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39 Cards in this Set

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Independent variable (IV)

Cause of change in the dependent variable

Dependent variable (DV)

Something to explain or predict- ex. satisfaction or performance


How and why variables are related and conditions which they should or should not be related


Prediction about variables. Positive, negative, and linear (none)

Mediator variable

Explains why


Who is this for?


Someone with an interest


What to say to change views to implement policies

Organizational change

Planned/intentional alterations of org components to improve the effectiveness of the org. These changes can be big or small. (Increasing something thats already done is not org change)

T/F: The target of org change should be considered carefully


What type of people are committed and capable?

Those with a broad perspective on the value of their work and those who are adaptive to change

Change management

How one handles change and follows the flowing-doing path

5 environmental factors to drive change today:







Why does age matter?

It alters medical care and pension needed which affects GDP

Why does diversity matter?

It challenges cultural norms. Diversity is inclusiveness, equity, gay rights, etc

3 macro changes that lead to globalization:

1. Digitalization of info

2. Integration of nation states and opening of initial markets

3. Geographic dispersion of value chain

Change today is more MID LEVEL...explain

It is more incremental but it is not revolutionary

Organizational change can be (5):

1. Episodic/discontinuous- sudden

2. Continuous- ongoing

3. Proactive

4. Planned

5. Programmatic

4 types of org change:

Turning- small changes made on an ongoing basis to improve efficiency. MIDDLE MGT. Implementation-Quality imp

Adapting- small changes made in response to environmental changes. MIDDLE MGT. Implementation-customer complaints

Redirecting/reorienting- major change, planned programs, reposition of the whole org. SENIOR MGT- product change

Overhauling/re-creating- reaction to minor external events from crisis, recreate core values. SENIOR MGT- closures

What 2 types of org change have more impact and are more time consuming than the rest?

Redirecting/reorientation and overhauling/re-creating

Continuous------> ________________




Adaptor is skilled in __________ change

Innovator is skilled in ______________ change



T/F: One who goes through change more often is more prepared to deal with extreme changes


Do planned changes always produce the intended results?


Change implementers

The ones who make it happen

Change initiators

Those who push or encourage change, frame the vision, and provide the support

Change recipients

Those who are affected by change

Change facilitators

Those who assist with change

Change leader/agent

Can take on all roles, be affected, take to others, take action, etc.

8 challenges for mgt in dealing with org change:

1. Action oriented-employees

2. Power to influence

3. Look at transition period as a cost

4. Unable to accurately estimate resources and commitment needed

5. Unaware of their behavior

6. Find managing human processes unsettling

7. Lack of capacity to manage complex changes

8.Ctitical judgement impaired to overconfidence

5 characteristics of successful change leaders:

1. Involved in driving and enabling change-persist but get out of the way when necessary

2. Resistance to change is a problem and an opportunity- resistance can be a good thing in some situations

3. Good change leadership focuses on outcomes but is careful about processes- managing balance

4. Tension between continuing and changing directions-balance

5. Balance patience and impatience

Moderator variable

Focuses on the strength and direction of the change

What are the 3 stage mentioned in Lewins model?

Unfreeze---->Moving----> Freezing (change must be preceded by something an then followed)

5 approaches to gather research:

1. Lab/T groups- interactions and research

2. Actions research/survey

3. Normative approach- human relations and employee involvement

4. Quality of work life- self mgt, discretion

5. Strategic change- planned


Systematic, controlled, empirical, critical study


Based on science, the facts will always win

4 ways data is gathered:

1. Intuition

2. Authority

3. Experience

4. Science

1-3 are the most flawed and science is the most imp and can be biased so it is important to get a 3rd parties opinion

Explain the knowing-doing gap

You must apply what is known

3 requirements for successful change leaders:

Analytical and communication skills and interpersonal involvement