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46 Cards in this Set

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What are Ulrich's 6 HR Compotencies?
1. Strategic Positioner
2. Capability Builder
3. Change Champion
4. Technology Proponent
5. HR Innovator and Integrator
6. Credible Activitst
What is a positive opinion on the future roles of HR?
Become responsible for integration
Responsible for trickiest parts of M&As
responsible for business success
Employee champion
What is a negative opinions on the future role of HR?
even as people and culture are seen as more important, HR professionals are not seen as able to provide the impetus. Relegated to operational roles - with specialist or outsourced providers.
What is your view on the future role of HR?
Humans are too important to leave to HR. Bifurcation of industry with true HR leaders being partnered with the business, and transactional and speciality service being more and more outsourced.
What is Kirkpatrick's Evaluation Model for HR?
Level 1 - evaluate feedback (do they like you?)
level 2 - Evaluate knowledge (What do they know?)
Level 3 - evaluate practices (Doing the right stuff)
level 4 - Results. Tunrover, profit, efficency, engagement, etc.
What are Pfeffer's 7 practices?
1. Employment Security
2. Selective Hiring
3. Self-Managed Teams with decentralised decision making
4. High Compensation, Contingent on organisational performance
5. Extensive Training
6. Reduced Status Distinctions
7. Extensive Information Sharing
What is the structure of Collin's contingent model?
1. External Fit
2. Internal/Business Fit - Strategy
3. Macro Fit
3.1 Structure
3.2 Culture
3.3 Leadership
4. Micro Fit
4.1 Learning,Training and Developmnet
4.2 Rewards and recognition
4.3 Performance Management Systems
4.4 Orientation and Induction
4.5 Employment Branding, Recruitment, Assessment, Selection
4.6 Job Design & Planning
What is the Hewitt model for best employer? (Universal model)
How do you become an "Employer of Choice"?
Improvement (Of self, company, and world)


what is the difference between ER/personnel and SHRM?
ER/Personnel is a standalone activity done as an adminstrative/hygeine factor in the business sepearte from strategic concerns.

SHRm is a pattern of planend deployment of HR activities, by HR or through line managers, to enable the business to achieve it's goals.
What is the definition of "Human Resources"?
Human resources are people. A key resource of the organisation that if properly managed will support capabilites that deliver teh abiliyt to compete in teh market place (RBV)

Human resource management is the policies, practices, systems, and norms that influence the employees attrtacted to, and retained in the org - and their behaviour attitudes and performance once there.
What is the definition of leadership?
A process of an individual influencing a group toward the attainment of desired goals
How is a leadership assessment conducted?
EQ Testing.
Learning Style Inventory
Personality Testing
Engagement Surveys of Staff
How do you turnaround or build leadership?
Train and mentor
Self-managing teams (emergent leadership)
Actively Manage talent pool
encourage delegation to find leadership potential
What are developmental steps for leadership in an organisation?
Create a diversity of leaders
Focus on values??

What is the definition of culture?
How things are done around here
Set of beliefs, values, and behaviour patterns that characterise an organisation
How do you build or change a culture?
Clearly define and state values
Build state of emergency/reason for change
Adjust visible symbols
Re-Align Rewards
Reward modelling of good behaviour
Adjust structure of organisation
Adjust physical space
How do you assess culture?
values audit (ask)
personality test leaders
look for symbols
What is a "values based organisation"?
Where every aspect of the company from it's vision, strategy, and objectives down to the operational decisions of the most junior member is informed by an defined set of values communicated throughout the organisation.
How do you build a "values based organisation"?
Define the values, in a a collaborative manner drawing in as many people as possible
Align the values to what is true, and currently in the organisation
Set the values down in a simple accessible form
Repeat them constantly at every opportunity until they are part of the furniture
Align the strategy and major decision to the values
Reward and recognition should be aligned to the values
What is the definition of organisational structure?
The decomposition of the organisational mission into smaller functions/outcomes, and the lines of accountability and responsibility for delivery for those outcomes. Grouping people into teams.

Actual and on-paper structures may vary.
What is EVP?
The essence of teh employmetn relationship. What's in it for the employee, and what is expected in return.
What is Employment Branding?
Targeted long term strategy to manage awareness and perceptions of employees, potential employees, and stakeholders about the firm (Sullivan)
What are Minvhington's 3 levels of Employment Branding?
1 - Fill jobs. Employer is so good.
2 - engage employees - actively sell company
3 - employees as assets - requires an engagement with whole community, and building corporate reputation
What are two pieces of research that relate to best practice recruitment and selection?
Mental Ability & Conscientioussness most valid general attributes
Standardised Structure/Behavioural interview effective
"Real World" tests, like job
Collect data on outcomes to fine-tune process
Multiple reviewers best to root out bias
What attributes have been found to be most linked with future success? and by which studies?
Mental ability, Conscientioussness (Barrick and Schmidt)
What is the difference between short and long term performance?
Short term is operational efficency. Keeping the machine runnning well and continual marginal improvements. Requires technical skills.

