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30 Cards in this Set

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Applied behavior analysis
Behavior modification theory
Assertion training
A set of techniques that involves behavior rehearsal, coaching, and learning more effective social skills. Shows people how to express both positive and negative emotion
Basic ID
The conceptual framework of multimode therapy. Human behavior can be understood through 7 areas of functioning: behavior, affective response, sensations, images, cognitions, interpersonal relationships, and biological functioning.
Behavior modification
Therapeutic approach that deals with analyzing and modifying human behavior
Behavior rehearsal
A technique consisting of trying out in therapy new behaviors that are used in every day life
Classical conditioning
Pavlov’s dogs. Neutral stimuli, when paired with a respondent stimuli for a long period begins to have the respondents effect.
Cognitive behavioral coping skills therapy
Procedures aimed at teaching clients specific skills to deal effectively with problematic situations
Cognitive processes
Internal events such as thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, and self-statements
Events that take place as a result of a specific behavior.
Contingency contracting
Written agreement between a client and another person that specifies the relationship between performing target behaviors and their consequences
Dialectical behavior therapy
A blend of behavioral and psychoanalytic technique that was primarily designed to target boarder line personality disorders
Exposure therapy
Treatment for anxiety and fear responses the exposes a client to situations or events that create the unwanted emotional responses
When a previously reinforced behavior is no longer followed by the reinforcing consequences the result is a decrease in the frequency of a behavior in the future
Evidence based treatments
Interventions that have empirical evidence to support their uses
Eye movement desensitization reprocessing (emdr)
An exposure based therapy that involves imaginal flooding, cognitive restructuring, and the use of rhythmic eye movements and other bilateral stimulation to treat traumatic stress disorders and fearful memories of a client
Prolonged and intensive in vivo or imaginal exposure to highly anxiety evoking stimuli without the opportunity to avoid or escape
Functional assessment
The process of generating information on the events preceding and following the behavior in an attempt to determine which antecedents and consequences are associated with the occurrence of the behavior.
In vivo desensitization
Brief and graduated exposure to an actual fear situation or event
Learning through observation and imitation
Multimode therapy
A model endorsing technical exlectiocism uses procedures drawn from various sources without necessarily subscribing to the theories behind these techniques. Developed by Arnold Lazarus
Negative reinforcement
The termination or withdrawal of an unpleasant stimuli as a result of performing some desired behavior
Operant conditioning
A type of learning in which behaviors are influenced mainly by the consequences that follow them
positive reinforcement
a form of conditioning where by the individual recieves something desirable as a consequence of his or her behavior.
a specified event that strengthens the tendency for a response to be repeated.
an individual belief or expectation that he or she can master a situation and bring about a desired change.
self management
a collection of cognitive behavioral strategies based on the idea that change can be brought about by teaching people to use coping skills in problematic situations such as depression
Self monitoring
the process of observing one's own behavior patterns
skills training
a treatment package used to teach clients skills that include reinforcement and modeling
Social learning theory
a perspetive holding that behavior is best understood by taking into consideration the social conditions under which learning occures
Sustematic desensitization
a procedure based on the principles of classical conditioning in which the client is taught to relaz while imagining an increasing series of anxiety prodicing situations.