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104 Cards in this Set

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management process (4 steps)
planning, organizing, leading, controlling
global market entry strategies (3)
-franchising/ licensing
-global sourcing
steps in ethical desicion making (7)
-recognize issue
-get facts
-evaluate options
-make desicion
take action
steps in analytical problem solving (5)
-identiify problem/ define
-make desicion
4 levels of social responsibility
display of negative beahvior towards members of diverse populations
actively denies minorities full benefits of membership to an org.
OUTPUT measure, of task or goal accomplisment
INPUT measure, cost associated with goal accomplishment
top managers
guide performance of the org. as a whole
middle managers
oversee work of large departments or divisions. work with top managers
team leader
report to middle managers, supervise managerial workers.
line managers
responsible for work that makes a direct contribution to output
staff managers
use special-technical expertise to advise and support line managers
functional managers
responsible for a single area of activity
general managers
responsible for activities covering many functional areas
a manager in a public or nonprofit organization
quality of work life (QWL)
indicator of overall quality of human experiences in the workplace.
high concept
ability to see the big picture, identify patterns
high touch
ability to emphasize and enjoy others in the pursuit of purpose
ethical expectations (5)
-integrity/ ethical leadership
-sustainable development
-natural enviornment protection
-consumer protection
-human rights
effective managers achieve what 2 things?
high-performance results, high levels of satisfaction
who pays special attention to external enviorment
top managers
top managers rely more on what than do line managers?
conceptual skills
to be successfull in new economy requires (2)?
be willing to achieve greater personal competency and acoomplishment, be a self-starter
domestic stage
all production and marketing in home country
international stage
as exports increase, company adapts multidomestic approach.
multinational stage
production and marketing facilities in multiple countries. more than 1/3 sales outside home country
global stage
operates worldwide on borderless basis. based on best cost
global sourcing
purchasing materials around the world for local use
licensing agreement
one firm pays fee for rights to make or sell another companys products
a fee is paid for rights to use another firms name and operating methods.
joint ventures
operates in foreign bountry through co-ownership by foreign and local partners
foreign subsidiaries
local operations completely owned by a foreign firm.
direct investment strategy would be what?
joint venture
what makes major decisions from a global perspective, distributes work worldwide
transnational corp.
utilitarian approach
greatest good for greatest number of people
rights approach
respects and protects rights of all people
justice approach
fair and impartial treatment of people
zone of compliance
econmic- be profitable, legal-obey the law
zone of conviction
ethical-do what is right
discretionary- contribute to community
corporate governance
oversight of top management by an org. by a board of directors.
amoral managers
act unethically, but not intensionally
degree to which other people are treated with dignity and respect
interactional justice
classical desicion model
results in optimizing desicion
behavioral desicion model
results in satisficing desicion
availability heuristic
people use info readily available from memory as a basis for assesing a situation
representative heuristic
people asses the likelihood of something happening based upon its similarity to stereotypes
anchoring and adjustment heuristic
people makes desicions based on adjustments to a previously exisiting value
framing error
tendency to evaulate and resolve a prolbem in the context in which it is percieved- positive or negative
confirmation error
tendency to focus only on info that confirms a desicion already made
escalating commitment
tendency to increase effort and apply more resources to a course of action that is not working
conceptual blocks
mental obstacles that constrain the way problems are defined and limit the number of altenative solutions
using only one way of approaching, defining, or solving prolbems
once committed to a way of solving a problem, one tends to stick with it
looking too narrowly at a problem screeing out too much relevant data, or making assumptions that inhbit problem solution
caused by a lack of questioning or a bias against thinking , fear, ignorance, or jsut plain laziness
generate multiple problem definitions
systematic thinker
appraoches problems in a rational and analytic fashion
evaluating courses of actions includes: (3)
costs, timeliness, ethical soundness
most favorable enviornment for managerial desicion making
certainity, and can be addressed through programmed desicions
personal creativity drivers (3)
creativity skills, task expertise, task motivation
infromation technology faciliates the following (3):
plays a role in CRM, controls costs in SCM, allows outsourcing and other businesses
terminal values
prefernces about desired end states. ex. goals one wants to achieve in life
instrumental values
means to desired ends. how you will achieve goals
moral rights view of ethical behavior
does a desicion of behavior maintain rights of humans?
individualism view of ethics
does it promote one's long-term self interests
utilitarian view of ethics
does it benefit greatest good for the most people?
justice view of ethics
does a desicion or behavior show fairness and impartiality?
procedural justice
the degree to which rules are fairly adminsitered.
distributive justice
the degree to which outscomes are allocated fairly among people (sex, race, age, etc.)
interactional justice
do people treat eachother with dignity and respect?
cultural relativism
the belief that there is no one right way to behave, ethics determined by cutltural context.
if not ok in ones own enviornement, not ok to practice elsewhere either. ex. child labor
ethical imperalism
an attempt to impose one's ethical standards on other cultures.
ethics intensity/ issue intensity
the degree to which an isssue or stituation is recognized to pose important ethical challanges
ethical framework
personal rule/ strategy for making ethical desicions/
Kohlbergs preconventional stage (self-centered behavior)
1- avoid harm or punishment
2-makes deals for personal gains
kohlbergs conventional stage (social-centered behavior)
3- act consistently with peers
4- follow rules, meet obligations
kohlbergs postconventional stage (principle-centered behavior)
5- live up to societal expectations
6- act according to itnernal principlies
immoral manager
chooses to behave unethically.
ethical mindfulness
enriched awareness that leads to consistent ethical behavior
corporate social responsibility
the obligation of an organization to serve its own interests and those of society.
acting to avoid adverse consequences
acting to create positive impact
obstructionist stratgey
focuses mainly on economic priorities. avoids social responsibility
defensive strategy
does minimum legally nessecary to satisfy expectations.
accomodative strategy
accept social responsiblities. tires to satisfy economic, legal, and ethical criteria
proactive strategy
meets all criteria of social responsiblity, includong discretionary performance
foreign direct investement
building, buying all, or buying part ownership of a business in another country
job creation through FDI
sensation thinkers
impersonal rather than personal. like facts, clear goals
sensation feelers
realistic, perfer facts, emphasize both analysis and human relation. sensistive to feelings and values
intuitive thinkers
comfortable with unstructured situations. idealistic. logical, impersonal, avoid details
intutive feelers
insightful, tend to avoid details, value flexibility and human relationships
classical decision model= what kind of decision?
behavioral decision model= what kind of desicion?
satisficing (chooses first satisfactiory decision that comes to ones attention)
bounded rationality
making desicions with constraints, such as little info
accounting manager for a local newspaper would be what kind of manager?
staff manager
plant manager in a mnaufacturing firm would be considered?
line manager
full ownership in foreign country?
foreign subsidiary
places great value on meaning expressed in the written or spoken word
transantional corp tries to operate?
without strong national identity
"ethical imperalism"