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53 Cards in this Set

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Formation of need blood vessels from pre-existing vasculature
De novo formation of new blood vessels from angiogenic precursor cells during development
Stages of wound healing (7)
Injury -> hemostasis -> provisional matrix -> inflammation -> apoptosis -> angiogenesis -> re-epithelialization
Angiogenic switch
Tumors are dormant until angiogenesis is turned on
What effect does tumor removal have on angiogenesis?
Primary tumors secrete metalloproteinases that cleave plasminogen
Secreted by primary tumors to inhibit angiogenesis
Pressures in cardiac chambers
Atria - 5
RV - 25/0 (low because of high lung resistance)
LV - 120/0
Cardiac output
Total volume of blood thru systemic and pulmonary circulation
Relationship b/w velocity, flow, x-sectional area
V = Q/A
Q is constant
Velocity is greater in tubes with lower A
Capillaries have highest A, so velocity of blood is slow there giving time for gas exchange
Mean arterial pressure
(sys - dias)/3 + dias
Poisseuille's law
Radius has a fourth power effect on Q
Small increase in radius -> large increase in flow
Swan-Ganz catheter
Analyze right side of heart
Insert catheter into venous system and inflate balloon at end of vena cava
Measures: RA, RV, PA, pulmonary capillary pressures
Pulmonary wedge pressure = left atrial pressure
Left ventricular catheter
Insert into femoral artery -> aorta pressure-> LV pressures
P wave
Depolarization of right and left atria
Causes atrial contraction
Q wave
Early ventricular septal depolarization
Left bundle depolarizes (is negative first), so positive end of dipole is on right, closer to the negative electrode
R wave
Depolarization of major portions of ventricular walls
S wave
Depolarization at ventricular bases
T wave
Repolarization of ventricles
Proceeds in reverse direction of repolarization: from apex to base
What causes the pause between atrial and ventricular contraction?
At AV node, cells get narrower
Conduction velocity decreases w/ decreasing lambda which is a function of diameter
Allows for ventricular topping off
Which ventricle depolarizes first?
Left wall is thicker so this allows for more time for it to depolarize so both ventricles contract at the same time
When and how do pacemaker cells depolarize?
Spontaneously during diastole
Don't need ANS innervation
Ionic basis of pacemaker potential
Phase 4 depolarization is due to decrease in K+ permeability
Dominant inward current is by Ca NOT Na
Pacemaker potential phase 4
Resting phase in cardiac cells
Parasympathetic heart rate regulation
Ach increases K+ conductance leading to hyperpolarization so that it takes longer for phase 4 depolarization to reach threshold
SLOWS heart rate
Sympathetic heart rate regulation (5)
NE binds beta1 receptors
-> increase in intracellular Ca
-> decreased conductance in Ca-sensitive K channel
-> increased depolarization rate during phase 4
-> INCREASES heart rate
Ionic basis of non-pacemaker myocardiocyte (phase 0-4)
Phase 0 -Like neurons, increased Na conductance upon threshold causes depolarization
Phase 1 - partial repolarization due to K+ channel opening
Phase 2 - plateau due to K+ channel closing and voltage-gated Ca channel opening
Phase 3 - repolarization by Ca channel inactivation and K channel activation
Phase 4 - resting potential maintained by K+ channels
Consequence of non-pacemaker cell plateau phase
Prolonged action potential and plateau phase protects against tetanus
Critical for allowing ventricles to relax and fill
Conducting vs respiratory zones
Conducting: major piping
Respiratory: alveoli where gas exchange occurs
Tidal volume
Amount of air normally displaced between inspiration and expiration, with no extra force exerted
Minute ventilation
Respiratory rate x tidal volume
Anatomic dead space and alveolar ventilation
Air that does not reach the alveoli for gas exchange
Eg: tidal volume - dead space = volume of air that actually is ventilated
V_A = respiratory rate x this volume that reaches alveoli
Two factors that increase tendency for lungs to collapse
1/3 from elastic recoil property of lungs
2/3 from alveolar surface tension
Law of LePlace (what happens to surface tension as alveoli get smaller?)
Pressure to keep a sphere inflated = 2xSurfaceTension / radius
As alveoli deflate, more pressure is required to prevent them from deflating, so tendency to deflate increases
Function of surfactant
Amphiphilic molecule that separates water molecules
Lowers surface tension, reducing pressure needed to keep alveoli expanded
Lung compliance
Change in volume as transmural pressure changes
At low volumes, compliance is low due to high alveolar surface tension
As alveoli expand, compliance goes up
Inspiratory/Expiratory reserve volumes
Volume of air that can be inspired or expired beyond the normal tidal volume
Vital capacity
Max air moved by IRV + ERV
( = IRV + ERV + TV
Residual volume
Volume of air that remains in lung after expiratory reserve volume is expired
Functional residual capacity
How to calculate residual volume?
Helium dilution method
C1XV1 = C2XV2
FEV1/FVC (normal?)
FEV1 = volume of air expired forcefully in first second
FVC = full vital capacity
FEV1/FVC measures the % of vital capacity that can be expired in one second
Normal = 80%
Hypoxia in pulmonary circulation
Pulmonary vessels constrict in response to hypoxia to divert flow from poorly ventilated alveoli
PO2 of mixed venous blood vs pulmonary veins (arterial)
Mixed venous - 40
Pulmonary veins - 100
PCO2 of mixed venous blood vs pulmonary veins
Mixed venous - 46
Pulmonary veins - 40
Alveolar pressures
Pretty much same as arterial
PCO2 - 40
PO2 - 105
(venous blood approximates tissue concentrations)
Calculating dissolved oxygen content of blood
solubility coefficient X partial pressure = 1.5% total O2 in blood
What shifts the Hb-O2 curve to the right (why?)
Right shift means that a given partial pressure, Hb is less saturated which means more dissolved O2 can be given up to tissues
Higher temp
More CO2
Lower pH (from CO2 production -> lactic acid)
More 2-3 DPG
Hb oxygen saturation in arterial vs venous blood
Arterial - 100%
Venous - 75%
So about one O2 is given up to tissue
How is CO2 transported in blood? (3)
Dissolved (CO2 has higher solubility than O2)
Bicarbonate (majority, formed in RBC from carbonic anhydrase)
Carbamino compounds (bound to Hb at protein side chains, does not compete w/ O2)
Haldane effect
[O2] affects Hb-CO2 binding
High O2 (in alveoli) causes unloading of CO2 from Hb
Low O2 (tissue capillaries) causes binding of CO2 to Hb
Ventilation perfusion ratio and regional distribution
Ideally = 1, rate of bringing air in equals (V_A) rate of perfusion of alveoli
V/Q > 3 at apex
V/Q ~ .6 at base
In prone position they are more uniform
Regional distribution of ventilation
Alveoli are stretched out at lung apex because lung settles at base and pulls apex away from chest wall
Stretched alveoli have lower compliance so less air is drawn in
V @ apex < V @ base
Regional distribution of perfusion
Capillaries at apex are compressed by expanded alveoli
Q @ apex < Q @ base