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29 Cards in this Set

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What is this? What is the structure? (arrow)

Anabaena(cyanobacteria); structure is a heterocyst

What is this? What type of organism?

Oscillatoria; cyanobacteria

Name this, what kind of organism, what is the arrow pointing to?

Nostoc, cyanobacteria, heterocyst

What is this? What is it commonly known as? What kind of organism?

Saccharomyces cerevisiae; baker's yeast; fungi (yeast)

What is this? Protists of fungi?

Rhizopus; filamentous fungi

What do these belong to?


What organism is this? What characteristics (be specific)

Aspergillus; filamentous fungi

What is this?


Give the organism's name and genus.

Penicillium; fungus; filamentous

What is this? Kind of protists? Defining feature (arrow)

Chlamydomonas; green algea; eye spot and flagella

What is this? What kind of protists?

Synedra; diatom

What is this? Type of protists?

Spirogyra; algea

What is this protest's name?


What is this? What kinda of algea? Defining features?

Ulothrix ; green algea ; chloroplasts

What is this? What is the bulb? Is this the only way it reproduces?

Odeogonium; oogonium ; reproduces sexually and asexually

Name this, what kind of protist?

Plasmodium vivax; protozoan

What is this? Type of protist?

Plasmodium falciparum ; protozoan

What is this?


What is this?


What is this what type of amoeba

Difflugia; testate amoeba

Name this

Arcella ; testate amoeba

What is this?


Name this

Trypanosoma gambiense

Trypanosoma lewisi


What it this? What does it use to eat?

Stentor ; uses cilia

What is this? What's special about this?

Balantidium coli ; has a cyst

What is this?


What is this? What are the dark spots called?

Saprolegnia ; oospores