Long term is effectiveness, continually adjusting the mission and objectives to respond to environmental change. Requires general capabilities.
What does the sigmoid curve model tell use about performance management?
That continual short-term improvements can be counter-productive once the environment changes and the previous structure is no longer a "fit" however efficent it is.
What makes a good performance management system? According to which research?
Once that provides employees with a feeling of equity and constructive feedback to imprve their satisfaction adn thus performance.

Clear understanding of aim. Either Strategy Alignment, Development, or support Admin ecision

Not a once a year process - part of ongoing formal discussion

Separate from salary review

HR supports line managers in hard conversations

By objective - low validity - good for strategy alginment
By behaviour - high validity - good for development

360 deg feedback - employees more likely to take on feedback from peers
What does HR do and what do line managers do for performance management?
HR design the system,
administer the processes,
Own the technology platform
Govern the outcomes - escalation
Train managers and employees in use

Managers do the actual performance converations and assessment.
Managers have the conversations (with HR in the room if necessary)
Definition of training, learning and development?
learning - effecting a change in behaviour in observable activitity and internal porcesses

Training giving job related skills/knowledge

Development increase individual effectiveness and overall capacity
What is best practice for training? According to which research? (at lest two)
McBassi - trainings so under-used that supernormal returns on investment available

Pfeffer - Train everyone constantly

60:30:10 learning. 60 on the job - 30 mentoring (link to perf mgmt) 10 formal

"Learning culture" - Open comms and respect ensure learnings embedded in all processes (Virogna)
What are PIaggio's 4 doors of online training?
1. Library - Flat content
2. Playground - Games/Puzzles
3. Cafe - Social
4. Torture Chamber - Assessments
What is Kirckpatrick's model of online training evaluation?
1. Evaluate reactions to training (did you like it?)
2. Learnings (Tell me what you learnt?)
3. Behaviour (Different in practice, new skills)
4. Results (productivity, cost savings, etc)
What is the definiton of reward and remuneration?
Design and implmentation of compensation system to motivate individual to perform behaviours desired by the organisation, e.g.

1. motivate to join
2. Motivate to stay
3. Motivate to high performance (Not acheivable solely by pay)
What are the 4 factors that relate to employee retention?
1. Job Alignment to Employee Values (Does the job suit me?)
2. Organisational/Company Commitment (Does the company suit me?)
3. Employee Engagement with Work (Am I well treated and respected?)
4. External Labour Market
What is best practice for remuneration? According to which research? (At least two)
high satisfaction and engagement can come only from the work itself (Deci, 1975)

Pay top percentile, and give performance pay based on organisational performance (Pfeffer)
What are the 4 roles of HR according to Ulrich?
Strategy - Align HR to strat and business need
Perf Enhance - Work on organisation to impove it's capabilities (Attract, retain, perf mange, train, etc)
Transactions - Hire and Fire. Employee enquiries
Adminstration - Payroll, ongoing OH&S/EEO compliance, etc
What are Messingers? 4 HR compotencies?
Caring about people
What capabilities is the HR function expected to have?
HR Function
HR Programs
HR Team Skills
HR Technologies
What is an HR business partner?
An HR representative embedded with the business functioning in a business unit acting to align the central HR functions to the BU's strategy and needs. Semi account manager.
What metric are approriate for and HR function?
HR metrics must be part of business wide metrics framework - such as balanced score-card or mgmt-by-process KPIs
What items would be appropriate in an HR dashboard for the management and board level?
ROI/per Program business case

Client Feedback
Knowledge -
Behaviours - Turnover, retention, engagement
Outcomes - Profit, Customer Sat,
What is Maslow's hierachy of needs?
What is Hertbergs motivational model?
Things are either "Motivators" or "Hygeine" factors. Motivators push you forward, but "Hygeine" is only affective when sub-par, pushing above a certain point wont help.
What are the 7 key parts of the evp according tot he corporate executive board?
Attraction: Compensation and Org. Stability
Commitment: Manager Quality & Collegial Work Environment
Both: Development Oppurtunities, Future Career Opps, Respect

(Pretty much just Pfeffer..)