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87 Cards in this Set

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- living together; coexistence
- one species benefits, the other species is harmed
- one species benefits, the other one is not harmed
- both species benefit from the presence of the other
- single celled eukaryote organism
The four kinds of PROTOZOA
- 1) Amoeba
- 2) Flagellate
- 3) Ciliates
- 4) Sporozoa/ Apicomplexan/ Coccidian
- amorphous shaped
- move by pseudopods
- eat by phagocytosis
- elongated body shape
- move by whip like "hairs"
- spherical or elongated
- move by coordinated movement of short "hairs"
Sporozoa/ Apicomplexans/ Coccidian
- elongated shape
- move by action of "apical complex"
Examples of Ameoba
- Entameoba histolytica
- Naegleria fowleri
- Acanthamoeba spp.
Examples of flaggelates
- Giardia intestinalis
- Trichomonas vaginalis
- Leishmania spp.
- Trypanosoma brucei and cruzi
Examples of Sporozoa/ Apicomplexans/ Coccidians
- Plasmodium (malaria)
- Toxoplasma gondii
- Cryptosporidium parvum
- motile
- feeding stage of organism
- reproduce by BINARY FISSION
- tropho = "to nourish"
- non-motile
- non-reproducing
- resistant to damage
- process of cell division/ replication
- nucleus divides multiple times
- cell replicates with nuclei
- one of several forms of flagellated protozoan

examples: amastigote, epimastigote, tropomastigote
What causes Amebic dysentery?
- Entamoeba histolytica
If you are a carrier of Entameoba histolytica, are you symptomatic or Asymptomatic?
- ASYMPTOMATIC (carrying the cyst)
What is the 3rd leading cause of parasitic death in the world?
- Entameoba histolytica
How is Entameoba histolytica pathogenic?
- it adheres to your intestinal wall and digests the intestinal lining and destroys it
Where does Entameoba histolytica migrate to later in disease?
- Right lobe of liver = Hepatic Abcesses
Are symptoms of Ent.histolytica more acute or chronic?
- More chronic: 90%

