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126 Cards in this Set

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a group of individuals of a single species living in the same space
All population share...
3 characteristics:
the distribution of a population includes the size, shape, and location of the area it occupies
the number of individuals per unit area
the total number of individuals, or biomass, of a species in a specified area
small scale
small distances where there is little environmental changes
large scale
areas where there is a lot of environmental change
random population
when individuals in a population have an equal chance of living anywhere within an area, neutral interactions occur
regular population
when individuals live uniformally spaced, antagonist interactions, depletion of resources
clumped population
when individuals are more likely to be found in the same areas as others, caused by attraction between individuals, or attractions to a common resource, social organisms are clumped
rare species are more vulnerable to...
extinction than common species, have combinations of extensive vs. restricted geographic range, broad vs. narrow habitat tolerance, large vs. small population size
geometric population growth
successive generations differ in size by a constant ratio
exponential growth
continuous population growth in an unlimited environment, dN/dt = rmaxN
logistic population growth
as resources are depleted, population rate slows and eventually stops, incorporation of environmental limitations
carrying capacity
(K), the population size when growth stops, birth rates = death rates, growth=0, dN/dt = rmaxN (1-N/k)
limits to population growth
the environment limits population growth by changing birth and death rates, includes density dependent and independent factors
density dependent factors
biotic factors that effect density, ex. disease and predation
density independent factors
abiotic factors that effect density, ex. floods, extreme temperatures
on large scales, individuals within a population are...
clumped, drawn to a common resource or for mating, etc.
population declines with...
increasing organism size
geometric and exponential growth
in the presence of abundant resources, populations can grow at geometric and exponential rates
geometric/discrete time growth
-used for any population with pulsed reproduction
-successive generations differ in size by a constant ratio
-uses lambda
the geometric rate of increase, the ratio of the population size at two points in time, gives the change in population between two points in time
λ = Nt+1/Nt, can be used when generations overlap
to determine population size in the future...
use Nt=N0λ^t N0=initial popn, t= number of time intervals or generations, Nt= number of indivs at time, t
pulse of offspring/discrete breeding season
occurs in annual organisms (lives one year or less), reproduces in one clump, or animals with a set breeding system (birds, amphibians, some fish, some mammals - have overlapping generations)
λ = 1-d+b (+i-e)
b= # births/Nt, d= #deaths/Nt, λ=survivors-d+b (+immigrants-emigrants)
λ>1, λ=1, λ<1
when λ>1, popn increasing, λ=1, popn stable, λ<1, popn decreasing
exponential/continuous growth
in an unlimited environment, continuous growth can be modeled as exponential popn growth, using dN/dt=rmaxN
instantaneous rate of growth, intrinsic rate of popn increase, shows how quickly popn can grow under ideal conditions
rmax>0, rmax=1, rmax<0
when rmax>0, popn increasing, rmax=0, popn stable, rmax<0, popn decreasing
when popn size increases, N, dN/dt...
...gets larger, because rmax is being multiplied by larger and larger numbers
to calculate popn size at a specific time, t: (continuous growth)
Nt=N0e^rmax^t, N0=initial number of indivs., e= base of natural logarithms, t-time in time intervals
logistic population growth
as resources are depleted, popn growth rate slows and eventually stops, creates a sigmoidal/s-shaped curve
in logistic popn growth, the popn ceases at...
...carrying capacity (k)
carrying capacity, k
the number of individuals of a particular popn that the environment can support, birth rates must equal death rates => no growth
four models of discrete-time popn growth
1. monotonic damping
2. damped oscillations
3. stable limit cycles
4. chaos
monotonic damping
an s-shaped model of popn growth, population increases rapidly, slows, and ceases at k, rmax>1
damped oscillations
population rapidly increase, overshoots and undershoots k and then settles off at k, 1<rmax<2
stable limit cycles
popn increases rapidly, cycles between overshooting and undershooting k, alternates between two population size
erratic popn growth and decline, rmax>2.8
time lag
when the popn overshoots k, it uses up resources, the births occurring in one lump and there is a sudden reaction to the lack of resources, always one year, ex: moths
the logistic model accounts for...
