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77 Cards in this Set

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ring-enhancing lesion in HIV patient
toxoplasma gondii
classic triad of congenital toxoplasmosis
chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, intracranial calcifications
cysts found in meat and cat feces
toxoplasma gondii
rapidly fatal meningoencephalitis; amphotericin has been effective if caugt in time
naegleria fowleri
protozoa that comes from swimming in freshwater lakes; enters through the cribiform plate
naegleria fowleri
naegleria fowleri diagnosis
amoebas in spinal fluid
enlarge lymph nodes, recurring fever, somnolence, coma
african sleeping sickness: trypanosoma brucei: gambiense and rhodesiense
carried by the tse tse fly
is the bit painful?
trypanosoma brucei

painful bite
fever, headache, anemia, splenomegaly
plasmodium with 48 hour cycle
P. vivax
P. ovale
ring-enhancing lesion in HIV patient
toxoplasma gondii
classic triad of congenital toxoplasmosis
chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, intracranial calcifications
cysts found in meat and cat feces
toxoplasma gondii
rapidly fatal meningoencephalitis; amphotericin has been effective if caugt in time
naegleria fowleri
protozoa that comes from swimming in freshwater lakes; enters through the cribiform plate
naegleria fowleri
naegleria fowleri diagnosis
amoebas in spinal fluid
enlarge lymph nodes, recurring fever, somnolence, coma
african sleeping sickness: trypanosoma brucei: gambiense and rhodesiense
carried by the tse tse fly
is the bit painful?
trypanosoma brucei

painful bite
fever, headache, anemia, splenomegaly
plasmodium with 48 hour cycle
P. vivax
P. ovale
most severe malaria
p. falciparum
parasitized RBC's occlude capillaries in brain, kidneys, lungs
p. falciparum
malaria with 72- hour cycle
p. malariae
trophozoite ring form on blood smear
RBC schizont of malria
treatment for non-resistant malaria
treatment for vivax/ovale
primaquine for liver form + choloroquine
treatment for resistant malaria
quinine and doxy
atoviqoune proguanyl
mefloquine alone
maltese cross formation on blood smear
ixodes tick carries
borrelia burgdorferi and babsia
treatment for babesia
fever and hemolytic anemia; predominantly found in the NE US
dilated cardiomyopathy, megacolon, megaesophagus
chagas disease due to trypanosoma cruzi
trypanosoma cruzi transmitted by
reduviid bug (kissing bug)
treatment of trypanosoma cruzi
spiking fevers, hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia
leishmania donovani (visceral leishmaniasis)
leishmania donovoni transmitted by
macrophages containing amastigotes (unflagellated protozoa)
leishmania donovani
foul-smelling, greenish discharge with itching and burning, sexually transmitted
trichomonas vaginalis
vaginal discharge due to gram-negative bacterium that is not sexually transmitted
gardnerella vaginalis
trophozoites on wet mount
trichomonas vaginalis
treatment of trichomonas vaginalis
intestinal infection causing anal pruritus
enterobius vermicularis
enterobius vermicularis
spread of enterobius vermicularis
7 nematodes
enterobius vermicularis (pinworm)
ascaris lumbricoides (giant roundworm)
trichinella spiralis
strongyloides stercoralis
hookworms (necator americanus, ancylostoma duodenale)
wucheria bancrofti
giant roundworm
ascaris lumbricoides
ancylostoma duodenale
necator americanus
eggs are visible in species
ascaris lumbricoides
loeffler's eosinophilic pneumonitis
eosinophilic infiltrate due to parastic migration trhough lung
occurs in ascaris lumbricoides
spread of trichinella spiralis
undercoked meat, usually pork
inflammation of muscle (larvae encyst in muscle), periorbital edema
trichinella spiralis
trichinella spiralis
larvae in soil penetrate the skin and move to the blood, then lung, then trachea, then are swallowed into the GI tract.

causes vomiting, diarrhea and anemia
strongyloides stercoralis
larvae in soil penetrate the skin and move to the blood, then lung, then trachea, then are swallowed into the GI tract.

intestinal infection causes anemia when the nematode attaches to the intestinal wall and sucks blood
ancylostoma duodenale, necator americanus
nematode treatment
causes a blockage of lymphatic vessels 9-12mos after infection
wucheria bancrofti
treatment of wuchereria bancrofti
taenia solium, diphyllobothrium latum, echinococcus granulosus
ingestion of larvae in undercooked pork cuases intestinal tapeworms
taenia solium
ingestion of eggs causes cysticocercosis and neurocysticoercosis- (cystic lesions that can persist for years in the muscles and brain)
taenia solium
infection with taenia solium
2 outcomes: larvae-> tapeworms
eggs: cysticercosis
ingestion of larvae in raw freshwaater fish
diphyllobothrium latum
tapeworm that causes B12 deficiency, resulting in anemia
diphyllopbothrium latum
eggs in dog feces that can cause cysts when ingested; leads to anaphylaxis if echinococcal antigens are released from cysts
3 trematodes
schistosoma, clonorchis sinensis, paragonimus westermani
snails are host
cercariae penetrate the skin of humans in the butt or feet and migrate to cause granulomas, fibrosis, and inflammation of the spleen and liver
can lead to squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder
s. haematobium
embolized eggs get stuck in the portal system causing portal hypertension
comes from undercooked fish and causes inflammation of the biliary tract and pigmented gallstones
clonorchis sinensis
associated with cholangiocarcinoma
clonorchis sinensis
comes from undercooke crab meat and causes inflammation of the lungs and 2* bacterial infection of the -> hemoptyis
paragonimus westmani
immigrant with new neuro or psych symptoms
taenia solium
nematodes that are ingested
enterobius, ascaris, trichinella