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19 Cards in this Set

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What do managers do?
Get things done through other people
What are 4 management functions?
PLANNING (defining goals, ORGANIZATION (who does what), LEADING (motivating, resolving conflicts), CONTROLLING (monitoring, making sure thing get done!)
Explain the three management skills
1. Technical- apply expertise
2. Human- work with people
3. Conceptual-analyze and diagnose complex situations
Explain the interpersonal roles
1. Figure Head- duties of legal/social, symbolic head
2. Leadership- motivating, directing employees
3. Liason- has outside connections
Explain information roles
1. Monitor- serves as nerve center of internal and external info
2. Disseminator- takes outside info and informs employees
3. Spokesperson- speaks to outsiders on plans, polices, actions and results
Describe Decisional Roles
1. Entrepreneur- initates and brings change
2. Disturbance Handler- corrects disturbances
3. Resource Allocator- makes or approves significant decisions
4. Negotiator- represents the organization at major negotiations
What is an independent variable?
The presumed cause of some change in dependent variable
What is a dependent variable?
The key factor that you want to explain or predict and that is affected by some other factor.
Effective vs. Efficient productivity
Effective- the achievement of goals
Efficient- the achievement of goals at low cost
Correlative vs. Experimentation
Correlative- survey research, a test to determine the relationship between two variables
Experimentation- a test done to determine the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable
Define random assignment
An equal chance among participants to be placed in category without bias
Define empowerment
managers must stay positive to give employees confident to continue their work
Define turnover
voluntary and involentary permanent withdrawl from an organization. High turnover rate results in more costs!!!
Forces leading to organizational change
Technological innovation, globalization, changing demographics, diversity, employee empowerment
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)
an employee going above and beyond, attending optional events etc.
Define Classical Conditioning
Unconditioned stimulus produces an unconditional response. Conditioned stimulus produces a conditioned response.
Define operant conditioning/ reinforcement theory
argues the behavior is a function of its consequences
Describe the social learning theory
view that people can learn through observation and direct experience
What is the difference between punishment and negative reinforcement?
Punishment: Do A, get punished, then less likely to do it again
Negative Reinforcement: ex. if you do SALS in class you don't have to do them at home