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71 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 functions of ribs?
1. protection
2. respiration
3. circulation
How are ribs involved in respiration?
By creation of negative intrathoracic pressure
How are ribs involved in circulation?
Venous and lymphatic return; aided by creation of negative intrathoracic pressure
What is the relationship b/w ribs and nervous system?

- mechanically moving ribs can effect sympathetic chain
What are the 6 postural and respiratory muscles?
1. Scalenes (ant., post., middle)
2. SCM
3. Pectoralis minor
4. Serratus anterior
5. Latissimus dorsi
6. Thoracoabdominal diaphragm
What are the rib locations of anterior and posterior scalenes?
Anterior - 1st rib
Posterior - 2nd rib
What is the rib location of pec. minor?
pec minor - rib 3, 4, 5, ~6
What is the rib location of serratus anterior?
serratus ant - first 9 ribs (usual for 6, 7, 8, 9)
What is the rib location of latissimus dorsi?
lat. dorsi - lower ribs
What plays a major role in rib dysfunction?
Muscle attachments
What are true ribs?
- vertebrosternal ribs
- ribs 1-7
How do true ribs attach?
Via cartilage to sternum
What are vertebrochondral ribs also known as?
- false ribs
- ribs 8, 9, 10
Where do false ribs (8, 9, 10) articulate?
With costocartilage above
Besides vertebrochondral ribs, what are the other kinds of false ribs?
- "floating ribs"
- ribs 11, 12
Floating ribs have no __________ attachments
What are the typical ribs?

Describe shape
- ribs 3-10

- all have similar shapes
Where do the 2 demifacets on rib head articulate?

- articulate w/ two vertebrae

ex. rib 7 articulates w/ vertebrae 7 as well as 6 (the one above)
What are the atypical ribs?
- ribs 1, 2, 11-12
Describe rib 1
- shortest and broadest

- single facet that articulates w/ only one vertebrae, T1
What allows T1, the 1st rib and the manubrium to act as a unit?
- 1st rib's synchonrosis w/ the manubrium
Describe rib 2's attachments
- attached anteriorly at angle of Louis via 2 demifacets
Describe ribs 11 and 12 articulation
- no articulation anteriorly ("floating" ribs)
- one vertebral articulation posteriorly:
Rib 11 - w/ T11 ONLY
Rib 12 - w/ T12 ONLY
Describe the connections of ribs to vertebral bodies (costovertebral joints)
- synovial joints
- articular capsules
- head of ribs 2-10 articulate w/ 2 vertebrae each
Describe the connections of ribs to vertebral transverse process (costotransverse joint)
- connection b/w facets at tip of transverse process and tubercle of rib
Describe the connections of rib 2 to sternum
- rib 2 has a demifacet attached to gladiolus (body) of sternum and 2nd demifacet attaching it to manubrium
Describe the connections of ribs 3-7 to sternum
- ribs 3-7 attach to gladiolus (bodY) of sternum via a synovial joint
During inhalation, what diameters of the rib cage enlarge?
- All 3:

cephalad - caudad
anterior - posterior
right - left (transverse)
What occurs anatomically, during inspiration, that allows an increase in cephalad-caudad diameter?
Thoraco-abdominal diaphragm moves inferiorly
Describe the A-P increase in diameter during inspiration.
During inspiration, the sternum and those ribs attached to it elevate and move further out from the mediastinum as the lungs fill with air
Which ribs are generally considered pump handle ribs?
- ribs 1-5
What is the axis of movement for pump handle ribs?
Axis of movement is through the costovertebral and costotransverse articulations
During inhalation, which diameter of the thorax is increased in the pump handle ribs?

What is this motion analogous to?
- A-P diameter of the thorax

- analogous to flexion/extension
Describe the transverse (L-R) increase in diameter with inspiration
During inspiration, as the lungs fill w/ air, ribs at the lateral-most location move away from the midline
Which ribs are generally considered bucket handle ribs?
- ribs 6-10
What is the axis of movement for bucket hand ribs?
Movement is on an axis through the costotransverse and costochondral articulations
During inhalation, which diameter of the thorax is increased in the bucket handle ribs?

What is this motion analogous to?
- transverse diameter of the thorax

- abduction/adduction
What are ribs 11 and 12 also known as?
Caliper ribs
Describe the attachment of ribs 11 and 12
no anterior attachment
Describe the movement of the caliper ribs
Movement is like a "lobster claw" or ice tong
During inhalation, what diameter of the thorax increases in the caliper ribs?

