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133 Cards in this Set

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group of people working together in a structured and coordinated fashion to achieve a set of goals

possible goals of organization

profit, discovery of knowledge, national defense, coordination of various local charities, social satisfaction.


a set of activities directed at an organization's resources with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an efficient manner.


someone whose primary responsibility is to carry out the management process.
using resources wisely in a cost effective way


making the right decisions and successfully implementing them.

top managers

relatively small group of executives who manage the overall organization. President, vice president, chief executive officer (CEO).

what do top managers do?

create organization's goals, overall strategy, and operating policies. Officially represent the organization.

middle management

largest group of mangers in most organizations. plant manager, operations manager, and division head.

what do middle managers do?

implementing the policies and plans developed by top managers and for supervising and coordinating the activities of lower-level managers.

first-line managers

supervise and coordinate the activities of operating employees. supervisor, coordinator, and office manager. Positions often held by employees who enter mgmt from the ranks of operating personnel.


setting an organization's goals and deciding how best to achieve them.

decision making

part of the planning process that involves selecting a course of action from a set of alternatives.

mgmt process

mgmt involves 4 basic activities- planning and decision making, organizing, leading, and controlling.


determining how activities and resources are to be grouped.


the set of processes used to get members of the organization to work together to further the interests of the organization


monitoring organizational progress toward goal attainment

technical skills

the skills necessary to accomplish or understand the specific kind of work done in an organization

interpersonal skills

the ability to communicate with, understand, and motivate both individuals and groups

conceptual skills

the manager's ability to think in the abstract

diagnostic skills

the manager's ability to visualize the most appropriate response to a situation

communication skills

the manager's abilities both to effectively convey ideas and information to others and to effectively receive ideas and information from others

decision-making skills

the manager's ability to correctly recognize and define problems and opportunities and to then select an appropriate course of action to solve problems and capitalize on opportunities

time mgmt skills

the manager's ability to prioritize work, to work efficiently, and to delegate appropriately


a conceptual framework for organizing knowledge and providing a blueprint for action

classical mgmt perspective

consists of 2 distinct branches- scientific mgmt and administrative mgmt

scientific mgmt

concerned with improving the performance of individual workers


employees deliberately working at a slow pace

administrative mgmt

focuses on managing the total organization

Frederick W. Taylor

developed system of scientific mgmt. introduced time-and-motion studies and performance based pay systems

behavioral mgmt perspective

emphasizes individual attitudes and behaviors and group processes

human relations movement

argued that workers respond primarily to the social context of the workplace

theory x

a pessimistic and negative view of workers consistent with the views of scientific mgmt

theory y

a positive view of workers; it represents the assumptions that human relations advocates make

organizational behavior

contemporary field focusing on behavioral perspectives on mgmt

quantitative mgmt perspective

applies quantitative techniques to mgmt

mgmt science

focuses specifically on the development of mathematical models

operations mgmt

concerned with helping the organization more efficiently produce its products or services


an interrelated set of elements functioning as a whole

open system

a system that interacts with its environment

closed system

a system that does not interact with its environment


a system within another system


two or more subsystems working together to produce more than the total of what they might produce working alone


a normal process leading to system decline

universal perspective

an attempt to identify the one best way to do something

contingency perspective

suggests that appropriate managerial behavior in a given situation depends on, or is contingent on, unique elements in a given situation

Reed Hastings

Netflix CEO. founded in 1998

external environment

everything outside an organization's boundaries that might affect it

general environment

the set of broad dimensions and forces in an organization's surroundings that determines its overall context

task environment

specific organizations or groups that affect the organization

internal environment

the conditions and forces within an organization

economic dimension

the overall health and vitality of the economic system in which the organization operates

technological dimension

the methods available for converting resources into products or services

political-legal dimension

the government regulation of business and the relationship between business and govt


an organization that competes with other organizations for resources


whoever pays money to acquire an organization's products or services


an organization that provides resources for other organizations


a body that has the potential to control, legislate, or otherwise influence the organization's policies and practices

regulatory agency

an agency created by the government to regulate business activities

interest group

a group organized by its members to attempt to influence organizations

strategic partner

an organization working together with one or more other organizations in a joint venture or similar arrangement


whoever can claim property rights to an organization

board of directors

governing body that is elected by a corporation's stockholders and charged with overseeing the general management of the firm to ensure that it is being run in a way that best serves the stockholders' interests


an individual's personal beliefs about whether a behavior, action, or decision is right or wrong

ethical behavior

behavior that conforms to generally accepted social norms

unethical behavior

behavior that does not conform to generally accepted social norms

managerial ethics

standards of behavior that guide individual managers in their work

code of ethics

a formal, written statement of the values and ethical standards that guide a firm's action

