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57 Cards in this Set

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hierarchy of needs: theory that behavior is determined by a progression of physical, social, psychological needs
specifying people's internal needs: physiological needs, safety, security, love, esteem, self actualization
Theory X: motivated by bottom two levels of heirarchy- phsy. And safety/security.
Mcgregor theory y
Theory y:motivated by top three levels- love, esteem, self act.
Alderfer created- exsistence-phsyiological & safety needs, relatedness- interpersonal safety & esteem and love and growth- self esteem and growth.
Manifest (learned) needs- acheivement, power and affiliation.
two factor theory- People have 2 needs: avoidance of pain (hygiene) and need for pshcyological growth(motivation).
Criticism of 2 factor theory
factors difficult to determine, absence of individual differences (age, sex, social status)
healthy, normal, positive stress.
Equity theory
social exchange process theory of motivation that focuses on the individual-environment interaction. Looks at social processes that influence motivation & behavior.
a person recieves less than they are giving
Adam's theory of inequity
inequity in the social exchange process is an important motivator. People are motivated when they find themselves in these situations.
Equity theory
negative inequity
positive ineq.
Resoloution to ineq.
alter persons outcomes or inputs, alter comparison's outcomes or inputs, change comparisons, rationalize inequity, leave the situation.
New perspectives on Equity theory
Equity sensitive-individual who prefers an eq. ratio equal to that of his or her comparison
individual who is comfortable w. eq ratio less than comparison
wants eq. ratio greater than comparison.
Vroom's Expectancy Theory of Motivation-
cognitive process theory of motivation, focuses on personal perceptions of the performance process.
Components of Expectancy theory:
Valance-value or importance one places on a particular reward. Expectancy- belief that effort leads to performance. Instrumentality- belief that performance is related to rewards.
cultural differences in motivation
effect theories of Maslow, Mcgregor and Herzberg. Different cultures have different values
unconscious prepartion to fight or flee that a person is faced w/ any demand.
adverse psychological, physical, behavioral consequences
4 approaches to Stress
homeostatic/medical: fight or flight (militaristic)Cannon , cognitive appraisal: Lazarus- psycology of stress, person-environment fit: Kahn-social psycology of stress, psychoanalytic:Levinson-ego ideal and self image.
Stress Response
release of chemical messengers, adrenaline, into the blood stream. These activate the sympathetic and endocrine system.
Four mind body changes for fight or flight
1. redirection of the blood to the brain. 2. increased alertness by way of improved vision and hearing. 3. release of glucose and fatty acids into the bloodstream. 4. depression of the immune system.
type A behavior
complex of personality of: competitiveness, time urgency, social status insecurity, agression, hostility, quest for achievements.
personality hardiness
personality resistant to distress and characterized by commitment,control and challenge
self reliance
healthy, secure, interdependent pattern of behavior related to how people form and maintain supportive attachments w. others.
transformational coping
way of managing stressful events by changing them into less subjectively stressful events.
organization stressors
>primary prevention>health risk factors
stress responses
>secondary prevention>asymptomatic disease
>tertiary prevention>symptomatic disease
5 keys to effective communication
Expressive speakers, empathetic listeners, persuasive leaders, sensitivity to feelings, informative managers.
4 levels of verbal contact
affirming contact, paraphrasing expressed thoughts, clarifying implicit thoughts and feelings, reflecting core feelings
nonverbal communication
all elements of communicaton besides speaking
study of an individuals perception and use of space
positive communication
central to health and well being, important aspect of working together, core of personal integrity, emotional competence
information technologies
various new technologies: email, voice mail, used for interpersonal communication.
meaning of work
way a person interprets and understands the value of work as part of life.
traditional approaches to job design
scientific management, job enlargement, job enrichment, job characteristics theory
job enlargement
method to increase number of activities in a job to overcome boredom
job rotation
variation of job enlargement- workers exposed to a variety of specialized jobs over time
cross training
workers trained in different tasks
job enrichment
designing jobs so by incorporating motivational factors into them.
JCM Model
job characteristics model: Core job dimensions, critical psychological states, personal work outcomes
Social information processing:model that suggests that the important job factors depend in part on what others tell a person about a job
process of deciding how to divide the work in an org.
process of coordinating the different parts of an org.
integrate activities up and down the organizational chain of command.
horizontal int.-
mechanisms provide the communication and coordination that are necessary for links across jobs and departments in the org.
machine bureaucracy
moderately decentralized form of organization that emphasizes the technical staff and standardization of work processes
classification scheme for tech: unit, mass, process
alternative to Woodward, for key aspectsL amount of discretion, power of groups to control, level of interdependance, extent to which organizational units
mechanistic structure
organizational design that emphasizes structured activities, specialized tasks and cetralized decision making
organic structure
organizational design that emphasizes teamwork, open communication and decentralized decision making