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51 Cards in this Set

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whats a carie?

who gets them?

when acid destroys an area of a tooth, the acid comes form bacterial fermentaiton


increased sugar consumptions (carb), decreased tooth brushing, low SES, and ...METH MOUTH

Plaque organisms, Hosts teeth, saliva, hygeins, TIME, diet--> lots of things play a role in developing a cavity
whts meth mouth
lots of cavities bc you take meth

xerostomia- dry, saliva is protective- wash away bacteria and buffers acids

no hygeine

cravings for high sugar foods
whats baby bottle tooth decay
when front teeth of babies rot out bc their bottle is sugary
what bug INITIATES caries

what bug PROGRESSES caries

what bug has an UNCLEAR ROLE
1. Strep mutans: it uses glucosyltransferase to make glucan from sucrose. GLucan is what adheres to the tooth. decreases pH. facultative anerobe

2. Lactobacillus: gram +

3. actinomyces

**veillonella is ant cavity

MICRO, HOST, DIEST, and TIME all play into carie formation
strep mutans

normal flora
88converst sucrose into GLUCAN, glucan adheres to the tooth
what is used to stick to the tooth when you get a cavity

Sucrose ---> glucan via strep mutants (glucosyltransferase)
what is lactobacillus

what is actinomyces viscosus

what is Veillonella
gram +
progression of carries

role in caries is unclear but IS associated with carries

perhaps is ANTI- carie. will increase the pH
what may be anti cavity

increases the pH
is the old addage true, if you eat sugar you will increase cavities
yep, the bugs (S. mutans, lactobacillus,actinomyces) all use carbs/sugar to ferment and decrease the pH. buts its more about hte FREQUENCY, if you soak your teeth is sugar its worse

sucrose is hte worst bc strep mutans can use it directly to make the adherent glucan

MICRO, HOST, DIEST, and TIME all play into carie formation
does tooth structure have anything to do with caries? whats the role of saliva?
of course, can hold sugar in places

also the saliva washes away food particles and buffers acidity

WASH YOUR MOUTH to decrease caries

MICRO, HOST, DIEST, and TIME all play into carie formation
whats the time progression of cary
1. white spot- demineralization, REVERSIBLE

2. Leision- enamel is soft with probe

3. Can be filled or continue to demineralize

4. continued demineralization leads to tooth fracture
how are carreis dx?

how are they treated?
1. white spot/soft pot

LOTS of strep mutans and lactobacillus

**if you have lower levels of these bugs you can decrease caries

remove leision, fill them.
remineralization agents
PREVENTION- vaccines
how can we prevent cavities
VACCINE. lol silly microbiologists (strep mutans). also can have passive immunization

**decrease sugary food (frequency)
**clean your teeth
**flouride- lots of minerals (can be overdone)
what are the stages of peridontal disease
1. Healthy Gums
2. Gingivitis
3. Peridontitis
4. Advanced Peridontitis

**shift from gram + rods/cocci to gram - rods
in what disease do we see a shift from gram + to gram - in the flora
peridontal disease

progression from healthy gums to gingivitis, peridontitis, to advanced peridontitis
tell me about chronic gingivitis
reversible- remove plaque, increase hygeine

**seen in older patients, no complaint of pain or discomfort
*no bone loss, no pockets

**bad breath, red swollen gums
what stage of peridontal disease?

1. Actinomyces, Capnocytophaga

2. porphryromonas, prevotella, tannerella, capnocytophaga

3. actinibacillis antinomycetemcomitians
1. chronic gingivitis- reversible

2. chrinic peridontitis- start to loose bone/collagen, teeth not painful but are loose

3. aggressive peridontitis- rare, usually genetic. only several teeth are involved, wont look nasty. no inflammation, tx with AB
tell me about porphyromonas gingivalis
increased in chronic peridontitis

black pigemeted on streak plate- needs hemin to make porphoryn

OBLIGATE ANEROBE, can only change when environment has been changed. normal flora

lots of virulence

can live on carb metabolism alone- needs vit K and peptides
whats peridontitis (chronic)
progression of gingivitis, seen in older ppl, common

* have bone nad teeth affeted, deep peridontal pockets. gums inflammed/recession

*plaque spreads and created pockets of anerobic areas
**prophyromonas, prevotella, tannerella, capnocytiphaga
whats aggressive peridontitis
rare, inherited

associated with the longest namend bacteria ever- actinibacillis antinomy.....
whats the bug that is totally anerobic streaks black and has lots of virulence, what oral disease
porphyromonas gingivalis
chronic peridontitis
other than porphyromonas gingivalis what bugs are associated with chronic peridontitis
1. prevotella
2. Tannerella
3. Capnocytophaga- likes CO2
how is chronic peridontitis treated
remove the plaque--> can be surgery,
replace lost teeth

brush more

can stick AB into the deep pockets
what is the rate peridontitis that is seenin younger ppl

bone loss but NO inflammation, bleeding, plaque

clustered in famililes- genetic or immunodeficient

can be generalized or localized

Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans) pretty star shaped!!!

tx the same as chronic peridontitis
tell me about ANUG
acute necrotizine Ulcerating gingivitis
AKA trench mouth

predisposing factorrs: dont brush, malnutrition, heavy smokers, emotional stress, recent infections

red inflamed SHINY gingevae, bleeding, ulcers, bad breath, METALLIC taste, no LN, fever, maliase

Fusobacterium nucleatum and Treponema
what are the bugs associated with trench mouth (ANUG)
fusobacterium nucleatum- normal flora

