non-enveloped, stable
ssRNA (+), 3 ORFs
how does astrovirus replicate?
release by cell lysis
epidemiology of astrovirus?
1. fecal-oral trans
2. worldwide
3. yr round but pk in winter
4. affect yound kids most, elderly,immunosuppressed too
5. epidemics in confined pops
how severe is astrovirus infection? Why?
mild dz

most adults appear to have protective Abs
how is astrovirus diagnosed?
clinically: sx like mild form of rotavirus

detect in stool by immunoassay, dot blot hybridization
tx and prevention of astrovirus infection?
good hygiene

supportive tx