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65 Cards in this Set

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Define Autotrophs

It "feed itself" use as inorganic source of Carbon (CO2)

Define Heterotrophs

It break down molecules from other organic source for Carbon.

Define Lithotrophs

It a autotrophs that acquire H+ /e-1 from

inorganic molecule. (H2, NO2, H2S, Fe2)

Define Organotrophs

Heterotrophs acquire electrons (typically as part of hydrogen atoms) from the same organic molecule that provide them carbon are called

Define Photoautotrophs

Plants, algae, and cyanobacteria use H2O as an electron source to reduce CO2, producing O2 as a by product.

Define Chemoautotrophs

Hydrogen, sulfur, and nitrifying bacteria, some archaea

Define Chemoheterotrophs

--Aerobic respiration: most animals, fungi, and protozoa, and many bacteria

--Anaerobic respiration: some animals, protozoa, bacteria, and archaea.

Fermentation: some bacteria, yeast and archaea

Define Photoheterotrophs

Green nonsulfur bacteria and purple nonsulfur bacteria, some archaea.

Define Obligate aerobes

Oxygen is essential because it serves as the final electron acceptor of electron transport chains.Which produce most of the ATP in these organism.

Define Obligate anaerobes

It is Poisonous. The most toxic form of oxygen.It highly reactive and excellent oxidizing agent. It resulting in oxidation causes irreparable damage to cells.

The enzyme catalase converts hydrogen

peroxide into water and oxygen is called _____.

Catalase test

Explain the results of the catalase test

Catalyases (has bubbles) the equation is 2H2O2~2H2O +O2

Peroxidase (has no bubbles) the equation is

H2O2 + 2H~ 2H2O

Define Faculative anaerobes

Can maintain with or without oxygen and has a metabolic activity reduce because a lack of O2.

Define Aerotolerant anaerobes

it do not use aerobic metabolism, but they

tolerate oxygen by having some of the enzymes that detoxify oxygen's poisonous forms.

Exp: The lactobacilli that transform cucumbers into pickles and milk into cheese are


Define Microaerophiles

It a ulcer-causing pathogen Helicobacter pylori (in the stomach). It require oxygen levels of 2% to 10%.

Nitrogen make up _____% of the dry weight of cells.


Nitrogen is growth limiting?

True or False


Recycle nitrogen come from ______ and ______?

Amino acid and nucleotides

Anabolism will cease because ________ is needed to build _____ and ______?

Nitrogen, proteins and nucleotides.

Together what chemical make up 95% of dry weight of the cell?

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen

Temperature is important for 3D shape?

True of False


Define minimum growth

It the lowest temp where organism can still have metabolic activity

Define maximum growth

It the high temp where an organism still has metabolic activity

Explain Psychrophiles

Organism grow in the snow, cold, H2O ice cap etc. Also do not cause human disease. It grow best at 15 degrees Celsius.

Explain Mesophiles

organism grow best at 20 to 40 degree Celsius. can cause food to spoil. Human pathogen are mesophilies.

Explain Thermophilies

Organism grow at 45 degree celsius

Ex: Hot spring

Explain Hyerthermophilies

Organism can grow at 80 to 100 degree celsius

ex: Vocanoes

Most bacteria prefer neutral environment?

a. Acid

b. Base

c. Neutral

C: Neutral (7)

Define PH

Ph is a measure of the concentration of

hydrogen ions in a solution. That is measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance.

Organisms are sensitive to changes in acidity

because ________ and _______ interfere with _______ _________ within ________ and ___________?

hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions, hydrogen bonding, proteins and nucleic acids

Define Neutrophies

Pathogens grow best in a narrow range around a neutral ph. Ph between 6.5 to 7. Most tissues and organs in the human body.

Define Acidophiles

Bacteria and many fungi are acidophiles,

organism that grow best in acidic habitat.

Define Alkalinophilies

Organism live in alkaline soils and water up to ph 11.5

Define Osmotic pressure

Osmotic pressure of a solution is the pressure exerted on a membrane by a solution containing solutes that cannot freely cross the membrane.

Define Hypertonic

It a higher solute concentration outside cell, H2O goes out and the cell shrink.

Define Hypotonic

It a lower solute concentration outside cell, H2O goes in cell swell up and burst

________is required to dissolve enzymes and



Most cells die in absence of _____?


Define Obiligate halophiles

It restrict organism to certain environment, such as the Great salt lake. It can live in 30% of salt. If it move to fresh water it will burst and die.

Define facultative halophiles

Organism that do not require high salt

concentration, they can tolerate them.

Define Barophiles

1. It live under extreme pressure

2. It live under extreme pressure because the pressure help maintain their 3d,functonal shape.

_____exerts pressure based on depth


Define Biofilms

Biofilms are examples of complex relationships among numerous microorganisms often

different species, attached to surfaces such as teeth.

What is defined media?

In defined media the chemical composition is known.

What is complex media?

In complex media the chemical composition is not known.

ex: a. Nutrient broth

b. McConkey agar

What is selective media?

In selective media, it contain substance that favor the growth of one microbe or inhibit the growth of unwanted microbes.

ex: Sabouraud dextrose agar(low ph)

Monnitol salt agar (high salt)

What is differential media?

--It either the presence of visible changes in the medium or differences n the appearance of colonies help differentiate.

--Different bacteria utilize the ingredients in

different ways

What is blood agar?

Blood agar contain red blood cell. The beta -hemolysis completely digest RBC's

ex: Spyrogenes

Give an example of an Alpha hemolysis?

Pneumoniae (partially digested RBC's)

Give an example of Gamma hemolysis?

Faecalis (no digestion of RBC's)

What are the steps in binary fission?

1. Replicate DNA

2. Elongate

3. Form septum

4. Separate

What is generation time?

The time required for a bacterial cell to grow and divide.

What is the growth rate of E-coli?

20 minutes

What is Lag phase?

It when a cell is adjusting, no growth, it making enzymes.

What is Log phase?

The bacteria synthesize the necessary chemical for conducting metabolism in their new

environment, and they then enter a phase of rapid chromosome replication, growth, and


What is stationary phase?

If bacterial growth continued at the exponential rate of the log phase, bacteria would soon

overwhelm the Earth. Causing all nutrients to be depleted and wastes accumulation.

What is Death phase?

If nutrients are not added and wastes are not

removed, a population reaches a point at which cells die at a faster rate than they are produced.

What is the advantage of Microscopic counts?

No incubation time

What is the disadvantage of microscopic counts?

1. Can't diff b/w live and dead.

2. Motility

3. High cell concentration

4. Time consuming

The most commonly used method to count

bacteria is ________?

Serial dilutions

What is the disadvantage of serial dilution?

1. The ability to grow a selected media.

2. Growth phase is importance.

Note the formula for counting a colonies.

# of colonies x 10 x 1000= bacteria cell/ml

When is the membrane filtration is used?

When population density of microbes is small.

ex: fecal bacteria in a stream or lake

What is measuring turbidity?

As bacteria reproduce in a broth culture, the broth often becomes turbid (cloudy).

One can count bacteria in a cloudy environment by using a________?