...patterns of growth shown by populations as they begin to deplete resources
logistic equation
dN/dt=rmaxN(1-K/N) or (K-N/K), as the size of N gets closer to K, environmental factors increasingly impede further popn growth
the environment limits popn growth by changing...
birth and death rates
density-dependent factors
biotic factors which limit popn growth, ex. disease, predation, resources, food, shelter, density of mates, anything that affects a fixed number of individuals
density-independent factors
abiotic factors that limit popn growth, like storms, high temps, anything that affects a fixed fraction or percentage of the population
an association of interacting species inhabiting some defined area
community structure
includes the number of species, the relative abundance of species, and the kinds of species comprising a community
a group of organisms that all make their living in a similar way, ex: fruit eating birds in the rain forest
species abundance
most species are moderately abundant, few are very abundant or extremely rare (lognormal distribution)
species diversity
a combination of the number of species and their relative abundance
species diversity is defined by two factors
1. the number of species in the community (species richness)
2. the relative abundance of species (species evenness)
Shannon-Wiener Index
helps determine species diversity,
H'= -Σ pi loge pi, H'=value of S-W index, pi=proportion of each species, loge=the natural log of pi, s=the number of species in the community
rank-abundance curves
plots the relative abundance of species against their rank in abundance, to make: determine each H', rank, plot proportion, pi, against rank
species diversity is higher in...
...complex environments
character displacement
process of evolution toward niche divergence due to interspecific competition, causes directional selection
character displacement and niche shifts reduce the strength of...
competition, competition can be a strong selective force
Lotka-Voltera equation
comparing interactions of two species on each other, ex. species a and b dN/dt=rmaxN(K-N/K), N1=K1/α12, N2=K2/α21
factors that prevent popn explosion
-conditions change yearly, λ is not constant, rmax is ideal but doesn't always occur
-predation increase with popn increase
-big die-offs, recoveries, etc.
-disturbance can decrease a popn, when it recovers, disturbance prevents excessive growth
-density-dependence, competition for resources increases as popn size increases, birth and death rates change as popn changes
intraspecific competition is central to density-dependence, why?
density-dependent populations are reliant on resources like food, shelter, etc. and must compete between other species as well as individuals of their own population to get these resources
reproductive effort
the allocation of energy, time, and other resources to the production and care of offspring, usually requires trade-offs
r selection
selection favoring a higher population growth rate
k selection
selection favoring more efficient utilization of resources such as food and nutrients, these species hand out around carrying capacity most of the time (stable environments)
Pianka's life history model says...
most organisms lie between these types of selection and incorporate traits of both r and k, r species (survivorship III), k species (survivorship I and/or II)
reproduction will occur in one event and many offspring will be produced (annual plants, salmon)
repeated reproduction,several reproductive periods throughout the organism's life span
plants that live in disturbed habitats, disturbance may help in competition with other plants
Grime's Triangle
gives four experimental extremes (modeled after plants)
1. low-disturbance, low-stress
2. low-disturbance, high-stress
3. high-disturbance, low-stress
4. high-disturbance, high-stress
stress: environmental conditions which limit growth
disturbance: limit plants by destroying biomass
stress-tolerant plants
live in conditions of high stress and low disturbance, grow slowly, conserve resources, exploit temporary favorable conditions
competitive plants
live in low-disturbance-low-stress environments
Opportunistic, Equilibrium, and Periodic Life Histories (Winemiller and Rose)
-opportunistic- low juvenile survival, low numbers of offspring, early reproductive maturity, maximize colonizing ability (guppies
-periodic- low juvenile survival, high numbers of offspring, late maturity (sunfish)
-equilibrium- high juvenile survival, low numbers of offspring, later reproductive maturity (sharks)
survivorship curves
summarize the pattern of survival in a population, types I, II, and III, most species don't fit these patterns, they simply set boundaries
type I
high juvenile survival, high survival for middle age, high mortality in the aged
type II
constant rates of survival
type III
high mortality in young followed by a relatively high rate of survival
life tables
bookkeeping that lists survivorship and death in populations estimating patterns of survival, two types: cohort and static
cohort life table
uses individuals born at the same time
static life table
