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84 Cards in this Set

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The only sugar available to fermenters growing in a Phenol Red Lactose Broth is lactose. Therefore, only bacteria capable of fermenting lactose will produce { } in this broth.


Utilization media are designed to test the ability of an organism to:

Grow in the presence of a single essential nutrient

Catalase is an enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide into

Water and oxygen

What is the function of the Durham tube inside a Phenol Red Tube?

To indicate gas production

The pH indicator bromthymol blue is used in the ( ) test.

Simmons citrate agar

The purpose of ferric citrate in the Bile Esculin Azide Agar is to

Detect esculetin and form a dark brown color change

True or False- in the Simmons Citrate Agar, lactose is the only carbon source


True or False- in the Phenylalanine test, the formation of a green color after incubation and addition of ferric chloride reagent indicates that phenylalanine has been deaminated


The alkali color of a Phenol Red broth is red and the acid color is


A tube of TSB with 6.5% NaCl will be used for what test?

Osmotic pressure test

Describe a positive coagulase test

Plasma is clotted

What is a positive urea test and what does it mean

A positive urea test has a bright pink tube and it is alkaline. Positve for amonia.

The SIM tube tests for 3 things. What are they and how can you tell a positive test for each?

1.Sulfur Reduction- (+) test is really dark, almost black

2. Indole Production- (+) test has a ring of pink at top

3. Motility- (+) test shows growth outside of stab line

Describe A/A +G in TSI test

Acidic- (+) for Glucose, Lactose or Sucrose

Over same thing

Has gas production

Describe K/A +H2S



Acid- (+) for glucose then switched to peptone metabolism

Sulfur indicated

How can u tell a (-) starch test?

After iodine is added there will not be a clear ring around bacteria

What is meant by the term "beta hemolysis"

Beta hemolysis means there is a complete hemolysis of RBC's

When obtaining results of the antimicrobial sensitivity tests, the inhibition zone diameters will be measured in which units


The antibiotic sensitivity (susceptibility) test is known as

Kirby-Bauer method

The antimicrobial sensitivity test is a

Disk diffusion test

Name 3 components of the antimicrobial susceptibility test that are standardized

1. Agar depth

2. Agar pH

3. 0.5 McFarland Standard

Explain bacteriostatic

They stop the growth, but don't kill

How do u provide aerobic conditions for certain compartments of the Enterotube ll following inoculation

Use the needle that came out of the middle of tube and poke holes in the plastic over the compartments that u want to have aerobic conditions

In the Enterotube ll, a reagent must be added before reading the result of the...

H2S/Indole chamber

If 2 species are initially identified with the same numeric code using the Enterotube ll, then a confirmatory ( ) test is performed to differentiate betwn the 2 organisms.


True or False- the Enterotube is inoculated using the loop in your drawer


The Enterotube ll is used to identify a member of the family. ..


What is a bacteria that grows into a clump of cells

CFU- colony forming unit

What is a countable plate

Btwn 30 and 300 colonies

What is the preferred method of urine collection

Clean catch

What is bactururia

Presence of bacteria in urine

What is Serial Dilution

10- fold reduction in cells using water blanks

What is OCD

# of bacteria in original pt sample

What is a volumetric loop

Streaking tool made to hold a specific volume

Modified streak plate with volumetric loop

What is used for the salt tolerance test

Osmetic Pressure Test- Osmosis

Water moves through a cell membrane from high concentration to low concentration.

What does the osmotic pressure test look for?

What does a positive test look like?

-Test looks for organisms that are halophiles.

-Positive test shows little cloudy and settled at the bottom- TSB 6 1/2% salt

-TSB control tube has some cloudy growth

How to do Osmotic Pressure Test

Inoculate saline medium tubes w/ Halobacterium broth using a sterile transfer pipette w/ 1mL of organism. Keep one uninoculated tube. Inoculate all tubes at 35+2degree C for 48 hours. Mix broth gently and check for turbidity, not color.

What is important for control tube in osmotic pressure test (salt tolerance test)

Plain TSB needs to be (+) when you compare contol to salt tube. If control tube is (-) then it's an invalid test. HAVE to HAVE (+) TSB control tube!

What does Bile Esculin Agar test do?

Differentiates different organisms. The bile in tube will select against gram (+).

Gram (-) will grow. Add sodium azide to inhibit growth of gram (-).

How does Bile Esculin Agar work?

Test selects for Enterococcus. Use nutrient called esculin in tube. If bacteria wants to live in the tube it has to convert esculin into glucose and esculetin. Glucose goes away and esculetin is left in the tube. BLACK test tube is (+), no darkening of tube is (-).

Phenol Red Broth

Phenol Red broth is a differential test medium prepared as a base to which a carbohydrate is added. Included in the base medium are peptone and the pH indicator phenol red. An inverted Durham tube is added to each tube as an indicator of gas production. Keep one uninoculated tube for comparison.