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

A law that requires CEOs and CFO's to vouch personally for the truthfulness and fairness of their firms' financial disclosure and imposes tough new measures to deter and punish corporate and accounting fraud and corruption

social responsibility

the set of obligations that an organization has to protect and enhance the societal context in which it functions

legal compliance

the extent to which an organization complies with local, state, federal, and international laws

ethical compliance

the extent to which an organization and its members follow basic ethical standards of behavior

philanthropic giving

awarding funds or gifts to charities or other worthy causes


the disclosure, by an employee, of illegal or unethical conduction the part of others within the organization


making a product in the firm's domestic marketplace and selling it in another country


bringing a good, service, or capital into the home country from abroad


an arrangement whereby one company allows another company to use its brand name, trademark, technology, patent, copyright, or other assets in exchange for a royalty based on sales

strategic alliance

a cooperative arrangement between two or more firms for mutual gain

joint venutre

a special type of strategic alliance in which the partners share in the ownership of an operation on an equity basis

direct investment

when a firm builds or purchases operating facilities or subsidiaries in a different country from the one where it has its headquarters


light assembly plants that are built in northern Mexico close to the U.S border and are given special tax breaks by the Mexican govt


a tax collected on goods shipped across national boundaries


a limit on the number or value of goods that can be traded

export restraint agreements

accords reached by governments in which countries voluntarily limit the volume or value of goods they export to or import from one another

economic community

a set of countries that agree to markedly reduce or eliminate trade barriers among member nations (a formalized market system)

European Union (EU)

the first and most important international market system

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

an agreement between the US, Canada, and Mexico to promote trade with one another

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

a trade agreement intended to promote international trade by reducing trade barriers and making it easier for all nations to compete in international markets

world trade organization (WTO)

An organization, which currently includes 140 member nations and 32 observer countries, that requires members to open their markets to international trade and to follow WTO rules

organizational culture

the set of values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and attitudes that help the organization's member understand what it stands for, how it does things, and what it considers important


a statement if an organization's fundamental purpose

strategic goal

a goal set by and for an organization's top mgmt

tactical goal

a goal set by and for an organization's middle managers

operational goal

a goal set by and for an organization's lower level managers

strategic plan

a general plan outlining decisions about the resource allocation, priorities, and action steps necessary to reach strategic goals

operational plan

a plan that focuses on carrying out tactical plans to achieve operational goals


a comprehensive plan for accomplishing an organization's goal

strategic mgmt

a comprehensive and ongoing mgmt process aimed at formulating and implementing effective strategies; a way of approaching business opportunities and challenges

effective strategy

a strategy that promotes a superior alignment between the organization and its environment and the achievement of strategic goals

distinctive competence

an organizational strength possessed by only a small number of competing firms


when applied to strategy, it specifies the range of markets in which an organization will compete

resource deployment

how an organization distributes its resources across the areas in which it competes

business-level strategy

the set of strategic alternatives from which an organization chooses as it conducts business in a particular industry or market

corporate-level strategy

the set of strategic alternatives from which an organization chooses as it manages its operations simultaneously across several industries and several markets

strategy formulation

the set of processes involved in creating or determining an organization's strategies; it focuses on the content of strategies

strategy implementation

the methods by which strategies are operationalized or executed within the organization; it focuses on the processes through which strategies are achieved


an acronym that stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

organizational strength

a skill or capability that enables an organization to create and implement its strategies

organizational weakness

a skill or capability that does not enable an organization to choose and implement strategies that support its mission

organizational opportunity

an area in the environment that, if exploited, may generate higher performance

organizational threat

an area that increases the difficulty of an organization performing at a high level

differentiation strategy

a strategy in which an organization seeks to distinguish itself from competitors through the quality of its products or services

overall cost leadership strategy

a strategy in which an organization attempts to gain a competitive advantageby reducing its costs below the costs of competing firms

focus strategy

a strategy in which an organization concentrates on a specific regional market, product line, or group of buyers

product life cycle

a model that portrays how sales volume for products changes over the life of products


the number of different businesses than an organization is engaged in and the extent to which these businesses are related to one another

single-product strategy

a strategy in which an organization manufactures just one product or service and sells it in a single geographic market

related diversification

a strategy in which an org operates in several businesses that are somehow linked with one another

unrelated diversification

a strategy in which an organization operates multiple businesses that are not logically associated with one another

portfolio mgmt techniques

methods that diversified organizations use to determine which businesses to engage in and how to manage these businesses to maximize corporate performance

BCG Matrix

a framework for evaluating businesses relative to the growth rate of their market and the org's share of the market

Dogs, cash cows, questions marks, stars

dogs: businesses that have a very small share of a market that is not expected to grow.

cash cows: businesses that have a large share of market that is not expected to grow substantially.

"milked" for $ to support businesses in markets that have greater growth potential)

question marks: business that have only a small share of quickly growing market. Future uncertain.

stars: businesses that have the largest share of a rapidly growing market.

GE business screen

a method of evaluating businesses along two dimensions: (1) industry attractiveness and (2) competitive position; in general, the more attractive the industry and the more competitive the position, the more an organization should invest in a business

tactical plan

a plan aimed at achieving tactical goals and developed to implement part of a strategic plan; an organized sequence of steps designed to execute strategic plans

ex: top managers at Coca Cola and their strategic plan for cementing the firm's dominance of the soft drink industry.

single-use plan

developed to carry out a course of action that is not likely to be repeated in the future


a single-use plan for a large set of activities


a single-use plan of less scope and complexity than a program

standing plan

developed for activities that recur regularly over a period of time


a standing plan that specifies the org's general response to a designated problem or situation


a standard plan that outlines the steps to be followed in particular circumstances

rules and regulations

describe exactly how specific activities are to be carried

contingency planning

the determination of alternative courses of action to be taken if an intended plan is unexpectedly disrupted or rendered inappropriate

crisis mgmt

the set of procedures the org uses in the event of a disaster or other unexpected calamity