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31 Cards in this Set

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the scientific method
abstract concept that refers to the ways in which questions are asked and the logic and methods used to gain answer
2 important characteristics of the scientific method are
reliance on an empirical approach and skeptical attitudes
science occurs in 3 contexts
historical, social-cultural and moral contexts
empirical approach
direct observation and experimentation
a potential source of bias in which we attempt to understand the behavior of individuals in a different culture through the framework or views of our own culture
thinking like a research
think skeptically, converge evidence across many studies, form a research hypo, take a multimethod approach
problems with research in the media
not always good research
something can be lost in the translation
tentative explanation for a phenomena
description v. inferences
dont make inferences too quickly
validity v. reliability
refers to the truthfulness of a measure
is indicated by its consistency
hypotheses are not testable when
not adequately defined
circular hypothesis
appeals to ideas not recognized by science
goals of the scientific method
describe, predict, explain, apply
the procedures used to define, classify, catalogue, or categorize events and their relationships
nomothetic appraoch
try to establish broad generalizations and general laws that apply to a diverse population
using the nomothetic approach appreciates the differences but also
emphasizes similarities rather than differences
experimental research differs from descriptive and predictive (correlational) research because
the high degree of control scientists seek in experiments
causal inference requires 3 conditions
covariation of events, time-order relationship, elimination of alternative causes
when 2 potentially effective iv are allowed to covary simultaneously making it impossible to determine what variable is responsible for any obtained difference
logically organized set of props that serve to define events, describe relationships among these events, and explain the occurrence of these events
intervening variables
go btw the iv and dv
i.e. thirst
std sections of APA style
why APA
expression about how manipulation of variable has an effect on another
-declarative sentence
scientific method
ask q's
construct hypothesis
test predictions (make a test, conduct a study)
analyze data
predictions supported?
when should you use since?
if it refers to time
when should you use while?
when linking events occurring simultaneously
when should page numbers be used in parenthetical citations?
specific parts of a source
running head format
flush to the left at the top of the title page in all uppercase letters
replace he/she with
an article
replace stroke victim
person with disability
form concepts that are specific and measurable and concrete