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68 Cards in this Set

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- microbe grows w/i host cell
microorg remains outside host cell but may be attached
Streptococcus pyogenes
causes strep, pus forming, symptoms: fever, throat inflammation, glandular swelling ( can lead to scarlet fever, rheumatoid fever, skin infections, and acute glomerulohephritis). Make streptolysins O and S
Scarlet fever
strep pyrogenes, exotoxin - erythrogenic causes red rash all over body and strawberry tongue. treat w/ penicillin
Rheumatoid fever
strep pyrogenes. lesions on heart, joints and skin 2-3 weeks after strep throat. pts have high anti - streptolysin O titer
Acute glomerulonephritis
seen in kids following strep throat. edema, hypotension, blood in urine
Necrotizing fasciitis
rapid destruction of fibrous tissue that seprerates muscles. s pyrogenes
What does streptococci look like gram stained?
gram positive. cocci. chains
Streptococcus pneumoniae
secoundary infection to viral Upper RT infections. complications are meningitis, pleurisy (pleura inflammation), absess formation, septicema
Legionnaire's disease
legionella pneumonophila. gram + rod. muscle aches, dry cough, chest pain, ab pain, diarrhea. kills 15 to 25% untreated patients. mild form is pontiac fever
Whopping cough
bordetella pertussis, gram - , severe coughing
Corynebacterium diphtheriae. gram +
Salmonellosis entrica
mild GI. raw eggs and improper food handling
fever, cramps, diarrhea, blood and mucous in feces. Shigella sonnei (73%) and shigella flexneri (25%)
gram -, abortion and infertility in cattle
helicobacter pylori
peptide ulcers in humans
viral hepatitis
A, B, C, D, E, and G. anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, fever, discomfort and jaundice
propionibacterium acnes
principal skin bac. acne
Corynebacterium xerosis
BO causing. deoderants inhibit gram positive bacteria
S pyogenes (skin)
Erysipelas or St. Anthony's fire, Impetigo (pustules)
S. aureus
Impetigo, scalded skin syndrome (exotoxin - exofoliation) TSS
Mycobacterium leprae
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
burn victims
Borrelia burgdorferi
lyme disease
Treponema pallidium
used to clean up soil that has oil spill. breaks down hydrocarbons
Raw Milk
FLAP - Flavobacterium, lactococci, Alcoigenes, Pseudomonas. Lactococcus Lactis causes souring of milk
Hot, vulgar debachery. S. thermophilus, ssp. bulgaris, and Lactobacillus delbrueckii
Case of acid fido. L. casei, L. acidophile. Bifidobacterium bifidum.
Chlamydia psittaci
parrot fever
Chylamydia trachomatis
ocular, respiratory and genital infections
Chylamydia pneumoniae
atypical pneumoniae
Synergy in E. fecalis
needs folic acid from L arabinous
Synergy in phenylalanine
makes phenylalanine for lactobacilli
Acid Fast. Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Transmitted via droplets in air. Tested via tuberculin skin test. treated with bacile-Calmette-guerin (BCG) vaccine.
Two types: Exodative: primary infection at the site. Granulomation.
infection of membranes that surround brain and spinal chord. Caused by many bacteria. Hib vaccine prevents H influenzae tybe b
Scarlet fever
strep pyrogenes, exotoxin - erythrogenic causes red rash all over body and strawberry tongue. treat w/ penicillin
Rheumatoid fever
strep pyrogenes. lesions on heart, joints and skin 2-3 weeks after strep throat. pts have high anti - streptolysin O titer
Acute glomerulonephritis
seen in kids following strep throat. edema, hypotension, blood in urine
Necrotizing fasciitis
rapid destruction of fibrous tissue that seprerates muscles. s pyrogenes
What does streptococci look like gram stained?
gram positive. cocci. chains
Streptococcus pneumoniae
secoundary infection to viral Upper RT infections. complications are meningitis, pleurisy (pleura inflammation), absess formation, septicema
Legionnaire's disease
legionella pneumonophila. gram + rod. muscle aches, dry cough, chest pain, ab pain, diarrhea. kills 15 to 25% untreated patients. mild form is pontiac fever
Whopping cough
bordetella pertussis, gram - , severe coughing
Corynebacterium diphtheriae. gram +
Salmonellosis entrica
mild GI. raw eggs and improper food handling
fever, cramps, diarrhea, blood and mucous in feces. Shigella sonnei (73%) and shigella flexneri (25%)
gram -, abortion and infertility in cattle
helicobacter pylori
peptide ulcers in humans
viral hepatitis
A, B, C, D, E, and G. anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, fever, discomfort and jaundice
propionibacterium acnes
principal skin bac. acne
Corynebacterium xerosis
BO causing. deoderants inhibit gram positive bacteria
S pyogenes (skin)
Erysipelas or St. Anthony's fire, Impetigo (pustules)
S. aureus
Impetigo, scalded skin syndrome (exotoxin - exofoliation) TSS
Mycobacterium leprae
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
burn victims
Borrelia burgdorferi
lyme disease
Treponema pallidium
used to clean up soil that has oil spill. breaks down hydrocarbons
Raw Milk
FLAP - Flavobacterium, lactococci, Alcoigenes, Pseudomonas. Lactococcus Lactis causes souring of milk
Hot, vulgar debachery. S. thermophilus, ssp. bulgaris, and Lactobacillus delbrueckii
Case of acid fido. L. casei, L. acidophile. Bifidobacterium bifidum.
Chlamydia psittaci
parrot fever
Chylamydia trachomatis
ocular, respiratory and genital infections
Chylamydia pneumoniae
atypical pneumoniae
Synergy in E. fecalis
needs folic acid from L arabinous
Synergy in phenylalanine
makes phenylalanine for lactobacilli