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54 Cards in this Set

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tell me about shigella,

human, low or high. contrast to cholera
HUman only LOW dose required

Cholera was NOT person to person and needs a HIGH dose
what is one of the most infectious enteric pathogens

occurs in places that are clean and have good sanitation. contrast to cholera which was common when sanitation was poor
where do shigella live? what is the incubation time? what is disease presentation?>
intracellular, lived in large intestine and causes inflammation

72 hours

moderate diarrhea to severe dysentary (blood and mucous in poo)
when do you have mucous and blood in the stool?
in shigella that has progressed to a severe dynetary

*recall the bug lives in the large bowel and causes inflammation
what is the seasonality of shigells
ehh, kinda stable
what does shigella loos like
gram - rod
non spore
non motile

WONT FERMENT LACTOSE, e coli the other gram - rod but it will ferment lactose
what seperates shigella from the other gram - rods (e coli for instance)
shigellea ferment lactose
what virulence is assoicated with shigella
enterotoxin, watery disrrhea

O toxin: indice endocytosis into follocal associated M cells

Actin Binding: lets shigella move btwn cells

Shiga Toxin: disrupts protein synthesis
what does surface O AG do in shigella
induces endocytosis into M cells, the shigella then lyse phagolysosome and escapes into the cytoplasm

**inflammatory response

then Actin binding protein lets it move from cell to cell- adheres to actin and forces polymerization
what toxin associatd wtih shigella inhibits protein synthesis
sjiga toxin
how do we dx shigella
in any pt with FEVER nad diarrhea
acute onset
diarrhea and mucous

will see PMN and RBC in poo sample

Dont tx with AB be we dont want to lyse the cells and release all of the toxins

recall humans are hte only resevoire
how do we culture shigella
wont ferment lactose, seperate from E coli

*plate it fast bc other bugs will over grow it and make acid that kills it

**you will have blood tinged mucous

Shigella Salmonella Agar- selective agar, are white when they wont ferment lactose

humans are the only resevoire, SUPER infectious.
how can we ID shigella on culture and tell it apart form e coli
shigells wont ferment lactose so is white

e coli ferments shigell adn is red

humans are hte only resevoir
how is shigella treated
self limited

tx with fluids

AB can shorten BUT... can provoke hemolytic urea
whats reiter syndrom
urethritis, polyarthritis, conjunctivitis

**assoicated with shigella
**HLA B27 males its common
does bacteremia occur with shigella infection
not really

but can have long term complication- Reiters syndrome (urethra, eye, joint) more common in HLA B27 males
what HAL marker is common with Reiters (urethritis, joints, eye )

Associated with shigella
whats hemolytic uremic syndrome, what bug
shigella, can be provoked by AB use

**S dysteneriae, type I infection with toxin production
*acute renal failure with poor prognosis
who/what is the SOLE resevoir for shigella

person to person, small dose required. can be food, water, flies
okay so there was a graph with the seasonality of shigella but later it said what...
increased in summer BUT NOT AS MUCH AS salmonella

*shigella easily penetrates toilet paper adnd is found around the toilet of ppl who are infected

**highly infectious, humans are hte only resevoir
what are 3 common complications with shigella
1. Reiters: urethritis, arthritis, eye. HLA B27

2. Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome: shigella toxin production, acute renal failure and poor prognosis

3. Autoimmune Disease: plastid endoded AG with host myosin
what disease is SOLE person to person and has a really low infectious dose. Fecal to oral transmission and has a slight increase in summer

common in kids 1-4
what are the serotypes of shigella, what are the common ones in IS
1A B C D

S flexneri (gay males) , S sonneiv(kids)
whats the best way to decrease shigella
well its fecal oral person to person with low dose

**handwashing!!! common in kids 1-4
is salmonella common
OH YA, normal flora in humans AND animals (shigella was only humans)
what are the 4 types of shigella infection
1. Gastroenteritis
2. Bacteremia (NOT seen in shigella) w/o GI sx
3. Enteric Fever: S typhi (recall shigella had a fever)
4. Carrier state
whats the onset of salmonella
12-48 hr incubation

sudden onset! fever, chills, cramps, diarrhea, vomit

lasts 2-3 days
who gets salmonella anyway (2-3 day infectin, human AND aminal resevoir)
young old AIDS, DM, Cancer, ppl on AB
ok so shigella is gram - rod, non spore, aneobe, motile nad a lactose non fermenter. what about salmonella
the same

**key is to know that shigella and salmonella wont ferment lactose and E coli will
ok so the nomenclature of salmonella is wacky, what are hte 3 types
1. S typhi

2. S typhimurium

3. S Enteridis

thses are SEROTYPES, NOT species
does shigella or salmonella create H2S
who has enterotoxin shigella or salmonella
shigella- causes watery diarrhea that preceeds dysentey
which virus busts out of the phagolysosome, what about the one that stays in
busts out- shigella

stays in- salmonella
what are the virulence factors with salmonella
1. Enterotoxin
2. mucosal invasion- can enter BOTH M and epithelium (shigella was just M cells)
3. LPS- endotoxic shock, systemic disease

can just hang in the phagolysomeom, wont bust it

also Resistance to killing, acid resistant, phoPQ controlled genes for phago survival
how is salmonella dx
lots of macro nad PMN in the pooand leukocytes

will ahve blood if there is a fever also

LACTOSE NON FERMENTER, cells will be white

do serological tests
what is the tx for salmonella

maintain fluids/electrolytes

AB not rewuired
what disease is common in developed countries bc we want fresh fruits and veggies but ppl handle food wring

animal resevoire- chicken and pork and eggs. also pets

and now tomatoes bc
which needs a high dose, low

shigells0 low

salmonella - HIGH
ok so a high dose of salmonella is required and is common in the midhandling of fresh veggies. who needs a smaller inoculum
babies, higher incidence in kids 6 mo to 5 years

INCREAED IN FALL- can be a carrier for a long time
which really spikes in summer, shigella or salmonella
salmonella- picnic food
how can salmonella (its on the rise) be prevented
handle food better
change what we wont (no fruits and veggies!)
dont feed animals other dead animals
can you give AB just to make pigs frow
Demand for fresh fruits and vegetables increases risks of

tomatoe, alfalfa, peppers, frozen foods, frozed rodents (for your pet snake)

EGGS- ONE source can infection 500 mil eggs

clinical labs
were there salmonella outbreaks in labs?

what about in homes
oh ya

oh ya, pets, foods, etc. no pets for immunocomprimised ppl or old ppl
what bug was planted in salad bars by the cult
what diesase did mary mellen spread
salmonella thyphi
whats oxidase +
what turns pink bc it ferments lacktose, what wont
E coli- Pink

Shagella/Salmonella- no pink
what bug makes H2S
Salmonella typhi
what ferments lactose
shigella salmonella
what happens to E coli, shigella and salmonella typhi on TSI
E Coli- yellow, gas shoves agar up

Shigella- pink and yellow

S typho- black
is proteus mobile
is salmonella
is shigella
what does urease
proteus, turn pink
if you have salmonella with Fe what happnes
black pigment