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44 Cards in this Set

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The process of monitoring comparing and correcting work performance

Control process

three step process of meaduring actual performance, comparing performance against a standard, and taking managerial action to correct divisions or to adress inadequate standards

range variation

deviations outside these range need attention.

immediate corrective action

corrects the problem once to get problem back on track

basic corrective action

looks at how and why performance deviated before correcting the source of deviation


end result of an activity

organizational performance

the accumulated result of all organization work activities.


amount of goods or services produced by inputs needed to generate that out put

organizational effectiveness

is the amount of goods or services produced divided by the inputs needed to generate that output.

disciplinary actions

actions taken by a manager to enforce the organizations work standards reguloations

feed forward control

preventing problem before activity

concurrent control

takes place during time when activity accured

management by walking around

in person helping employees

feedback control

takes place after activity. is used the most


test the organizations ability to meet short term obligations


the higher the ratio the more leverage the organization


the higher the ratio the more efficently inventory assets are used


identifies the profits that are generated

management information system

provides managers with information on a regular bassis. idealy on a computer system

balanced scorecard

approach by evaluating organizational performance from more than just the financial perspective. financial, customer, internal and people


searching for the best practises among competitors or noncompetitors that lead to superior performance


standards of exellence which to mesure and compare

employee theft

unauthorized taking of company property by employees for personal use

service profit chain

service sequence from employees to customers to profit

corporate governance

system used to govern a corporation so the interest of corporate owners are protected

enviormental scanning

screening large amount of information to anticipate and interpret changes in the enviorment

competitor intelligence

process by which organizations gather information about their competitors and get answers and get answers to questions such as who and they?


predictions of outcomes

quantitative foresasting

applies a set of mathematical rules to a series of past data to predict outcomes.

qualitative forecasting

uses judgement and options of knowledgeable individuals to predict outcome

time series analysis

fits a trend line to a mathematical equation and projects into the future by means of this equation

regression models

predicts one variable on the basis of known or assumed other variations

economertric models

uses a set of regression equations to simulate segments of the economy

economic indicators

uses one or more indicators to predict a future state of economy

substitution effect

uses mathematical formula to predict how when and under what circumstances a new product or technology will replace an existing one

jury of opinion

combines and averages the oppinions of experts

saleforce composition

combines estimates from field sales personnel of customers expected purchases

customer evaluation

combines estimates from field sales personnel of customers expected purchases

customer evaluation

combines from establishedcustomers purchases


assets of an organization


numerical plan for allocating resources to specific activites


what activies are being done by who, what resources, schedule

gantt chart

made by henry gantt, time horizontal and schedule on vertical

load chart

modified gantt char with activites on vertical axis, load chart list either entire departments or speciific resources