**both are OBLIGATE anerobes, gram -
tell em about fusobacterium nucleatum
trench mouth- polymicrobial infection, needs treponema also *fusobacteria, spirochetes, leukocytes)

obligate anerobe
gram -
virulence: adhesions, endotoxin
tell me about treponema
trench mouth- polymicrobial infection, needs treponema also. (fusobacteria, spirochetes, leukocytes)

obligate anerobe
gram -
whats NOMA
really severe form of ANUG (trench mouth) also called: cancrum oris, gangrenous stomatitis

**seen in young kids with severe malnutrition, infection spreads but cant be stpopped, needs reconstructive surgery

**usually has a recent infection and their immune system is weak so it spreads all over.
what is teh severe form of ANUG called

**its seen in young kids who are malnourished and immunocomprimised, they get an infections and then their whole mouth is taken over. AB can stop spread but they need reconstructive surgery
what are dentoalveolar infections
pyogenic infections in teeth and supporting structures

caused by normal flora that enters via cavity, peridontal disease, surgery

dendoalveolar abcess
lugwigs angina
peridontal abcess
cervicofacial actinomucosis
whats dentoalveolar ABCESS
spread of carious leision into bone or soft tissue

can be prevotella, porphymonas, fucobacterium

tx by draining pus and remove source of infection, use AB
whats ludwigs angina
fever and swollen neck

polymicrobial infection- prevotella, porphyromonas, fusobacterium

usually an infection you get after extraction- infection spreads BL

can tx with AB, drainiage, ensure irway remains open
what is a peridontal abcess
painful, starts in gums. infection is LOCAL- intermittent pus drainiage into the pockt can destroy bone

polymicrobial infection: prevotella, porphyromonas, fusobacterium, anerobic streptococci, spirochetes, capnocytophaga, actinomyces

Tx: pull tooth, drain pus, AB
whats cervicofacial actinomycosis
not common

SANDY pus, yellow "sulphur" granules

Associated with TRAUMA, invasive oral procedures. see a LUMPY JAW

caused by Actinomces israelii, anerobic. colonies are ronded

tx with drainiage, LONG TERM AB
whats oral candidia

thrush- pseudomembrane, red, hyperplastic

can be caused by ill fitting dentures
who gets oral candida, what does it look like
young, old, sick

cottage cheese curds, can be painful and make swallowing hard

lots of pseudohyphea/germ tubes that penetrate underlying tissue
how is thrush treated
its that cottage cheese curd. the yeasts pseudohyphea and germ tubes adhere to the ECM of us and make this nasty pseudomembrane

paunful, hard to swallow

tx with antifungals- liquid or lozenge (nystatin, fluconazole, GENTIAN VIOLET- otc)
whats candida associated denture stomatitis
when you get a biofilm with yeast and bacteria on your dentures, usually poor hygeins, DM, ill fitting appliance, carb diet, TREAT with antifungal. candida is normal flora and will keep coming back

upper denture usually affected
whats HSV I and II

whats the 1 and recurrent infections
I- oral
II- genital

BUT.... there is lots of cross talk

Primary: aysmptomatic, or gingivostomatitis,
Recurrence: cold sore, fever blister

caused by large enveloped virus, dsDNA.

infection lives dormant in neurons and hten recurrs
ok so HVS lives in neurons as...

where are lytic infection
latent, lysogenic

in epithelium/fibriblasts it is lytic

large dsDNA virus
is HSV common

80% of ppl test + for 1 and 20% + for 2

HUMAN resevoir, not seasonal. spread by fluid

Horizontal, vertical transmission
what happens with HSV infection: 1 infection
virus replicated in mucoepithelial cells- can then get neuron infectioed. it will got trigeminal gang. latent til reactivation- the virus then travels to the epithelium, imune reposne limits spread/severity

1. asymptomatic usually

2. gingivostomatatitis: leision in mucoca, feverm LN enlargement, pain

3. pharyngotonsilitis: in kids or adults, leision on tonsil

4. Herpetic whitlow- finger leision can be primary infection
how can we get a 2 HSV infection
ok so we get viral replication in the epithelium and 1 infection can be nothing, gingivostomatotaiss, pharyngotonsilitis, or herpatic whitlow.

the virus the makes its way backwards on a neuron to the trigeminal gang. then when stressed or triggered in another way the virus makes its way back to the epithelium and makes a blise. infeciton limited by immune system
ok is serology helpful with HSV

whats a Tzanck smear
only if its the first infection but most ppl are +

examination of cells at the base of the HSV leision, multinucleated giant cell, cowdry A intracellular inclusions
how can you tx/prevent HSV

hats VZV
HSV 3, its a type of herpes that shows sharp lines of demarcation usually at midline
whats it called when you have HSV only on ONE sude, sharp line of demarkation
what causes hand foot and mouth disease
coxsackie A, herpangina. leisions at back of mouth

aseptic meningiits

ssRNA, small (contrast the the large dsDNA HSZ virus)
ok so coxsackie vs HSV

1. genome
2. sesonality
3. cause/spread
4. resevoir
5. tx
1. HSV- large dsDNA. Coxsackie: small ssRNA

2. only coxsackie is seasonal

3. HSV- spread via body fluid. never goes away
Coxsackie: seen in crowded areas with poor sanitaiton. oral to fecal transmission. can shed for like 6 weeks

4. BOTH are human only

5. HSV- antiviral
Cox- none self limited
do you get a fever with coxsaxkie (hand foot and mouth)

**its when you eat your poo, more common in kids

No serology
no tx, self limited