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26 Cards in this Set

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Diptheria, cholera, and tetanus are exclusively the cause of disease T/F?
In large amounts, what can LPS cause (endotoxin)?
shock and DIC
T/F exotoxins are all outside the cell and are actively pumped out?
FALSE; some are left inside and leave only when cell dies
Where are most gene toxins for exotoxins are found?
mobile elements (phages, plasmids, transposons);;;cholera is on a phage
What is the A part of the toxin structure?
enzymatic activity
What is the B part of the toxin structure?
Cell binding component
What kind of toxins are evident when holes are present on blood agar?
what do superantigens do?
stimulate an excessive amount of cytokines
What are examples of superantigens?
erythrogenic toxins (streptococcus pyogenes); enterotoxins (S.aureus); Toxic shock (Staph. Areus)
How is protein synthesis shut down in Diptheria toxin and Exotoxin A (pseudomonas aeruginosa)?
Moving ADP to histidine on EF-2 preventing elongation factor needed for translation
How do shiga toxins inhibit protein synthesis?
remove one particular adenine residue from the 28S RNA of 60S ribosomal subunit
What does shiga toxin result in?
hemolytic uremic syndrome (damage endothelial cells in kidney, inhibit protein synthesis)
How do cholera toxin work?
ADP ribosyltransferases that stimulate G protein > increase cAMP (adenylate cyclase is ON) in enterocytes> massive diarrhea
What kind of paralysis is caused by botulinum toxin?
flaccid paralysis (inhibits release of acetylcholine at myoneural junctions)
What does tetanus do?
inhibits release of inhibitory interneurons in th espinal cord (MORE STIMULATION)
What do Tetanus and Botulitunum toxin have in common?
both are zinc-dependant endopeptidases that inhibit neurotransmitter release
What toxin can cause pseudomembranous colitis?
clostridium difficile cytotoxin
How does clostridium difficile cytotoxin cause pseudomembranous colitis?
causes disaggregation of actin filaments by glucosylating RhoA (a small GTP binding protein in enterocytes)
What is the difference between passive and active immunization?
passive immunization we get antiodies to quickly treat; active is we get antigen to produce long term memorr
What are toxoids?
these are derivatives of toxins that are immunogenic but lack toxicity; used in vaccines
What are immunotoxins?
active part of the toxin that kills cells linked to a specific monoclonal antibody (tumor killing)
What are pyrogenic exotoxins?
toxins that cause excessive recrutiment of cytokines (bind B subunit of TCR and increase cytokines)
Which toxins have ADP ribosyltransferase activity?
Diptheria toxin, exotoxin A (pseudomonas aerigunosa); and Cholera, and E.coli LT
Which toxins inhibit Protein synthesis?
Diptheria, exotoxin A (P. Aureginosa), shiga toxins
Which toxins are zinc-dependant endopeptidases?
tetanus and botulin
Which toxin glucosylates RhoA?
clostridium difficile cytotoxin