uses individuals born at different times, gives a snapshot of survival within a short time period
age distribution
the proportion of individuals of different ages within a population
the number of young born per female in a period of time, ex. number of eggs laid or seeds produced
fecundity schedule
the tabulation of birth rates for females of different ages in a population
net reproduction rate (R0)
average number of offspring/individual in lifetime or generation
stable age distribution
assumes that birth and death rates of each age group are constant
interference competition
direct aggressive interaction between individuals
resource limitation
limited supply of suitable space for territories
intraspecific competition
competition between members of the same species
interspecific competition
competition between individuals of different species, reduces the fitness of both
the release of toxins by a stationary organism (usually plants) to kill off competitors
population effects of competition
both species decrease in population, one is winning but must use more energy/resources to do so = fewer babies, one is losing and has less access to resources=fewer babies
resource partitioning
splitting up resources between two or more competitors or former competitors
niche shift vs. niche expansion
reduction in space vs. increase in space
competitive release
increase in population size with loss of a competitor, often due to niche expansion toward the fundamental niche
unstable coexistance
doesn't really involve coexistance, one species wins (depending on starting conditions)
competitive exclusion
one species out-competes the other and leads them to extinction
priority effect
competitive interaction where the species that gets there first wins
competitive coexistance
the two competitors coexist but there will ALWAYS be competition between them for resouces
exploitative competition
one species takes as much of resource as they can before the other does, ex. plate of cookies
inferior vs. superior competitors
competitor that does not do very well vs. the competitor that does better, these can coexist or the superior will out-compete the inferior
an invading species will move into what kind of niche?
a new species should come into an unused niche, where it has a better chance of surviving, this will cause niche shifts in the natives, decreasing population in these groups due to increased competition
to determine if your plane diagram shows competitive coexistance...
draw growth arrows, if the 'average direction' arrows in the overlapping triangles point towards each other, competitive coexistance is occurring.
limiting similarity
the limit to how similar two species can be and still coexist, to determine this, use the Lotka-Volterra equation
when is it most appropriate to use a life table?
when the population of interest is new and small and they haven't use up all the resources yet
the sum of all fecundity for all ages for a generation
the number surviving at the start of age x
the proportion surviving at the start of age x
the proportion dying at age x
the age specific mortality rate
the total births in a cohort at age x
the age specific birth rate per individual in the population/per capita
the realized fecundity
R0=λ when...
the species is annual, generation time is only one year
generation time
T=Σ(x)lxmx/Σlxmx, where x=age, lxmx=realized fecundity for that age, gives the time between when the mother is having her babies and when her daughter is having her babies
axes on survivorship curves
y=log number of survivors, x=time
annual species
a species that goes through entire life cycle in one year with only one generation per year
perennial species
lives for more than one year, in plants, the vegetation above ground might be different year to year but the bulbs/roots are the same
reproduction per individual (number of births in a litter)
in a discrete time growth model, where can r and k species be found?
r species are found in the fast growth portion of the s-curve, k species hang out around equilibrium
per capita rate of increase, r
r= lnR0/T
r characteristics
small body size, many offspring, early reproductive maturity, fast development, short lifespan, poor competitors disturbance adapted, low juvenile survival, semelparous
k characteristics
large body size, few offspring, late reproductive maturity, slow development, long lifespan, good competitors, stable habitats, stable popn size, high juvenile survival, iteroparous
fundamental niche
the habitat in which an organism might live in the absence of other species
realized niche
the actual niche of a species where distribution is limited by biotic interactions like disease, competition, predation, and parasitism
life history
adaptations of an organism that influence aspects of its biology, such as number of offspring produced, survival, and size and age at reproductive maturity
summarizes environmental factors that influence the growth, survival, and reproduction of a species
in logistic growth, dn/dt slows as population...
increases because the difference between (1-N/K) gets smaller (as it approaches K), when N=K, the right side of the equation becomes zero