What is the motion analogous to?
- increase in the transverse diameter (and slightly AP diameter)

- internal/external rotation
Describe the motion of the "in betweens" ribs
- ribs b/w the pump handle predominant and bucket handle predominant share part of each motion, in varying degrees

- all ribs have ALL MOTIONS
What is the mnemonic for the ribs?
PUMP (1-5) water into a BUCKET (6-10) and lift the bucket with CALIPERS (11-12)
How can rib 1 be classified (type of rib)?
50% pump
50% bucket
How can ribs 2-5 be classified (type of rib)?
Predominantly pump handle
How can ribs 6-10 be classified (type of rib)?
Predominantly bucket handle
How can ribs 11 and 12 be classified (type of rib)?
All ribs have _____ motions; but predominantly _______
all; one
What are the 2 types of rib dysfunctions?
Inhalation somatic dysfunctions

Exhalation somatic dysfunctions
What are 2 other ways to name an "inhalation somatic dysfunction"?
1. exhalation restriction
2. "inhaled" rib
What are 2 other ways to name an "exhalation somatic dysfunction"?
1. inhalation restriction
2. "exhaled" rib
Where is the assessment of rib dysfunction done?
lateral chest wall
What must you be careful to do when you move from the anterior to posterior wall?
Be sure you are on the same rib

"bounce" rib on front while monitoring on back
In what 2 states are the assessment of rib dysfunction done?
In inhalation somatic dysfunction, where do the ribs "live"?
in inhalation
In exhalation somatic dysfunction, where do the ribs "live"?
in exhalation
When the rib dysfunction is being assessed statically, how is it described?
Prominent or recessed compared to contralateral side
What physical finding can be found with the dysfunctional rib?
Tender to palpation
When assessing pump handle ribs, where do you want to palpate?
Feel as close to the costosternal junction as possible
What findings will you have during static assessment of the pump handle ribs in inhalation?
- rib will be prominent on front of chest

- inferior border of rib wll be prominent on the front

- rib will be recessed on back of chest
What findings will you have during static assessment of the pump handle ribs in exhalation?
- rib will be prominent on rear of chest

- inferior border of the rib will be prominent on the back

- rib will be recessed on from of chest
During assessment, what position will you find
1. inhaled
2. exhaled
bucket handle ribs?
1. held cephalically in position of inhalation
2. held caudally in position of exhalation
During dynamic assessment, what side is the side of dysfunction?
The side that lacks rib motion infers side of dysfunction (dominance)
Is dysfunction conclusively determined in dynamic or static assessment?
Dynamic motion assessment
What are the 4 things that must be mentioned every time you name a rib dysfunction?
1. side of dysfunction (L vs. R)
2. # of the rib (3, 4, etc)
3. where the rib lives or prefers to be (inhalation or exhalation)
4. predominant type of dysfunction (pump handle or bucket handle)
What are the various findings of ribs 2-10, pump handle predominant, inhalation dysfunction?
- single or multiple
- ant. end moves cephalad on inhalation
- ant. end restricted on exhalation
- ant. narrowing of intercostal space above and widening of intercostal space below
- superior edge of post. angle is prominent
- tenderness at costochondral or costotransverse junction
What are the various findings of ribs 2-10 pump handle predominant, exhalation dysfunction?
- single (usually not multiple)
- ant. end moves caudal on exhalation
- ant end restricted on inhalation
- ant narrowing of intercostal space below and widening of intercostal space above
- superior edge of ant. rib is prominent
- tenderness at costochondral or costotransverse junction
What are the various findings of ribs 2-10, bucket handle predominant, inhalation dysfunction?
- usually single rib, sometimes 2
- pain is prominent at mid-axillary line
- pain usually deep and aching
- rib at mid-axially line is closer to rib above and further apart from rib below
- shaft moves upward on inhalation, does not move caudally during exhalation
What are the various findings of ribs 2-10, bucket handle predominant, exhalation dysfunction?
- usually single rib, sometimes 2
- pain is prominent at mid-axillary line
- pain is usually deep and aching
- rib at mid-axillary line is closer to rib below and further apart from rib above
- shaft moves downward on exhalation, does not move cephalically during inhalation
What are the various findings of inhalation somatic dysfunction in rib 1?
- may be elevated compared to opposite side
- palpatory resistance to springing
- tenderness to palpation at costotransverse junction
- may move superiorly on inhalation
- does not move inferiorly on exhalation
What are the various findings of exhalation somatic dysfunction in rib 1?
- may be depressed compared to opposite side
- no resistance to springing
- tenderness to palaption at costotransverse junction
- may move inferiorly on exhalation
- does not move superiorly on inhalation