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25 Cards in this Set

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How does the body convert the intraembryonic coelum into a closed cavity?
From the fusing of somatopleuric and splanchnopleuric mesoderms (both from lateral plate mesoderm)
What structures are secondarily retroperitoneal and how did they come to be?
Organs that once had a mesentary but then lost it by fusing to posterior parietal peritoneum
Pancreas, duodenum, ascending and descending colon
What are the contents of the hepatoduodenal ligament?
Common hepatic duct
Proper hepatic artery
Portal vein
What four structures is the diaphragm formed from?
Septum transversum
Pleuroperitoneal folds
Esophageal mesenchyme
Body wall mesenchyme
Most common site for diaphragmatic herniation?
Left posterolateral area
Failure of fusion of pleuroperitoneal membranes
Pulmonary hypoplasia
From congenital diaphragmatic hernia
How do the esophagus and trachea form?
Respiratory diverticulum
-> esophagotracheal septum
Esophageal atresia (caused by, results in)
Abnormal division of esophagotracheal septum
Fetus is unable to swallow
-> polyhydraminos (excessive amniotic fluid)
Esophago-tracheal fistulas
Esophagus can end in blunt tube or run into trachea
Associated w/ esophageal atresia
Formation of pancreas (3)
Formed from 2 endodermal buds of duodenum: ventral and dorsal
As duodenum rotates, ventral bud moves to below and posterior to dorsal bud
Prox part of dorsal pancreatic duct may remain as accessory duct to duodenum
Formation of annular pancreas (results in?)
Ventral bud splits and wraps around pancreas
Can cause duodenal stenosis
Abnormalities of rotation of midgut (4)
Meckel's diverticulum - remnant of prox yolk sac remains as pouch from ileum
Subhepatic appendix - appendix adheres to liver
Volvolus - intestines bind and twist around mesentary -> necrosis/gangrene
Omphalocele - midgut fails to retract into ab cavity, intestine is only covered by amnion at birth
What are the three stages of kidney development?
Pronephros - from intermediate mesoderm, non-functional, induces:
Mesonephros - opens into cloaca
Metanephros - ureteric bud and metanephric blastema
What are the two main structures that formed the kidney?
Ureteric bud - renal pelvis, calices, collecting duct
Metanephric blastema - nephron
What gives rise to the bladder and urethra?
Urorectal septum partitions cloaca into primitive urogenital sinus and posterior rectum
Primitive urogenital sinus forms urethra and bladder
What instigates male development?
Gonadal sex is determined by testicular determining factor (TDF) on Y chromosome which produces SRY gene
Testes also produce mullerian inhibiting factor to cause regression of paramesonephric duct
Differential duct development in male and female
Males: mesonephric (wolffian)
Females: paramesonephrice (mullerian)
Derivative: paramesonephric duct
Female: uterine tubes, uterus, cervix, superior 2/3 of vagina
Male: appendix testes
Derivative: mesonephric duct
Female: Gartner's duct -> cysts
Male: Epidydimis, ductus deferens, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory duct
Derivative: mesonephric tubules
Female: epoopohoron, paraoophoron
Male: efferent ductules
Derivative: urogenital folds
Female: labia minora
Male: penile raphe
Derivative: labioscrotal folds
Female: labia majora, mons pubis
Male: scrotum, scrotal raphe
Derivative: phallus
Female: clitoris
Male: glans of body of penis
Derivative: gubernaculum
Female: ovarian ligament
Male: gubernaculum testes
Hypospadius (epispadius)
Failure of urogenital tubes to fold properly in males
Opening of urethral orifice on ventral surface of glans penis
Epispadius - dorsal opening