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105 Cards in this Set

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BA stands for
Blood Agar
What catergory is BA under?
What is the purpose of BA?
to test for hemolytic acitvity
What does MAC stand for?
MacConkey Agar
What catergory is MAC under?
Differential and Selective
What is the purpose of MAC?
for isolation of Gram (-) Enterics
What does PEA stand for?
Phenylethyl Alchohol Agar
What catergory is PEA?
What is the puropse of PEA?
Isolation of Gram (+)
What does MSA stand for?
Mannitol Salt Agar
What cateogry is MSA under?
Seletive and differential
What is the purpose of MSA?
Isolate spahtyloccus species
What does PA stand for?
Pseudomonas Isolation Agar
What cateogry is PA under?
What is the purpose of PA?
isolation of pseudomonas species
What is Staphylococcus epidermidis? (3)
(1)on the skin (2)opportunistic (3) most strains produce a slime layer which may enalble them to attach to cetrain hopstial apparatuses during invasive procedures
can be found on the skin and is opportunistic
Staphylococcus epidermidis
most strains produce a slime layer which may enalble them to attach to cetrain hopstial apparatuses during invasive procedures
Staphylococcus epidermidis
What is Stahphylococcus aureus? (2)
(1)most common noscomial bacteria infection (2)causes food poisning, toxic shock, scalded skin syndrome, pinke boils etc
causes food poisning, toxic shock, scalded skin syndrome, pinke boils etc
Stahphylococcus aureus
is the most common bacteria nosocomial infection
Stahphylococcus aureus
also known as GAS
Streptococcus pyogenes
GAS stands for
Group A Streptococcus
Streptococcus pyogenes are also called ( ).
is the most common cause of pharyngitis, but can also cause acute rhematic fever, and acute glomerulonephritis
Streptococcus pyogenes
What is Streptococcus pyogenes? (3)
(1)also called GAS (2)common cause of pharyngitis (3) can also cause acute rheumatic fever, and acute glomerrulonephritis
is the most common cause of pharyngitis
Strepcoccus pygones
Pharyngitis is ( ).
Sore throat
Sore throat can also be refered to as ( ).
What is Pseudomonas aeruginoa? (4)
(1)Opportunitstic w phagocyte resistant slime layer (2) has a fruity odor (3) a blue green pigment (4) can cause eye and ear infections
Opportunitstic w phagocyte resistant slime layer
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
is nosciminal and can cause eye and ear infections
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
has a fruity odor and a blue green pigment
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
What is Escherichia coli?
(1)common resistant of digestive tract (2) produces Vitamin K and B (3)is a indicator bacterium
What can Escherichia coli cause(3)?
(1)food poisning (2) Montezumas revenge (3) UTI
common resistant of digestive tract
Escherichia coli
produces Vitamin K and B
Escherichia coli
is a indicator bacterium
Escherichia coli
usual is the cause of UTI, food poisning, and Montezuma's revenge
Escherichia coli
Describe the Mircococcus gensis (3)
(1)Gram (+) (2)aerobic (3)nonpathogenic
What is Micrococcus Luteus?
appears yellow in culture
What is Micrococcus?
appears red in culture
is gram (+), aerobic, and nonpathogenic
Micrococcus luteus and Micrococcus roseus
appears yellow in culture
Micrococcus luteus
Are species of the genre Micrococcus pathogenic?
appears red in culture
Micrococcus roseus
Where is the sharps container located?
in the sliver container at the end of each lab table
What is a nosocomial infection?
a hospital acquired infection
How do you label plates and tubes?
(1)Media (2)organism (3) Team (4)Date (5)Intials
Why do you label at the bottom of plates?
for safety reasonsn incase someone removes the top and it becomes lost
What is the differ btwn Antiseptic and Disinfectant?
Antiseptic kills all germs on living tissue and Disinfectant kills tissue on inmate objects
kills all germs on living tissue
is a hopstial acquried infection
nosocomial infection
kills tissue on intimate objects
What is the general prepartation for tubes?
melt before pipetting and autoclaving
What is the general preparation for plates?
autoclave and then pour
For ( ). the general preparation involes melting before pipetting and autoclaving
For ( ), the general preparation involes melting before pipetting and autoclaving
Category is General (2)
(1)TSA (2)TSB
Category is Selective
Category is Differential
Category is both Selective and Differential (2)
(1)MSA (2)MAC
What are the main differnces btwn preparing for media for tubes and plates?
