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60 Cards in this Set

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pure culture

a culture that contains one type of microorganisms

microorganism that are grown in one culture are moved to another culture for further purify it
mixed culture
contain two or more microorganisms easily differentiated microbes
contaminated culture
are culture that was once pure but now contains unwanted unidentified microbes
microbes that contain specific growth factors and complex nutrients growth
quadrant streaking
method to dilute and separate individual microbes in order well isolate, pure colonies
a population of microbes on a solid growth media. consisting of aggragation of molecules arising from a single parent cell
simple stain
single basic positively charged dye to add color to microbial cells so that they can be easily seen. as a result all are stained the same color
differential stain
uses two basic positively charged dyes to distinguish between two different microbes groups or structures by color reaction. as result these groups are stained in two contrasting colors
negative stain
uses single acidity negativity charged dye to color the background, leaving the microbe unstained. cells appear colorless against a stained background
gram stained
procedural negative stain
procedural gram stain prep
bacterial smear prep procedures
simple stain prep procedures
Spore stain scaeffer method. procedures
study and identify
what is the purpose of heat fixation?
the heat coagulates the microbes protiens causing bacteria to stick to slide
what is obtained from simple staining
cell size shape and arrangement
why is acid fast stain useful in medicine?
Since few microorganisms are acid-fast the stain is useful when is it is suspected that a disease caused by unknown acid fast pathogen
Why is heat needed for a first step of acid fast staining method
The cell walls of acid fast bacteria contain thick and waxy layer of mycolic acid which is responsible for a high degree of resistance to chemicals and dyes. steam heat drives the primary stain carbon fuchsin into the acid fast cell walls
during the acid fast stain procedure what color do acid fast and non acid fast bacteria stain
Pink acid-fast and blue non-acid fast
Name two genara of acid fast bacteria
mycobacterium and nocardia
Name one disease caused by mycobacterium
Tuberculosis leprosy nocardosis
Why is steam heat used with the Malachite green in the endospore stain
Spores are surrounded by 6 cell walls spore coats which make them resistant to harsh conditions steam heat drive the primary stain malachite green through these four coats
What is an older culture 5 day of Bacillus needed for the end of spore stain
spores form under harsh conditions such as during nutrient depletion as a result and older culture is more likely to produce spores
During the end of spore stain procedure what color do the spores and vegetative cells stained
Green spores and pink / red vegetative cells
Name two generas of bacteria that produced endospores
Bacillus and Clostridium
Name one disease caused by endospore forming bacteria
Anthrax tetanus and botulism
Why doesn't the negative stain the nigrosin colorize the cells
Negatively charged acidic dyes are repelled by the negatively charged bacterial surface forming a deposit around the organism as a result the background is stained and the microbe is transparent
What is the purpose of negative staining
To determine the morphology and arrangement of bacteria to delegate to withstand heat fixing
During the Gram stain what is the purpose of the moredant iodine
Iodine forms an intracellular complex with crystal violet making the dye molecules larger and less likely to leave the gram-positive cell during subsequent washings. as a result the Mordant enhances the retention of a crystal violet in Gram positive bacteria
During the Gram stain why is decolorization 95% of alcohol and most critical step
During decolorization gram-negative bacteria lost the crystal violet stain while gram positive cells are not decolorize this is what makes the Gram stain differential however over decolorization can lead to misleading results since overexposure to alcohol can also strip crystal violet from cram positive cells making them up here gram negative

What makes mannitol salt agar MSA selective and differential what does MSA select for
It selects for bacteria that tolerate 7.5% NaCI differentiates between bacteria according to its ability to ferment mannitol it is used to isolate staphylococcus distinguish between individual species for example staphylococcus epidermidis viruses versus Staphylococcus aureus
What bacteria selectively grow on PEA alcohol how does it selectively inhibit other bacteria
It selects for the growth of gram-positive bacteria it inhibits or slows down the growth of gram-negative bacteria by interfering with DNA synthesis
What type of media is blood agar how does alpha beta and gamma hemolysis appear on blood agar plate
It is differential enriched media that characterizes bacteria according to its ability to lysis red blood cells 3 results can be observed alpha a greenish hue appears around a colony due to the parcel lysis of red blood cells deta a clear zone appears around the colony due to the complete list of red blood cells gamma no change results due to the presence of non hemolytic bacteria
What type of information is gained from a positive catalase test
A positive test indicates that bacteria contain the ends I'm capable of breaking down hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen
What is the purpose of bacitration susceptibility
this antibiotic sensitivity test can be used to differentiate between bacteria for example Staphylococcus is resistant to while microcroccus caucus is sensitive
requires specific growth factors
Name 5 I's of bacteria culture
insolation, incubation , isolation,inspection and identification
colony characteristics
size, form, shape, properties, texture, elevation
complex media purpose
used to grow majority of bacteria, contained nutrients released by patial digested yeast, beef, soy and protiens
Chemically defined synthetic media
Used to grow fast fastdious bacteria that require specific growth factors and nutrients its exact chemical composition is known
Selective media
favers growth of specific micro organisms and inhibits growth of un- wanted ones
Differential media
Distinguishes between groups of microorganisms based on different chemical reactions and appearances
Enrichment media
Supplemented with blood serum or other growth factors to promote the multiplication of specific microorganisms
Reducing media
Contains compounds that bind free oxygen and remove it from the medium used to grow anaeroboc microorganisms
Fermentation media
Contains carbohydrates that contain converted acids plus a pH indicator to monitor acid production a byproduct of fermentation
5 approches for identifying microorganisms
macroscopilly, Microscopically, biochemically, immunologically and genectic analysis
Why can't all microorganisms grow on a general purpose media
Microbes often require specific growth factors Fast Eddie is bacteria require specific growth factors conditions and may be unable to grow on a general purpose media
How can you tell if a culture has been contaminated
At the macroscopic level after growth on solid media you might observe colonies that appear different from known microorganism at the microscopic level after staining a sample you might observe cell shape and arrangement that differ from the known microorganisms
What is the purpose of using aseptic technique
Aseptic technique refer to the methods of handling microbial cultures patient specimens and other sources of microbes in a way that prevents infection of the handler and others who may be expose it prevents the introduction of unwanted microorganisms in a culture or environment
mannitol salt agar
phenylethyl alcohol agar
blood agar plate
catalyst test
mannitol agar
phenylethyl alcohol agar (pea)
bacitracin susceptibility on blood agar plates
blood agar plates (BAP) Alpha Beta and Gamma
catalase test