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58 Cards in this Set

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What does the study of organisms mean?

Too small to be seen w/o some kind of magnification

What is the science that began with death and lack of knowledge?

Bubonic Plague

What is the study of Fungi?


What is the study of helminths(worms)?


How many different microbes cause diseases?


What is a microbe?

A small form of life

What does "ubiquitous" mean?

Found everywhere

How many new infections are discovered per year, worldwide?

10 billion

How many deaths occur from infections per year, worldwide?

13 million

What are the 3 main diseases that cause the most deaths?

#1. Pneumonia and Flu

#2. AIDS

#3. Diarrheal Diseases

What are the characteristics of Procaryotes?

LACK NUCLEI, unicellular, membrane bound organelles

What are the characteristics of Eucaryotes?

HAS NUCLEUS, unicellular and multicellular, membrane bound organelles

What are the characteristics of Viruses?

ACELLULAR (NO CELL), there are parasitic particles composed of nucleic acids and proteins

How are Procaryotes measured?

Micrometers (1 / 1,000,000 m)

How are viruses measured?

Nanometers ( 1 / 1,000,000,000 m)

What are helminths measured in?


What does 1 centimeter equal and mean?

10 milimeters; "little finger" (width of pinky)

Who was the first time observe living microbes and develop the microscope (single lens magnified up to 300x) ?

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

What were the 4 prominent discoveries of microbiology?

1. Microscopy

2. Scientific Method

3. Medical Microbiology

4. Microbiology Techniques

What is Spontaneous Generation?


What is a hypothesis?

A guess that can be supported/refuted by observation and experimentation

If a hypothesis is supported what does it become?

A theory (which is a proven hypothesis)

If a theory is true and supported, what does it become?

A law or principle (proven theory)

Who presented that there are some forms of microbes that are heat resistant?

John Tyndall and Ferdinand Cohn

What did Cohn call the microbes that are heat resistant?


What requires elimination of all life forms (including endospores and viruses)?


Who observed that mom's who gave birth at home had fewer infections than those that have birth in a hospital?

Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes

Who said that infections that came with physicians came directly from the autopsy room to the maternity ward?

Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis

Who introduced aseptic techniques that reduced microbes in medical settings to prevent infections?

Joseph Lister


Who created the "Pathogens and Germ Theory of Disease" that stated: diseases are caused by growth of microbes in the body and not by sins, bad character or poverty?

Louis Pasteur & Robert Koch

What else did Louis Pasteur do?

1. Showed that microbes caused fermentation and spoilage

2. Disproved Spontaneous Generation

3. Developed pasteurization

4. Developed a Rabies Vaccine

What else did Robert Koch do?

1. Created Koch's Postulates (experimental steps that verified the germ theory)

2. Identified the cause of Anthrax, TB, and Cholera

3. Developed Pure Culture Methods

Who created the taxonomy system?

Carl von Linné

What are the 3 main aspects of the taxonomy system?

1. Classification: orderly arrangements if organisms into groups

2. Nomenclature: assigned names

3. Identification: discovering and recording traits if organisms

What are the levels of classification in the taxonomy system?

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, & Species

(D) king Philip Came Over For Grape Soda

When naming microbes, what is ALWAYS capital, and what isn't?


What originates from what?

New species from preexisting species

What are the 3 domains?

1. Bacteria

2. Archea

3. Eukarya

What are the 5 I's of Culturing Microbes?

1. Inoculation

2. Isolation

3. Incubation

4. Inspection

5. Identification

What is inoculation?

Putting microbes in/on an area for growth and observation

What could the microbes be placed on for inoculation?

1. Agar Plate (solid media)

2. Slant Tube (solid media)

3. Liquid Broth (liquid media)

What is isolation?

Separation one species of microbe from another

What is it called when an individual bacterial cell is separated from other cells and has space on a surface to grow into a mound of cells?

A colony


What are the 3 isolation techniques?

1. Streak plate

2. Pour plate

3. Spread plate

What are the 3 physical states of matter? And what is the media called?

1. Liquid = Broth

2. Semisolid = Agar or Gelatin

3. Solid

What is the difference between media and culture?

Media = W/O microbes

Culture = W/ microbes

What is the most common solidifying agent?


Describe how Agar works

• Solid at room temp

• liquefies at 100°C

• doesn't resolodify until 42°C

• provides framework to hold moisture and nutrients


• Used in Slants and Plates

What is the liquid medium that contains beef extract and peotone?

Nutrient Broth

What is the solid medium that contains beef extract, peotone, and agar?

Nutrient Agar

What type of media selects certain bacteria for growth?

Selective media

What type of media grows different kinds of microbes?

Differential media

What is incubation?

A temperature controlled chamber at a specific temp and atmosphere that "bakes" the microbes

What is inspection?


What kind of culture grows 1 species?

A pure culture

What kind of culture grows 2 or more species?

A mixed culture

What kind of culture is it when it was once pure or mixed, but now also has unwanted microbes growing?

A contaminated culture

What are the 2 ways of disposing cultures?

1. Steam sterilization

2. Incineration