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19 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of Interferons?
They interfere w/ viral replication in infected cells
What are the 3 major actions of INFalpha and Beta?
1. Activate PKR expression
2. 2'5' oligo-Asynthetase
3. Mx Proteins
What is the path of PKR expression? What does this?
IFNa/b do this, PKR recognizes dsRNA, and phosphorylates into eIF2-alpha, which inhibits translation
What is the path of 2'5'oligo-A synthetase, what does this?
IFNa/b, it induces linkage of oligonuc'tides in irregular order, which make RNase-L enzyme, which degrades mRNA
What is the path of Mx proteins? what does this?
IFN-a/b, which uses de-phosphorylates GTP, and inhibits Tx, viral assembly
What are the 2 ways NK cells kill (direct/indirect)?
They bind and kill cells or they release IFN-gamma to recruit Macrophage
What are the 2 MECHANISMS thru which NK cells kill directly?
1. Fas-L-Fas: polymerizes Fas to activate apoptosis

2. Secrete Perforin-granzyme: Perf. makes hole, Granzyme activates enzymes for apoptosis
What are 2 diseases of PHAGOCYTE DYSFUNCTION
Chronicgranulamatous disease, and Chediak-Higashi syndrome
What is Chronic Granulamatous disease?
Defect in NADPH oxidase (phagocyte dysfunciton disease)
What is Chediak Higashi syndrome?
Defect in protein involved in the Phagosome-Lysosome Fusion (phagocyte dysfunction disease)
What is an example of Adhesion dysfunction?
Defect in Beta-2chain of leukocyte Integrins LFA and CR3
What is an example of Chemotaxis disfunction?
Lazy Leukocyte Syndrome - defect in C5a, defect in cytoskeleton
What are the 4 Complement system defects?
Nod- receptor, NLRP3, MyD88, IRAK-4
What are the 2 Pyogenic bacteria-sensing deficiency disorders, what category are they in?
MyD88 and IRAK-4, complement disorders
What is the order of Phagocytes to arrive at an infection?
Neutrophils then Monocytes
What receptors are involved in Neutrophil binding to Epithelium?
ICAM1 and ICAM2 (of epith) bind to CR3 and LFA1 of neutrophil, also CXCL8 of epith binds to neurophil (CXCL8-R)
What happens if neutrophils/monocytes are ineffective in stoping infection?What mediator is involved in this?
Acute Phase response to generate more cells and receptors - IL6
What does IL-6 do? what is it a part of?
Acute phase response, it acts on liver/bone marrow to produce more cells
What role does the liver play in acute phase repsonse?
It generates c-reactive protein PHOSPHOCOLINE to activate compliment or MBL