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39 Cards in this Set

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Full Employment
When 5% or less of the labor force over 15 years of age are looking for work
Economic Stability
When an economy looks to avoid swings in performance
Economic Security
Every memeber in society should have their basic needs satisfied. Food, shelter, clothing, health, edcation, water & sanitation
Economic Justice
Every member in society should have equal opportunities for economic success.
Conspicuous/Ostentatious Commodities
Those that consumers associate due to high price to high social class. Makes them feel ahead of others socially
Jone's Commodities
consumed because of peer pressure, to not feel that they are socially falling behind.
Non-Substitute/Absolute necessity goods
Those that have no easily available alternatives, or perceived indespinsibility.
Opportunity/Alternative Cost
The cost of using resources for a purpose, measured by the cost of not producing an alternative good.
Completes a lack in something (a bagel and cream cheese)
Given without cost (Free Hotel Breakfast)
Studyies the behaviors of consumers and firms, and the determination of market prices. It analyzes the scarcity of economic resources and identify their strategic uses
Study of the aggregate economic activity. It analyzes how the economy as a whole works, identifying national income/output levels, growth, inflation, employment, money, prices, and international trade.

Employs use of fiscal policy, monetary policy, and commercial policy.
A personal or corporate fee charged by a government on a product, income, or activity; in order to generate revenue
A payment that a government makes to private producers to provide production incentives.
The Marginal Rate of Substitution
the max amount of commodities that a consumer is willing to give up to get one more unit of another, given the same level of satisfaction.
The Marginal Rate of TECHNICAL Substitution
The maximum amount of factor(input) that a producer is willing to give up to gain one more unit of another , given the same level of production.
The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
As consumption increases the added satisfaction from the last will progressively fall.
The Law of Diminishing Returns
As Quantity of L increases with T and K renaming the consent, the added production from the last unit will progressively fall.
Overproduction Quota System
It is used to help producers by the government imposes a binding price floor, therefore the quantity the producers are capable of producing are greater than the quantity demanded from the consumers. Then the government has to, warehouse, destroy, dump, or donate the overproduction. Euro System. US no like because makes us look bad when it’s dumped as aid
Marginal Utility
Referes to the increase or decrease in satisfaction an individual derives from use or consumption of one additional unit or less of a commodity
Marginal Product
Additional output produced of one aditional unit of a resource is employed while the quantity of all other resources remain constant
Marginal Cost
Equals the change in total cost divided by the change in total quantity.
Marginal Revenue
The change in total revenue divided by the change in total quantity
Economies of Scale/Increase returns to scale
These are the forces that cause ATC's to go down as output goes up.
Diseconomies of Scale
These are the economic forces that cause ATC's to go up as output increases.
Minimum Efficient Scale/Constant returns to scale
Refers to the period when ATC's remain at a minimum point regardless if the levels of input or output decrease
A place or situation where buyers and sellers are brought together for the exchange of commodities, inputs, and or financial assets!
Types of Markets
Perfect Competition, Monopolic, imperfect competition
Perfect Competition
1) Many firms and buyers
2) The product is homogeneous
3) Mobility of resources in the market
4) Little or no participation in the market by sellers and/or consumers so as no influence felt over prices
5) There is complete knowledge of the market by buyers and sellers
Pure Competition
1) Many firms and buyers
2) The product is homogeneous
3) There is NO complete knowledge of the market by buyers & sellers
4) Mobility of resources in the market
5) Little or no participation in the market by sellers and/or consumers so as no influence felt over prices
Monopolistic Competition
1) Many firms and buyers
2) The product is DIFFERENTIATED
3) There is NO complete knowledge of the market by buyers & sellers
4) Mobility of resources in the market
5) Little or no participation in the market by sellers and/or consumers so as no influence felt over prices
Oligopolic market
a type of market with few mutually interdependent firms (sellers) and many buyers (consumers)
Cooperative Solution Theory
Overt Collusion, Covert Collusion, Tacit Collusion
Compettive Behavior Theory
Actual Competition, Covert Cheating, Creative-destruction theory, Predatory Pricing, Brand Proliferation
A market dominated by two major sellers or suppliers
A market with many suppliers, but only one major buyer.
A market with manny suppliers, but only a few buyers.