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12 Cards in this Set

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Identify the basic tissue compartments that play key roles in metabolic interconversions in the body.
- brain/neural tissue
- skeletal muscle
- heart/cardiac muscle
- adipose tissue
- liver
- other peripheral tissues
Briefly describe the unique characteristics of each compartment that plays a key role in metabolic interconversions, in terms of those metabolic interconversions.
- brain/neural tissue - high/constant e demand; fuel stores:none; preferred fuel: glucose(ketone bodies during starvation); no fuel sources exported
- skeletal muscle
-- (resting): fuel stores:takes up glucose using GLUT4 as a transporter that is upregulated by insulin to make and store glycogen; preferred fuel; FAs; no fuel sources exported
-- (excercise): no fuel stores; preferred fuel: glucose; fuel sources exported: lactate (used in liver or cardiac muscle)
- heart/cardiac muscle - no fuel stores so O2 deficit causes eschimia and infarct; preferred fuel: FAs, but can use lactate; no fuel exported
- adipose tissue - fuel stores:triglycerides; preferred fuel: FAs Fuel exports: FAs and glycerol (breaks TGs down to FAs and glycerol, which goes to liver for gluconeogenesis)
- liver - fuel stores: glycogen, triglycerides; focal point; Preferred fuel: anything - AAs, glucose, FAs; can store a lot of glycogen; Fuel exports: FAs, glucose, ketone bodies
- other peripheral tissues - what they use depends on insulin/glucagon ratio (either rely on glucose in blood or oxidative metabolism of FA for e)
Identify the two distinct metabolic states of the body and tell when each would normally occur.
- absorptive (fed) state - when ingested nutrients are entering the blood stream (4hrs)
- postabsorptive state - afterwards, till you eat again; fasting state
Describe how CHO, fats and proteins are utilized during the absorptive and the postabsorptive states.
- Absorptive
-- CHO - major fuel for all body cells; liver and skeletal musc. store it as glycogen; liver and adipose tissue package excess as TG/fat
-- AAs - protein synthesis; excess is deaminated in liver, forms keto acid, which enters Kreb's cycle or is used for FA synthesis
-- FAs - can take FAs out of micells and make TG
- Postabsorptive state:
-- glucose and FA are meeting the e needs
-- glycogenolysis in liver: break down glycogen to form glucose
-- gluconeogenesis in liver: after 4-6 hours, uses pyruvic and lactic acid to make glucose; after long fast main export is ketones
-- glycolysis in skeletal muscle
-- ketogenesis in liver: FAs turned into keto acids - generates ATP
Identify the normonal and neural regulation during the absorptive and the postabsorptive states.
- Insulin:primary regulator; triggered by rising blood glucose levels(above 100 mg/dl), elevate plasma AAs, GI tract hormones (GIP, gastrin, CCK), parasympathetic activity (activates the pancreas)
- thyroxine - stimulates gluc. uptake and protein synthesis; stimulates BMR
- testosterone/androgens
- growth hormone
Postabsorptive state:
- insulin secretion dec.
- glucagon secretion inc. - main effect in liver; stimulates glycogenolysis, ketogenesis, gluconeogenesis; effect in adipose tissue: lypolysis
- SNS - releases epinephrine; intensifies glucagon's influence; stimulates lypolysis
- cortisol - intensifies glucagon's effect
- growth hormone - anti-insulin effects
What is the primary regulator of metabolic events during the absorptive state?
- Insulin
List insulin's metabolic effects
- enhances glucose uptake
- inc. AA uptake and protein synthesis
- inc. glycogenesis
- inc lipogenesis/dec lypolysis (in adipose tissue)
- inc TG synthesis/dec. ketogenesis (in liver)
Why is it important to maintain a homeostatic plasma glucose level?
- the brain constantly needs e but has no stores of it
- it only uses glucose, or ketones if need be
- because of the blood/brain barrier can't use FAs etc
Describe the regulation of metabolism during the postabsorptive state.
- the metabolism is geared toward either making glucose available in the brain, or sparing glucose for use by organs that need it most (esp. the brain)
- insulin secretion dec.
- glucagon secretion inc. - main effect in liver; stimulates glycogenolysis, ketogenesis, gluconeogenesis; effect in adipose tissue: lypolysis
- SNS - releases epinephrine; intensifies glucagon's influence; stimulates lypolysis
- cortisol - intensifies glucagon's effect
- growth hormone - anti-insulin effects
In what ways does liver metabolism help in maintaining normal blood glucose levels.
- when glucose is low, glycogenolysis happens in the liver; gluconeogenesis in the liver using pyruvic and lactic acid to make glucose; after 6 hrs, makes mostly ketones
- when glucose is high; stimulated by insulin to take up glucose, and make glycogen; can store a lot
Compare/contrast the metabolic profile of skeletal muscle under the following conditions:during rest vs. esertion; absorptive state vs. postabsorptive state.
R vs E - R: takes up glucose, builds glycogen; uses GLUT-4 to take it up, e needs met by FAs; E - e need met by glucose; glycogenolysis; slow twitch uses FA more than fast twitch can; generates pyruvic acid/lactate (which can be used in liver/cardiac muscle)
A vs. P-A: A - similar to the resting state; P-A - glycolysis used, so that glucose can be spared
the glucose transporter in skeletal muscle
- upregulated by insulin - insulin binds to receptor, causes it to be translocated to the cell membrane and to start taking up glucose out of the blood