- Acute is only 10%
T or F: Diarrhea from Ent. histolytica has blood.
- TRUE: There is bloody diarrhea
How do you diagnose Entomeba Histolytica?
- seeing trophozoite and cyst in NORMAL stools, only occasionally in trophozite in diarrhea or tissue
How is Ent. histolytica transmistted?
- Fecal-oral
- Sexual practices
Would treatment of waste water help prevent Ent. histolytica?
- Yes. Treatment of waste water will help prevent this disease.
What is Kernig's sign?
- a sign of PAM from Naegleria fowleri
- pain in hamstring muscle when leg is extended
What causes Primary Amebic Meningitis (PAM)?
- Naegleria fowleri
How is Nagleria fowleri transmitted?
- in water, up your nose
- in hydro pools
Does Nagleria fowleri ONLY affect immunocompromised?
- False, any one is susceptible
Where N. fowleri found?
- world wide
Symptoms of Naegleria fowleri
- frontal headache
- altered senses
- fever
- stiff neck
Do you use microscopy to diagnose N. fowleri?
- Yes, you diagnose by microscopy of CSF. You also look at nasal discharge
T or F: You can find cysts of Naegleria fowleri in the brain tissue
- FALSE: you cannot find cysts in the brain tissue, they are found in external environment. You look for trophozoite.
Can you treat N. fowleri?
- Uneffective/difficult treatment
- can try with amphotericin B
What causes Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis (GAE)? (in AIDS patients)
- Acanthamoeba causes this disease
Is Acanthamoeba rare or prevalent?
- A rare disease
What is another disease besides GAE that results from Acanthamoeba?
- Keratitis - coronal ulcer --need to properly sanitize contacts
What disease is also known as "backpacker's disease" or "beaver Fever"?
- Giardia intestinalis
T or F: the reservoir for Giardia is Humans
- FALSE: the reservoir for Giardia is NOT humans, it is mammals
What diseases are transmitted by Fecal-Oral?
- Entamoeba histolytica
- Giardia intestinalis
Describe the shape of Giardia
- tennis racket shaped
- Dorsal side: two nuclei
- Ventral side: disk shape for attachments
- FLAGELLATED all over
Do you ingest the cysts in Giardia?
- YES, you ingest the cyst
- you cannot get the disease from trophozoites
Symptoms include: greasy stool, flatulence, GI distress
- Giardia intestinalis
What do cysts of Giardia look like in the microscope, from diarrhea samples?
- the cysts have 4 nuclei
What is the most common protozoan pathogen in industrialized countries?
- Trichomonas vaginalis
T or F: The trophozite form is the ONLY form of trichomonas vaginalis
- TRUE: There is ONLY a trophozoite form
How does trichomonas replicate?
- Binary fission
Can men serve as a reservoirs of Trichomonas vaginalis?
- Yes, males can serves as a reservoir for Trichomonas Vaginalis
What do you look for in a diagnosis of trichomonas vaginalis?
- Look for twitching motility and undulating membrane on WETMOUNT
T or F: Trichomonas vaginalis can be asymptomatic
TRUE: Can be asymptomatic
What are the three diseases of Leishmania
- Visceral
- Cutaneous
- Muco- cutaneous
What are two other common names for Visceral Leishmania?
- Dum Dum Fever
- Kala-azar
What species causes Visceral Leishmaniasis?
- Leishmania donovani
T or F: All leishmania species have the same life cycle
- TRUE: all 3 Leishmania have the same life cycle
Describe the Leishmania life cycle
- Sandfly-->Inject Promastigote--> phagocytized NOT destroyed by macrophages--> amastigote---> invades tissues/multiplies --> taken by sandfly--> promastigote in sandfly stomach--> replicates--> to proboscis to infect
What is the vector of Leishmania?
- Sandfly
What happens to Leishmania with macrophages
- Macrophages phagocytos the flaggelate but do NOT destroy it
Incubation periods of Leishmania:
- Visceral: weeks- years
- Cutaneous: 2 weeks -2 months
- Muco-cutaneous: weeks to months
Which form of Leishmania comes from Persian gulf?
- Cutaneous Leishmania: Tropica, aethiopica, mexicana
Why is cutaneous Leishmania from Persian gulf dangerous?
- It can become viscero tropic
Which Leishmania species cause red papule at bite of sandfly?
- Cutaneous ( tropica, mexicana, etc)
- Muco-cutaneous (braziliensis)
Which Leishmania causes facial destruction?
- Leishmania braziliensis causes this
Which Leishmania can be 75-95% fatal if untreated?
- Visceral Leishmania by Leishmania donovani
Symptoms include enlargement of organs like liver, and lymph nodes
- Leishmania donovani (visceral)
African Sleeping Sickness is caused by what organism?
- Trypanosoma Brucei (gambiensi and rhodiense)
What is the vector for African Sleeping Sicknes?
- Tsetse fly is the vector
Which Trypanosoma organism is slow onset and chronic?
- T. gambiense
Which Trypanosoma organism is Acute and quick onset?
- T. rhodiense
What happens during the two stages of Trypanosoma brucei?
- 1st stage: Invasion of lymph
- 2nd stage: Neurological symptoms/ confusion, disruption of sleep cycle.
Describe life cycle of African Sleeping Sickness
Fly injects trypomastigote in to blood--> multiply --> ingestion of blood by fly --> goes in to fly stomach/ blood --> epimastigote --> salivary gland transform in to metacyclic trypomastigote
What are the reservoirs of the two strains of sleeping sickness?
- T. gambiense: Humans
- T. rhodesiense: Cattle
What is the transmission of African Sleeping Sickness?
- Vector (tsetse fly)
- Blood contact
What form of the organism for African Sleeping Sickness is infectious?
- The metacyclic trypomastigote is what infects humans
Why can't you make a vaccine to African Sleeping Sickness?
- You cannot make a vaccine due to variable surface glycoprotein
What causes Chagas disease (aka American trypanosomiasis)
- Trypanosoma cruzi causes this disease
What is the vector of Trypanosoma cruzi?
- The kissing Bug: Triatomine- through its feces in to mucous membrane as metacyclic trypomastigote
What flagellate is predominate nocturnal feeding?
- Trypanosoma cruzi
- reddening (erythematous) and indurate area at bug bite
Acute stage of Trypanosoma cruzi
- rash on eyes and face
- Parasite in blood
- CNS harm for children
Chronic Stage of Trypanosoma cruzi
- is in 20-40% of cases
- emerges 10-20 years later
- destroys CNS tissue to regulate tissue growth
Is treatment for trypanosoma cruzi effective?
-No treatment is not effective, can be toxic
Definitive Host
- sexual form reproduces
Intermediate host
- asexual form (most often called LARVAL form)
What type of host are humans for TAENIIA?
- Humans are BOTH definitive and intermediate host
What type of host are PIGS for Taenia?
- Pigs are ONLY intermediate hosts