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46 Cards in this Set

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who typically gets cryptococcosis
immunocompramised (AIDS or Lymphoma)
where do you typically find Cryptococcus in the US
Pacific NW
what are the natural reservoirs for Cryptococcus
soil and Bird droppings
How do you get cryptococcosis and what is the progression of the disease
touching or inhaling dessicated yeast cells
starts as a skin or pulmonary infection and results in meningoencephalitis
cryptococcus serotypes and pathogenicity factors
neoformans- A-D, A most freq
gatti- B & C

Diphenol oxidase (Laccase)- forms melanin
what are the disseminated manifestations of Cryptococcal infections
skin lesions

(lung, asympt to cavitation)
diagnosis of cryptococcal infections
india ink
SDA, PDA, or CGB (blue=gatti)
capsule Ag in CSF or serum vi latex agglu
treatment of Cryptococcal infections
Amphotericine B + flucytosine

AIDS pts- lifelong fluconazole tx
what is the third cause of foodborne death in the US
Toxoplasma gondii
who is susceptible to T. gondii infections
newly infected, pregnant mothers
what are the 2 forms of T. gondii
trophozoite (Tachy- prolif, brady-slow)
what are the infective stages of T. gondii
Oocyst in feces
cyst in tissue (zoitocyst)
manefestations of congenital cases of T. gondii
results in blindness, epilepsy, developmental issues

traid of sympt- chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, intracranial calcifications
post natal manefestations of T. gondii
blurred vision
transmission of T. gondii
zoitocyst in food
Oocyst in feces
congenital- torph or oocyst
diagnosis of T. gondii
ELISA for IgG/M in preg women
PCR of amniotic fluid
parasites in CSF
treatment of T. gondii
Pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine

lifelong in AIDS pts
what is Naegleria fowleri
environmental protozoan
soil and fresh water
what is the severity of a Naegleria fowleri infection
4 survivors out of 200 cases reported
what are the 2 morph forms of Naegleria fowleri
what is the infective stage for Naegleria fowleri
flagellated trophozoite
what is the course of progression for Naegleria fowleri
enters through nose
travels along olfactory n.
eats brain tissue
what are the results of a Naegleria fowleri infection
PAM- primary acute meningioencephalitis

death in 2 days to 2weeks

2ndry sympt include hallucinations (asside from reg meningitis sympt)
where do you find Naegleria fowleri
fresh water in southern states
how do you diagnose Naegleria fowleri
CSF findings
wet mounts
clearing zones on E. coli covered agar
what is the DOC for Naegleria fowleri
amphoteracin B

all in combo
what are the causative org for acanthamoebiasis
A. castellani
A. culbertsoni
what is the infective stage for acanthamoeba
spiked trophozoite
what is the manifestation for granulomatous amoebic meningioencephalitis (acanthamoeba)
inhalation of cysts or wound infection
hematogenous spread to brain
death in 7 to 120 days

Sx= meningitis + flu

100% mortality
what is the presentation for ocular acanthamoebiasis
trauma + cysts

corneal ulceration and intense pain
blurred vision
what is the third kind acanthamoebiasis
disseminated disease
what % of people have serum Ab to acanthamoeba
where do you find acanthamoeba
soil and contact lens solution
who gets acanthamoeba
how do you diagnose acanthamoeba
cysts and trophozoites in tissue sections
corneal scrapings- kerititis
GAE- post mortem brain scrapings
what is the treatment for acanthamoeba Kerititis
oral itraconazole and topical miconazole 3 weeks to 1 year
what treatment worked for 2 recent cases of GAE
ketoconazole, rifampin, and TMP-SMX
where was Balamuthia mandrillaris first identified
mandrill baboon in SD wild animal park in 86
what does Balamuthia mandrillaris cause
what is the infectious form of Balamuthia mandrillaris
both the trophozoite and the cyst
how does Balamuthia mandrillaris infect humans
inhalation of cysts or wound contamination
what are the sympt for Balamuthia mandrillaris infection
•Facial paralysis
•Difficulty swallowing
•Double vision
what is the B. mandrillaris Epidemiology
Infects HEALTHY people (98% mortality)

soil org of southern states and latin america
what can replicate within B. mandrillaris
L. monocytogenes
how do you diagnose B. mandrillaris
cysts or trophozoites in tissue

must co-culture with primate cells
what is the DOC for B. mandrillaris
fluconazole, sulfadiazine, and pentamidine-2 weeks
•Then azithromycin for at least 3 weeks