Test results for Phenol Red

pH indicator is phenol red

Red at neutral

Yellow at acid-(+)

We use lactose, dextrose, & sucrose (dextrose is same as glucose)

PR results

Yellow broth, bubble in tube

Fermentation w/ acid and gas end products

Symbol= A/G

PR test results

Yellow broth, no bubble in tube

Fermentation w/ acid end products; no gas produced

Symbol= A/-

PR test results

Red broth, no bubble in tube

No fermentation

Symbol= -/-

PR test results

Pink broth, no bubble in tube

Degredation of peptone; alkaline end products

Symbol= K

Phenol Red pic

Catalase test

Catalase test is used to identify organisms that produce the enzyne catalase. It breaks down peroxide into water and oxygen

(+) catalase= bubbles

After adding peroxide don't forget to cover slide with lid of petri dish

Citrate test

Citrate tests to see if organism can break down citrate & convert it to pyruvate. pH indicator is bromothymol blue dye

Citrate test results

Blue tube is (+)

Blue alkaline products were produced

Green tube is (-)

Uninoculated tube is also green

Phenylalanine Deaminase Test

To see if organism can use phenylalanine . Act of pulling off amino group is deamination. Pulling off a nitrogen group. Streak 2 slants

Phenylalanine test results

If u add ferric chloride and it turns dark green then it's positive.

Negative has no reaction.

Starch Hydrolysis (amylase test)

Main nutrient is starch, bunch of glucose. Just need to pluck off glucose w/ amalase. Add iodine to starch agar after incubatio

Starch Hydrolysis test before iodine

Starch Hydrolysis test after iodine

Clear glow on left (halo) - (+)

Right w/o clearing- (-)

Urea Hydrolysis (urease test)

This test is used to differentiate organisms based on their ability to hydrolyze urea w/ the enzyme urease. Use water and urease to break apart urea molecule. Urea is a byproduct of protein motabolism (waste product). Add pH indicator= phenol red

Urea Hydrolysis test results

Red- neutral

Yellow- acidic (-) no urea hydrolysis

Pink- basic (+) amonia building up in tube, rapid urea hydrolysis

SIM Medium

Sulfur reduction, indole production, motility

Motility- growing away from stab line (+) & dark brown (+) = motile

Solid stab line= (-) for motility

》Sulfur- amino acid cysteine

Iron (phyric sulfate) added to tube

Black= (+)

Not black= (-) for sulfur

》Indole Production- add reagent called Kovac's

Cherry red= (+) indole test

Nothing is (-) indole test

Triple Sugar Iron

3 sugars- glucose, lactose, sucrose

Glucose very small %- 0.1%

Lactose- 1%

Sucrose- 1%

Peptone in tube (protein product)

Iron in tube (sulfur test)

pH indicator- phenol red

All organisms use glucose to start

Yello-ferment glucose, stays yellow if like lactose or sucrose

Aerobically (only like glucose), slant back to orange

Any bubbles or breaks- gas positive

Black tube (+) for sulfur reduction but only happens in acidic conditions

How to record triple sugar iron agar/ kligler iron agar


A= acid/ yellow

K= pink or red/ alkaline

Black is H2S

If black add +gas, +H2S

Blood Agar

Allows differentiation of bacteria based on their ability to hemolyze RBC's

Blood Agar test results

a-Hemolysis (alpha)= partial breakdown, green

y-Hemolysis (gamma)= no break down

B-Hemolysis (beta)= complete breakdown, clear






No breakdown

Coagulase and Clumping Factor tests

Coagulase tube test

Remains liquid- coagulase (-)

Solid- coagulase (+)

Same for slide

Enterotube ll

Multitest system designed to identify enteric bacteria and other select oxidase-negative, Gram-neg bacteria

Standard plate count (viable plate)

Urine plate

Yellow loop, blue loop

Yellow loop= 10 microliter, .01

Blue loop= 1 microliters, .001

Standard plate calculation

OCD= CFU/loop volume

Make sure u put CFU's/ml at end

CFU= # counting

OCD= # looking for

Urinary tract infections results

*Greater than or = to 100,000 CFU's/ml is UTI

*greater than or = to 10,000 to less than 100,000 CFU's/ml is possible UTI

*less than 10,000 CFU's/ml is contamination (specimen collected or handled improperly)

Antimicrobial susceptibility test: disk diffusion (kirby-Bauer) method

Measure green circle in mm counting smallest lines

The Enterotube ll is inoculated using

A plated colony

What is the Kirby-Bauer test

It tests the susceptibility of microorganisms to antimicrobial agents

Which test utilizes iodine reagent


Which of the following tests for amonia production


Clotted plasma is a (+) result for which test


Which test uses semisoft agar


The coagulase test is used to identify which species


What reagent is added to the SIM tube for the Indole test

Kovac's Reagent

Utilization media are designed to test the ability of an organism to

Grow in the presence of a single essential nutrient

The pH indicator bromthymol blue is used in the

Simmons Citrate Agar test

The purpose of the bile salts in the Bile Esculin Azide Agar is to

Inhibit the growth of gram (+) organisms

Bile Esculin Agar pic

Left is bile esculin (+)