For the tubes-melt before pipetting and autoclaving.

For the plates-autoclave and then pour
Category is Bichemical
What is the Category of TSB?
What is the category of TSA?
What is the catergory of TGB?
What are the steps in preparing a smear?
(1)a drop of water (2)add organism (3)smear to the size of a quarter (4)air dry (5)heat fix
Where does the contaminated Lab material go?
in the Biohazardous Waste Disposal
Give one difference btwn Antiseptic and Disinfictant with one ex of each
Antispetic technique is used to keep tissue free of microbes and a ex is sterilizing medical equipment (2)Disinfectant is to clean the surface are and a ex is disinfectant used to kill microbes when there is a spill during lab
What are the steps used to clean up a contaminated spill? (4)
(1)put a paper towel over the spill (2)spray the paper towel w disinfectant (3) wait 20 min (4)clean the spill
Which method of sterlization is used to destroy endospores and what type of heat sterliation is used?
the autoclave is used at a temp of 121 C at 15 psi
If by any means while doing pratical your glass slide breaks where then where should u place it?
the sharps container
Which standard method is used in micro lab for preventing and avoiding contamination of cultures and who used it first?
(1)Joseph Lister (2) aseptic techinques such as washing your hands before surgury
What does read the meniscus mean?
read to the line lowest where the water appears to be
What does Tare the balance refer to?
making a 1 plus zero balance
A recipe has 30 grams/1 liters, and how many grams of 160 ml do you want.
4.8 grams
How do you solve recipe problems?
convert the give grams to mL then mutilpy by the other given
A recipe has 50 grams/1 Liter, how many grams of 350 mL are needed?
17.5 grams
What does BA stand for?
Blood Agar
What does MAC stand for?
MacConkey Agar
What does PA stand for?
Pseudomonas Isolation Agar
What does PEA stand for?
Phenylethyl Alcholol Agar
What does MSA stand for?
MAnnitol Salt Agar
What does TGB stand for?
Thioglycolate Broth
What does TSA stand for?
Trypitcase Soy Agar
What does TSB stand for?
Trypticase Soy Broth
What is the purpose of TGB?
growth of anaerobic microbes
What is the purpose of TSB?
the growth of a wide range of bacteria
What tools do you use to incolulte the media? (3)
(1)loop (2)needle (3) swab
Name two ways for incolution of media
(1)Agar slant (2)Agar plate
What is Agar slant?
a liquid broth placed in deep agar tubes
What is agar plate?
is a quadrant streak used for isolation or seperation of a mixed culture
What is Clostridium sporogenes? (4)
(1)anaerobic (2)needs a medium such as TGB (3) does not produce neurotoxins (4)can cause inststinal water loss and hemorrhaging by destroying instetinal epitheaial cells.
are anaerobic and needs a medium such as TGB
Clostridium sporogenes
does not produce neurotoxins
Clostridium sporogenes
can cause intestinal water loss and hemorrhaging by destroying inestinal epitheal cells
Clostridium sporogenes
What are Bacillus megaterium?
(1)aerobic (2) produce endospores (3) easy study under the light microscope
is areobic and produce endospores
Bacillus megaterium
are easy to study under the light microscope
Bacillus megaterium
Name two ocular adjustments you have to make in order to avoid eye strain and headache associated w prolonged microscopic use
adust the inerpulpllliary distance and the diapter reading to 65 to 40
Why are microbes hard to see in wet preparations?
bc they are moving around, making it harder to focus on one microbe for a long period of time
How do you achieve subdued illumination when examining wet mounts?
you would darken the background by using the condenser and the illuminator
What organs of locomotion do you find in each of the living protozoans?
(1)pseudopods (2)cilla (3)flagella
Why do you need to use oil when viewing through the 100X objective?
bc the light refracts the image to the viewer, the more power the objective lens has the easier you can view the image