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45 Cards in this Set

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where is cholera found

in the water!!!

causes SUDDEN onset (viral needed some time in the small intestine to grow) afebrile watery diarrhea. can kill you
what GI disease is common after a disaster

can kill
how does cholera toxin cause disease
colonize sm intestine

**WONT damge the tissue

**TONS of watery diarrhea- rice water stool
*rapid depletion of fluids/electrolytes can lead to hypovolumic shock, metabolic acidosis, death

1L/1 Hr
with cholera do we have lots of diarrhea
OMG YA!!!!


Death due to dehydration. tx pts by pumping them full of fluid. bc this is a BACTERIA can also use AB

pts will live if they can be rehydrated, self limited
what is the onset of cholera

what is the incubaction

1-5 days

**loose IL/hour, needs to be replaced. looks like washer woman hands bc hypovolumic. associated with diseasters. kills TONS
what are the serogroups of cholera
1. O1- classic epidemic, "El tor"

2. O139- can cause disease if you had previous O1 infection (normally cholera infection grants immunity)
whats the ID/biochem of cholera
Gram - vibrio (bent rod)
motile, anerobe, no spores
whats EL tor
the classic O-1 sreotype cholera
whats O130

whats O1
CHOLERA strains

O139- new found cholera, will cause didsease if you had classic O1 cholera previously

O1- classic, El tor. classic epidemic cholera (after disaster is common, bad water source)

O stands for the O AG associated with endotoxin (gram -)
whats the main cholera toxin
enteroroxin, cholera toxin *sholeragen). phage encoded. AB toxin

A- active. increase cAMP --> hyperscretion of electrolytes and diarrhea
B- binding: binding protein

**another important virulence is toxin coregulated pilus- attachment to host
what is the cholera toxin
aka choleragen, its an AB toxin that is encoded on phage. associated with O1 AND O139

A- Active: causes increased cAMP to cause hypersecretion of water nad electrolytes

B: binding protein
which toxin acts by increaseing cAMP which increases water and electrolyte secretion (diarrhea)

which one binds to neighbors and intoxicates them to secrete Ca

where is the cholera toxin (the one that increases cAMP)
in teh CTX moble gene element

on a phage

CTX virus receptor also has a toxin corregulated pilus virulence factor for attachment to host. this is on PAI
whats CTX
its a mobile genetic element, it is a filamentous virus related to M13

it codes for the cholera toxin. the toxin genes are acquired via lysogenic conversion

CTX is located in the pathogenicity island
what VPI
vibrio pathogenicity island

area on chromosome where virulence genes are- CTX is here also tcp, a subunit A product (part of virion coat)
The entire pathogenicity island, VPI, is the genome of...
another filamentous
bacteriophage, VPI phage

VPI cirion coat is made of hte tcp gene subunit A gene product
what happens with lysogenic conversion in cholera
2 lysogenic conversins are required to obtain a virulent cell

its a unique process in which a Virus VPI delivers virulence via lysogenic conversion. THEN we get ANOTHER lysogenic conversion. one viru spromotes infection by another virus
how id cholera dx
hard, not easy to find in the poo. look for motility

grows in poo but in the lab it needs special TCBS agar (thiosulfate citrate bile salts) bile inhibots the normal flora

what grows on TCBS agar

oxidase +
can you have a cholera infection that causes diarrhea but NOT cholera
its possible!

the cholera needs to have the CTX cholera toxin, if it doesnt have the phage it wont cause cholera

oxidase +
how do you tx cholera
replace fluid/electrolytes

Mild disease needs oral rehydration but with more severe needs IV

Can also tx with AB- if its NOT an O1 strain or TRUE severe cholera

not spread person to person, more spread from water
when might you use AB to tx cholera
when its caused by NON O1 OR severe true cholera

Antibiotics may be used to shorten course of more severe true cholera disease. BUT there will still be fluid secretion bc the TOXIN is still active even though the bug is dead
what is the spidemic strain of cholera
O1 El Tor

CONTAMINATED WATER. not really person to person BUT as the bug passes through the GI it gets TONS more infectious and can get into the water
what happens as cholera comes through the GI
it gets way more infectious!

not person to person spread BUT if they poo it into the waater hte water will carry it
are humans resevoirs for cholera
ya, not person to person spread but can leave the GI and is more infectious

occurs in the US from boat travel
do we get cholera in US
yep, not usually endemic

**common spread from boat travel
what happened in haiti
earthquake caused cholera, infectioed water

V cholera )1, El Tor
who has a more severe form of cholera
blood type O
is cholera sensitive to acid/
yep! if you have low acid you will get more severe disease

More severe disease in blood group O also

less acid---> more disease
how can we prevent cholera

short lived immunity only, killed organism/toxoid

Not reccommended for travelers to regions where the disease is endemic


prophylactic tetracycline for ppl traveling to cholera regions
is there a cholera vaccien
yep, gives short lived immunity

NOT reccomended to travelers to regions in which the disease is endemic

**killed organism/toxoid
if we control sewage what disease is greatly reduces
what is el nino linked to

**currents spread organisms in the ocean
whats V parahaemolyticus
classic food poision, think sea food

Gastro enteritis, mild form of cholera like sx

2-3 days

what vibro is associated with seafood food poision and wound infections

**seasonal, recedes in the winter
whats the disease associated with the US gilt coast
vibrio cholera
what potential is there when we have a live attenuated cholera vaccine
can get toxic genes, lysogenic conversion
whats hte vibri that is more common in the summer

**human infection with raw or undercooked shellfiush- NEEDS to be refridgerated. less instances in the winter when it is cold

OXIDASE + same as cholera, also grows on TCBS
V paraheamolyticus is what biochem? what does it grow on
oxidase + (like cholera)

TCBS- WONT FERMENT SUCROSE!!! also same as cholera
why are oysters bad
Vibrio vilnificus

**more disease in summer/warm months

**MOST important pathogenic vibrio in US
**found in coastal marine water and estuary waters
what is the most important vibrio in US

**the one associated with oysters
**can also be in wound infections
**can also cause sepsis
does V vulnificus spread from humans

serious threat to ppl with underlying conditions
sepsis is associated with what vibrio

**the oyster one

pl must have eaten the oyster (not just in water as can be seen in wound infections) more common in ppl with live prblm and increased Fe deposition

Tx with tetracuycline
whats hte food poision like sx you get from eating raw oysters
acite self limited, RAW oyster

**V vulnificous
tell me what agar is ised for VIBRIO

needs NaCl

colonies gow green

WONT ferment sucrose

Oxidase +

bile salts int eh agar kills normal flora